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                Saturday 4 February 2023

             Ally claims Bolsonaro plotted coup to block Lula presidency

            By ELÉONORE HUGHES and                                                                                              to the growing list of woes
            MAURICIO SAVARESE                                                                                                   for  Bolsonaro,  who  is  al-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ready  under  investigation
            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —                                                                                           for  his  possible  role  in  his
            A  Brazilian  magazine  on                                                                                          supporters’  uprising  in  the
            Thursday  released  audio                                                                                           Brazilian capital on Jan. 8.
            of a senator claiming then                                                                                          Bolsonaro  cast  doubt  on
            President  Jair  Bolsonaro                                                                                          the nation’s electronic vot-
            sought help in a plot to an-                                                                                        ing  system  for  months  in
            nul  the  October  elections                                                                                        the  lead-up  to  the  elec-
            and keep himself in power.                                                                                          tion,  and  he  then  refused
            In the recording, Sen. Mar-                                                                                         to  concede  defeat.  His
            cos do Val tells the maga-                                                                                          die-hard  supporters  have
            zine Veja that the idea was                                                                                         accused de Moraes of rig-
            discussed when he met with                                                                                          ging  the  election  in  Lula’s
            Bolsonaro  and  lawmaker                                                                                            favor,  without  offering  any
            Daniel Silveira on Dec. 9 at                                                                                        evidence, and of overstep-
            the  presidential  residence,                                                                                       ping his authority by block-
            three  weeks  before  leftist                                                                                       ing social media accounts
            Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was                                                                                       and  ordering  allegedly  ar-
            set to take office.                                                                                                 bitrary  arrests  and  search-
            Do  Val,  who  was  an  ally                                                                                        es.
            during  Bolsonaro’s  four-                                                                                          Suspicions  of  a  coup  plot
            year term, said the far-right   Protesters, supporters of Brazil’s former President Jair Bolsonaro, stand on the roof of the National   increased   after   police
                                         Congress building after they stormed it, in Brasilia, Brazil, Jan. 8, 2023.
            leader  gave  him  the  “mis-                                                                     Associated Press   searching the home of Bol-
            sion”  of  recording  Alexan-                                                                                       sonaro’s former justice min-
            dre de Moraes, a Supreme  of  his  comments,’”  do  Val  its  story  that  the  plot  had  ida  since  Dec.  30,  did  not  ister  found  a  draft  decree
            Court  justice  who  also  quotes Bolsonaro as saying.    been  Silveira’s  idea  and  comment  on  the  matter  that  would  have  seized
            heads Brazil’s electoral au-  Veja  released  the  audio  that  the  former  president  on any of his social media  control  of  the  electoral
            thority,  while  trying  to  get  in  response  to  denials  the  hadn’t  said  a  word  during  channels.  He  recently  ap-  authority  and  potentially
            the judge to admit he over-  senator issued following the  the meeting.                plied for a six-month tourist  overturned  the  election.
            stepped  his  powers  under  magazine’s  report  Thurs-   Later  Thursday,  de  Moraes  visa to stay in the U.S.    The  origin  of  the  unsigned
            the constitution.            day  morning  about  the  ordered  the  Federal  Po-      Contacted  by  The  Associ-  document is unclear, and it
            “’I annul the election, Lula  purported  plot,  which  had  lice to take do Val’s sworn  ated Press, Bolsonaro’s law-  remains unknown if Bolson-
            isn’t  sworn  in,  I  stay  in  the  not cited him as its source.  testimony  within  five  days.  yer  Frederick  Wassef  de-  aro or his subordinates took
            presidency and arrest Alex-  Do  Val  told  reporters  after  Bolsonaro,  who  has  been  clined to comment.        any steps to implement the
            andre de Moraes because  the  magazine  published  keeping a low profile in Flor-      The  alleged  meeting  adds  measure.q

            UN rights chief concerned about Israel’s moves amid violence

             By JAMEY KEATEN             of a recent spike in blood-  hatred,  and  to  shun  vio-  Palestinians    most  of  them  sures  being  taken  by  the
             Associated Press            shed in the region.          lence.  “Rather  than  dou-  militants  but also a 61-year-  government  of  Israel  are
             GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. hu-  Volker Türk cited steps such  bling  down  on  failed  ap-  old  woman.  A  Palestinian  only  fueling  further  viola-
             man rights chief expressed  as  forced  evictions  of  Pal-  proaches  of  violence  and  gunman  in  a  shooting  at-  tions and abuses of human
             concerns  Friday  that  steps  estinians  from  their  homes  coercion  that  have  singu-  tack a day later outside an  rights law and violations of
             taken  by  the  new  Israeli  and government moves to  larly failed in the past, I urge  east Jerusalem synagogue  international  humanitarian
             government,  the  most  far-  expedite Israelis’ access to  everyone  involved  to  step  killed seven people, includ-  law,” Türk said.
             right in the country’s history,  firearms. He called on lead-  out  of  the  illogic  of  esca-  ing a 14-year-old.  Such laws prohibit “collec-
             could fuel further violations  ers,  officials  and  everyone  lation that has only ended  Israel’s  firebrand  national  tive punishment,” including
             of  human  rights  and  hu-  else  on  both  sides  to  stop  in  dead  bodies,  shattered  security  minister,  Itamar  punitive  forced  evictions
             manitarian law in the wake  using language that incites  lives  and  utter  despair,”  Ben-Gvir,  responded  by  and  demolition  of  homes,
                                                                      said  Türk,  who  took  office  taking steps to demolish the  he  said,  warning  that  ex-
                                                                      in October as the U.N. High  home of the gunman and  panded  licensing  of  fire-
                                                                      Commissioner  for  Human  other  Palestinian  homes  in  arms to civilians plus a rise
                                                                      Rights. Israel’s ambassador  east  Jerusalem  built  with-  in  hateful  rhetoric  “can
                                                                      in  Geneva  accused  the  out permits, and called for  only  lead  to  further  vio-
                                                                      rights  office  of  condemn-  granting more gun licenses  lence and bloodshed.”
                                                                      ing a “legitimate response”  to Israelis.                 Israel  has  long  accused
                                                                      by  her  country    instead  of  On Thursday, Israeli aircraft  United  Nations  institutions
                                                                      condemning  “heinous  ter-   struck a rocket production  of  anti-Israel  bias,  and  the
                                                                      rorist attacks” against Jew-  workshop in the Gaza Strip,  U.N.-backed Human Rights
                                                                      ish  worshippers  and  Israeli  after  Palestinian  militants  Council    a  47-member-
                                                                      civilians.                   fired  a  rocket  toward  Is-  state  body,  which  like  the
                                                                      The  region  is  facing  one  rael. Over the weekend, a  rights  office  is  based  in
                                                                      of the deadliest periods of  shooting  in  east  Jerusalem  Geneva  has  passed  more
                                                                      the  Israeli-Palestinian  con-  by  a  13-year-old  Palestin-  country-specific  resolutions
             A young Bedouin girl looks to of a car window at the West Bank
             hamlet of Khan al-Ahmar, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023.          flict in years. An Israeli mili-  ian wounded two Israelis.  involving  Israel  than  any
                                                     Associated Press  tary raid last week killed 10  “I  fear  that  recent  mea-  other single country.q
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