Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20221010
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Dialuna 10 OctOber 2022
Residents allowed to return to Florida island slammed by Ian
FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) ricane Katrina, which left
— Residents were allowed about 1,400 people dead, and
to return to a coastal is- Hurricane Sandy, which had
land that was decimated a total death count of 233
by Hurricane Ian on Sat- despite weakening to a tropi-
urday with a warning cal storm just before it made
from the governor that U.S. landfall.
the disaster isn’t over.
State officials have reported
Many of the homes still 94 storm-related deaths in
standing on Estero Island Florida so far and most were
lack basic services, so porta- in Lee County, which in-
ble restrooms, hand-washing cludes the Fort Myers area
stations, shower trailers and and nearby Gulf Coast is-
other essentials were trucked lands including Estero.
in for residents who want to
stay, Gov. Ron DeSantis said was done, residents lined up clear roads.
at a news conference. Debris and were allowed to return
still has to be removed before on buses. With handmade signs all over
rebuilding can begin. the area warning that looters
Shana Dam went to see what will be shot by homeowners,
“There’s a lot more to do, was left of her parents’ house. Lee County Sheriff Carmine
and really some of the hard- Marceno said only nine such
est stuff is still ahead of us,” “It’s gone,” she told the Fort theft cases had been reported.
DeSantis said. Myers News-Press. “It’s just
gone.” Ian, a high-end Category 4
While residents were initially storm with maximum sus-
allowed back on the island Just getting around the is- tained winds of 155 mph
after the storm, officials shut land, home to most of Fort (249 kph) at landfall, was the
down access to allow teams to Myers Beach, is difficult be- third-deadliest storm to hit
finish searching the wreckage cause of storm debris, but the mainland United States
building by building for pos- heavy equipment was used to this century behind Hur-
sible victims. Once the work
Teen, 15, arrested in shooting at amusement park that hurt 3
WEST MIFFLIN, Pa. (AP) opening night of the park’s the scene indicated that there
— A 15-year-old has been Phantom Fall Fest. were two guns fired, one of
arrested in last month’s them by the teenager arrested.
shooting at a western Park officials said the late He himself was also grazed
Pennsylvania amusement Saturday night shooting fol- on the thigh by a bullet, and
park that wounded three lowed an altercation between authorities are searching for a
people, including two two groups of teenagers near second suspect, which Chris-
teenagers. the Musik Express ride at the topher Kearns, the county
park in West Mifflin, south- police superintendent, said is
Allegheny County and West east of Pittsburgh. A 39-year- “most likely” a juvenile.
Mifflin police said last week old man and two 15-year-old
that the teenager is being boys were taken to hospitals Kennywood closed for the
charged as an adult with ag- with leg wounds, authorities day after the shooting and
gravated assault, reckless said. announced new security
endangering and firearms measures including more
crimes in the Sept. 24 gunfire Investigators said last week police, more security along
at Kennywood Park on the that evidence recovered at perimeter fences, limits on
bag sizes and masks cover-
ing faces and requiring adult Authorities said they believe
chaperones for all juveniles at the gunfire stemmed from
all times during the Fall Fest, a feud between two groups
scheduled to run until mid- of teenagers that has led to
October. scores of shootings in several
Mon Valley communities.
Kearns said it remains unclear Victor Joseph, county police
how the weapons got into the assistant superintendent, cit-
park, and investigators are ed 55 calls for shots fired in
still looking at the possibility Duquesne and Homestead,
that the weapons were tossed the communities of the rival
over the park fence or car- groups.
ried by someone jumping the
fence. Officials said they are “We all know that this is a se-
cutting down trees along the rious problem,” Joseph said.
perimeter fence to improve “The people who live in these
visibility and installing new communities know how seri-
floodlights and security cam- ous it is. People who have lost
eras to completely cover the loved ones due to gun vio-
fence line. They also vowed lence and incarceration know
to “significantly” increase se- how devastating it is.”
curity patrols.