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                                                                                                           local Saturday 4 February 2023
            Sunrise Walk-a-thon for World Cancer Day on February 4                                                                  th

            (Oranjestad)—February  ties  are  organizes  around  to  treatment  around  the
            4th  is  World  Cancer  Day.  the world, where communi-   world.
            This initiative of celebrating  ties, organizations and peo-
            World Cancer is led by the  ple  are  brought  together  This  year,  the  focus  will  be
            International  Cancer  Con-  to  show  their  support  and  on  union  and  taking  ac-
            trol Union (ICCU). The goal  help raise awareness.        tion; the goal to unite peo-
            is to bring awareness to this                             ple with the same mental-
            disease  on  a  world  wide  This year’s theme for World  ity, same goals and to cel-
            scale,   improve    educa-   Cancer  Day  is  ‘Close  the  ebrate progress around the
            tion  on  the  topic,  provide  Care  Gap’,  and  this  cam-  world in a different way.
            access  to  care  and  treat-  paign  focuses  on  not  just
            ment, and work together to  the celebration of one day,  For the last year of this cam-
            prevent  millions  of  deaths  but it is a 3-year-long cam-  paign in 2024, the focus will
            caused by cancer.            paign that will focus on pro-  be to bring attention on a
                                         viding  more  opportunities  higher  level,  with  the  goal
            World Cancer Day was es-     to  bring  global  awareness  to  reach  world  leaders  in  against  Prostate  Cancer),  be the Sunrise Walk-a-thon.
            tablished in the year 2000.  and  the  biggest  impact  order to push for long term  and    Stichting  BOB  Aruba  This walk-a-thon will start at
            During  the  past  couple  around the world.              change.                      have joined forces to raise  6:30  AM,  starting  from  the
            years,  this  has  created  a                                                          awareness, inform and mo-    Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins.
            positive movement around  During  the  first  year  of  this  In  conjunction  with  this  tivate the Aruban commu-  This  walk-a-thon  is  com-
            the  world  in  order  to  fight  campaign  back  in  2022,  special  day,  Aruban  foun-  nity about the importance  pletely free and all partici-
            against one of the biggest  the focus was on the under-   dations  such  as  KWF,  the  of early detection and pre-  pants  are  asked  to  wear
            obstacle in medical history.  standing  and  recognition  Mary  Joan  Foundation,  vention.                         lilac-colored  clothing,  as
                                         of inequality when it came  Fundacion  contra  Can-                                    this  color  represents  World
            Every year, different activi-  to health care and access  cer  di  Prostaat  (Fundation  On  February  4th,  there  will  Cancer Day. q

            Security camera installations for carnaval parades

            (Oranjestad)—During      a                                                                                          with  the  second  phase
            press  conference  yester-                                                                                          where  lights  and  cameras
            day  morning,  Minister  of                                                                                         will  be  placed  in  order  for
            Justice,  Rocco  Tjon,  along                                                                                       this to contribute to the se-
            with  Minister  of  Energy,                                                                                         curity of Aruba,” he said.
            Glenbert  Croes,  and  Mr.                                                                                          Minister Glenbert expressed
            Albertico  “Tico”  Koolman,                                                                                         that  during  the  carnaval
            manager  of  Elmar  N.V.,                                                                                           period, they want the com-
            announced  an  important                                                                                            munity  to  enjoy  the  pa-
            project to ensure better se-                                                                                        rades safely, without things
            curity  during  carnaval  pa-                                                                                       going  off  the  rails.  If  this
            rades this year.                                                                                                    may still occur though, the
                                                                                                                                cameras  will  provide  the
            Minister Tjon expressed that                                                                                        police  force  to  work  more
            this  was  the  first  time  that                                                                                   efficiently and faster: “Ob-
            the Ministry of Justice is im-                                                                                      viously,  I’m  here  to  high-
            plementing a project of this                                                                                        light  that  as  a  community,
            nature, and that is also the                                                                                        we appreciate the Minister
            first time they will do this in                                                                                     of  Justice’s  vision,  and  we
            collaboration  with  Aruba’s                                                                                        thank Elmar and other util-
            national  energy  compa-                                                                                            ity companies for their co-
            ny,  Elmar  N.V.,  so  that  the                                                                                    operation. The government
            installations  of  cameras                                                                                          is willing to go the extra mile
            would be successful.                                                                                                to  provide  support  to  our
            He  also  ensured  that  this                                                                                       community.”
            project  would  not  be  pos-                                                                                       Minister  Tjon  also  men-
            sible  with  help  from  one                                                                                        tioned that this project is a
            ministry, so he thanked Min-                                                                                        temporary  one,  which  will
            ister Croes for his collabora-                                                                                      only be used for the carna-
            tion and contribution to the                                                                                        val routes to elevate securi-
            project.                     for phase 2 and 3 were ap-   San  Nicolas  that  connect  started  implementing  LED  ty during the festivities: “the
            Minister Tjon explained that  proved last Tuesday. Phase  with  the  main  road.  Addi-  lights  a  few  years  back,  law  gives  us  space  to  use
            this  is  a  pilot  project  exe-  2 will include the installation  tionally, 28 cameras will be  and that they are now busy  this  during  certain  period
            cuted  in  different  phases.  of security cameras around  installed in the hot zones.  with  implementing  sensors  and  at  certain  locations.
            The first phase has already  the  hotel  area  hot  zones.  After  evaluations,  this  proj-  for  the  cameras  without  For  now,  the  cameras  will
            been completed and work  Security  camera  installa-      ect will move on to its fourth  changing  the  already  ex-  stay and so will those in San
            for the second phase is al-  tions  in  San  Nicolas  have  phase,  which  includes  the  isting infrastructure. This will  Nicolas.  In  the  next  phase
            ready on its way.            already been approved as  public roads in Aruba.          provide  better  security  for  we hope to work with Setar
            The first phase was execut-  well.                        Mr.  Koolman  of  Elmar  N.V.  both the Aruban communi-   to  gather  necessary  infor-
            ed  together  with  the  tele-  In the signed orders, it states  ensured that they are hap-  ty and tourists, during traffic  mation to provide cameras
            communication  company  that there will be 24 camer-      py to be a part of this proj-  or public events.          for  the  entire  down  town
            Setar  N.V.,  where  orders  as installed in the streets of  ect as he shares how they  “We are sure, we are done  area,” he ensured.q
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