Page 4 - MIN.SOC 17 FEB,2016
P. 4

                                                                                                         Wednesday 17 February

Bush, Cruz appeal to South Carolina’s military community 

The Associated Press             Cruz came under fire from        Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Gov.                         is counting on to act as a
CHARLESTON, South Caroli-        his rivals over what they        Jeb Bush, right, accompanied by his brother former President                      firewall against the surpris-
na (AP) — Jeb Bush and Ted       call a pattern of unethi-        George W. Bush, center, and George’s wife Laura Bush, takes                       ingly insurgent campaign
Cruz on Tuesday appealed         cal campaign tactics and         the stage during a campaign stop in North Charleston, S.C.                        of Vermont Sen. Bernie
to South Carolina, a state       inaccurate statements by                                                                                           Sanders.
with a large military and        the Texas senator who has                                                                  (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)  She capped off her day
veteran population, with         shaped his White House bid                                                                                         with a speech at a Harlem
promises to strengthen U.S.      around trust. Trump and                                                                                            public library in which she
defense as the next Repub-       Rubio have accused Cruz                                                                                            vowed to protect the eco-
lican primary approaches.        of distorting their records                                                                                        nomic opportunities and
Democratic rivals Hillary        with increasing frequency,                                                                                         voting rights of African-
Clinton and Bernie Sanders       openly calling him a liar.                                                                                         Americans. The former sec-
sought support from black        The Texas senator shrugged                                                                                         retary of state suggested
voters in upcoming nomi-         off the criticism Tuesday                                                                                          black voters would find her
natingcontests.                  while campaigning in                                                                                               proposals more far-reach-
South Carolina residents         South Carolina. Trump and                                                                                          ing than Sanders’ warnings
will cast their votes for a Re-  Rubio have accused Cruz                                                                                            about economic inequal-
publican nominee for pres-       of distorting their records                                                                                        ity and the power of Wall
ident on Saturday. For the       with increasing frequency.                                                                                         Street.q
Democrats, the Nevada            “Both Donald Trump and
caucuses are next.               Marco Rubio have this very
Polls show Donald Trump          strange pattern where if
leading with about a third       you point to their actual
of the vote in South Caro-       record, if you point to the
lina, holding a double-digit     words that have come out
lead over Cruz, a Texas sen-     of their mouth, they don’t
ator. Florida Sen. Bush, the     respond on substance.
former Florida governor, is      They just scream ‘Liar! Liar!
desperately trying to save       Liar!’” Cruz said Tuesday.
his campaign by finishing        The fiery conservative’s
ahead of Rubio and Ohio          ability to navigate ques-
Gov. John Kasich. They are       tions about his integrity
locked in a race to emerge       could well decide his fate
as the more mainstream           in the crowded 2016 con-
alternative to Trump, the        test, where he remains a
brash billionaire, and Cruz,     top-tier contender.
an outspoken conserva-           “He’s lying. And I think it’s
tive Cruz. On Monday, Bush       disturbing,” Rubio said in
had his brother, former          Beaufort. “I think this is very
President George W. Bush,        disturbing when you have
on the campaign trail for        a candidate that now on
the first time.                  a regular basis just makes
Jeb Bush’s comments Tues-        things up.”
day focused heavily on gun       Trump was even more ag-
rights. He also addressed        gressive, describing Cruz
the Supreme Court vacan-         the day before as “the
cy following the death of        single biggest liar I’ve ever
Justice Antonin Scalia, say-     come across, in politics or
ing that he would choose         otherwise.” Clinton, the
someone who, like Scalia,        Democratic front-runner,
was a “lover of liberty.”        made a direct appeal to
Cruz called for increasing       black voters Tuesday as
the number of active-duty        she moved to shore up the
troops, airplanes and bat-       support of minority voters
tleships. He did not put a       in advance of nominating
price tag on his plans, but      contests in South Carolina
pointed to former Presi-         and the Deep South, where
dent Ronald Reagan’s ap-         blacks make up more than
proach as a model for how        half of the Democratic
he would get it done.            electorate.
Cruz said he will pay for it     Clinton spent all of Tuesday
by cutting federal spend-        in New York City focused
ing by at least $500 billion,    on solidifying the African-
selling federal assets and       American support her
properties and auditing the      family has long enjoyed
Pentagon to find savings.        and that her campaign
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