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A30     world news
                  Dialuna 10 OctOber 2022

                           Families leave offerings for children slain at Thai day care

                                                                      grief.                       stranded  in  the  place  where  and money problems.
                                                                                                   the person perished and must
                                                                      “I am trying not think about  be reunited with the body be-  The  attack  has  left  no  one
                                                                      horrible  images  and  focus  fore eventual rebirth.      in the small community un-
                                                                      on how lovely he was. ... But                             touched,  and  brought  inter-
                                                                      I don’t know what I will do                               national  media  attention  to
                                                                      with  myself  once  this  is  all  Police identified the attacker  the  remote,  rural  area.  Thai
                                                                      over,” she said. “I am deter-  as Panya Kamrap, 34, a police  authorities  on  Sunday  fined
                                                                      mined  that  I  will  try  let  go  sergeant fired earlier this year  two  CNN  journalists  for
                                                                      of this, that I won’t hold any  after  being  charged  with  a  working  in  the  country  on
                                                                      grudge  against  the  perpetra-  drug offense.            tourist visas but cleared them
                                                                      tor and understand that all of                            of  wrongdoing  for  enter-
                                                                      these will end in this life.”  An employee at the day care  ing the day care center, say-
                                                                                                   told Thai media that Panya’s  ing  they  had  filmed  inside
                                                                      At Rat Samakee temple, fam-  son  had  attended  the  cen-  believing  they  had  obtained
                                                                      ily  members  sat  in  front  of  ter but hadn’t been there for  permission.
                                                                      the  tiny  coffins  while  Bud-  about  a  month.  Police  have
            UTHAI  SAWAN,  Thai-         police  officer  who  stormed   dhist monks chanted prayers.  said  they  believe  Panya  was  Mass killings in Thailand are
            land  (AP)  —  Families  of-  the building killed two dozen   They  placed  trays  of  food,  under  stress  from  tensions  rare but not unheard of.
            fered  flowers  and  dolls,  people at the day care before   toys and milk along the out-  between  him  and  his  wife,
            popcorn  and  juice  boxes  taking more lives as he fled,   side of the temple walls as of-
            to  children  massacred  at  including his wife and child,   ferings to the spirits of their
            a day care center in Thai-   police  said.  He  then  killed   slain children.
            land,  part  of  a  Buddhist  himself.
            ceremony  held  Sunday                                    Later, they headed to the day
            just paces from where the  Ceremonies were held Sun-      care  center  and  gathered  in
            slaughter  began  that  was  day  at  three  temples,  where   front  of  a  makeshift  memo-
            meant to guide the young  the bodies of the 36 victims    rial there to receive the slain
            souls back to their bodies.  —  mostly  preschoolers  —   children’s  belongings.  They
                                         were  taken  ahead  of  funeral   made offerings of their kids’
            The gun and knife attack on  rites and cremation on Tues-  favorite foods and lit incense
            the  Young  Children’s  De-  day.                         and candles as they implored
            velopment  Center  in  Uthai                              the children’s souls to return
            Sawan was Thailand’s deadli-  Maneerat  Tanonethong  —    to their bodies.
            est mass killing, and it robbed  whose  3-year-old  Chaiyot
            the  small  farming  commu-  Kijareon was killed at the day   Many Buddhists in Thailand
            nity  of  much  of  its  young-  care  center  —  said  the  ritu-  believe that in cases of unnat-
            est  generation.  The  former  als were helping her with her   ural death, the soul becomes

                          Ukraine nuclear plant reconnected to grid after line was cut

             BERLIN  (AP)  —  An                                                                                                hodar, the IAEA added.
             external  power  line  to
             Ukraine’s  Zaporizhzhia                                                                                            Zaporizhzhia  is  one  of  four
             nuclear power plant — the                                                                                          regions in Ukraine that Rus-
             biggest  in  Europe  —  was                                                                                        sian President Vladimir Putin
             repaired  on  Sunday  after                                                                                        has  annexed  in  violation  of
             shelling  disconnected  the                                                                                        international laws.
             facility from the grid and
             forced it to resort to emer-                                                                                       Putin   signed   a   decree
             gency  diesel  generators,                                                                                         Wednesday  declaring  that
             the  U.N.  nuclear  watch-                                                                                         Russia  was  taking  over  the
             dog said.                                                                                                          nuclear plant. Ukraine’s For-
                                                                                                                                eign Ministry called it a crim-
             The  International  Atom-   but  operated  by  Ukrainian  nian-held  provincial  capital  plant on Monday, the agency  inal act and said it considered
             ic  Energy  Agency  said  the  employees.  All  six  reactors  of Zaporizhzhia.       said.  The  site  currently  has  Putin’s  decree  “null  and
             750-kilovolt  line  was  recon-  at the site are shut down but                        diesel  reserves  for  about  10  void.” Ukraine’s state nuclear
             nected to the plant on Sun-  they  still  require  electricity  “Almost every day now, there  days.  Separately,  a  supply  of  operator,  Energoatom,  said
             day evening following repair  for  cooling  and  other  safety  is shelling in the region where  diesel  provided  by  the  Rus-  it would continue to operate
             work  by  Ukrainian  engi-  functions.                   the  Zaporizhzhia  nuclear  sian  state  nuclear  company  the plant.
             neers. That enabled the plant                            power  plant  is  located  and  Rosatom has arrived in Ener-
             to start switching off the gen-  Grossi has spent weeks push-  where the plant workers and
             erators that had kicked in to  ing for the establishment of a  their  families  live,”  he  said.
             provide  it  with  power  after  “nuclear  safety  and  security  “The shelling must stop, im-
             the line — its last connection  protection zone” around the  mediately.  It  is  already  hav-
             to  the  grid  —  was  cut  early  plant. He says he will travel  ing an impact on the nuclear
             Saturday.                   to Russia and then see Ukrai-  safety  and  security  situation
                                         nian  President  Volodymyr  at the plant.”
             IAEA  Director-General  Ra-  Zelenskyy in an effort to re-
             fael  Grossi  tweeted  that  the  alize that plan.       Ukrainian operating staff told
             reconnection  was  “a  tempo-                            IAEA experts that a convoy of
             rary relief in a still-untenable  Grossi  condemned  attacks  five trucks carrying “vital ad-
             situation.”                 “in areas that could affect the  ditional  diesel  fuel  supplies”
                                         safety  and  security”  of  the  is currently in the city of Za-
             The  plant  has  been  held  by  plant,  including  in  nearby  porizhzhia and plans to cross
             Russian  forces  for  months,  Enerhodar and in the Ukrai-  the  front  line  to  reach  the
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