Page 5 - MIN.SOC 17 FEB,2016
P. 5


WORLD NEWSWednesday 17 February

IS faces budget crunch, killing perks and slashing salaries

L. HINNANT                       Militants of the Islamic State group hold up their weapons and wave its flags on their vehicles in a                                 tember cut off salaries to
Z. KARAM                         convoy on a road leading to Iraq, in Raqqa, Syria. The extremist group that once bragged about                                       government workers within
S. GEORGE                        minting its own currency is now accepting only U.S. dollars in Raqqa, slashing salaries across the                                   territory controlled by the
Associated Press                 board and imposing “exit fees” for those trying to leave its domain.                                                                 extremists, after months of
BEIRUT (AP) — Faced with a                                                                                                                                            wavering about the humani-
cash shortage in its so-called                                                                                                               (Militant photo via AP)  tarian costs paid by those
caliphate, the Islamic State                                                                                                                                          trapped in the region. Iraqi
group has slashed salaries       contact with his native city.     State is facing, it has been      ing crippling airstrikes on oil                                  officials estimate that Islamic
across the region, asked         But that apparently wasn’t        decided to reduce the sala-       infrastructure in Syria and                                      State taxed the salaries at
Raqqa residents to pay utility   enough close the gap for a        ries that are paid to all muja-   Iraq and the cutoff of supply                                    rates ranging from 20 to 50
bills in black market Ameri-     group that needs money to         hedeen by half, and it is not     lines and revenue sources.                                       percent, and analysts and the
can dollars, and is now re-      replace weapons lost in air-      allowed for anyone to be ex-      The resident, who asked only                                     government now estimate a
leasing detainees for a price    strikes and battles, and pays     empted from this decision,        that his first name Oussama                                      loss of $10 million minimum
of $500 a person.                its fighters first and foremost.  whatever his position.” Those     be used because he still has                                     each month. Between the
The extremists who once          Those two expenses account        circumstances include the         family in the city, said dozens                                  loss of that money — and
bragged about minting their      for two-thirds of its budget,     dramatic drop in global prices    of residents of al-Bab have                                      the U.S.-led bombing of cash
own currency are having a        according to an estimate by       for oil — once a key source       fled, ignoring orders from the                                   warehouses — American of-
hard time meeting expens-        Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, a         of income — airstrikes that       extremists.                                                      ficials are optimistic that the
es, thanks to coalition air-     researcher with the Middle        have targeted cash stores         “You can sense the frustra-                                      effect could diminish Islamic
strikes and other measures       East Forum who sources Is-        and oil infrastructure, supply    tion, their morale is down,”                                     State’s wealth.
that have eroded millions        lamic State documents,            line cuts, and crucially, the     Oussama said of the fighters.                                    “We are seeing our efforts
from their finances since last   Within the last two weeks,        Iraqi government’s decision       A former Raqqa resident now                                      having some effect on their
fall. Having built up loyalty    the extremist group started       to stop paying civil servants     living in Beirut said Syrians                                    financial flows. And it’s dif-
among militants with good        accepting only dollars for        in territory controlled by the    abroad are sending remit-                                        ficult to get a handle on just
salaries and honeymoon and       “tax” payments, water and         extremists.                       tances in dollars to cover sky-                                  how much because of the
baby bonuses, the group has      electric bills, according to the  A Russian-backed Syrian gov-      rocketing prices for vegeta-                                     different illicit ways in which
stopped providing even the       Raqqa activist, who asked to      ernment offensive in Aleppo       bles and sugar. The resident,                                    they are handling their fi-
smaller perks: free energy       be identified by his nom de       province, where IS controls       whose wife and baby still live                                   nances but you’ve seen the
drinks and Snickers bars.        guerre Abu Ahmad for his          major towns including Man-        in the city, did not want his                                    efforts that our military has
Necessities are dwindling in     safety. “Everything is paid in    bij, Jarablus and al-Bab, is      name used for their safety.                                      taken to take out cash stor-
its urban centers, leading to    dollars,” he said. His account    also putting pressure on IS.      One of the other ex-residents,                                   age sites, and I think it is our
shortages and widespread         was bolstered by another          Government troops and allied      now living in Gaziantep, Tur-                                    hope and expectation that
inflation, according to exiles   ex-Raqqa resident, who, like      militiamen have advanced to-      key, said the road to Mosul                                      that will have demonstrable
and those still suffering under  Ahmad, also relies on com-        ward the town, considered an      was cut off late last year, and                                  effects. On what order of
its rule. Interviews gathered    munications with a network        IS bastion, leading many mili-    prices have risen swiftly —                                      magnitude, I think it’s diffi-
over several weeks included      of family and acquaintances       tants to send their families to   gas is up 25 percent, meat up                                    cult to say,” said Lisa Mona-
three exiles with networks       still in the city.                Raqqa.                            nearly 70 percent, and sugar                                     co, President Barack Obama’s
of family and acquaintances      Al-Tamimi came across a di-       An exile from al-Bab said         prices have doubled.                                             counterterrorism adviser.
still in the group’s stronghold  rective announcing the fight-     low-level fighters there          In Iraq, where Islamic State                                     In the Iraqi city of Fallujah,
in Raqqa, residents in Mosul,    ers’ salary cuts in Raqqa: “On    have begun to grumble, and        has slowly been losing                                           fighters who once made $400
and analysts who say IS is       account of the exceptional        townspeople have overheard        ground over the past year,                                       a month aren’t being paid
turning to alternative funding   circumstances the Islamic         Islamic State officials discuss-  the Iraqi government in Sep-                                     at all and their food rations
streams, including in Libya.                                                                                                                                          have been cut to two meals a
In Raqqa, the group’s strong-                                                                                                                                         day, according to a resident.
hold in Syria, salaries have                                                                                                                                          The account of the resident,
been halved since December,                                                                                                                                           who spoke on condition of
electricity is rationed, and                                                                                                                                          anonymity for fear of death
prices for basics are spiral-                                                                                                                                         at the hands of extremists,
ing out of reach, according to                                                                                                                                        was supported by that of an-
people exiled from the city.                                                                                                                                          other family trapped in Fal-
“Not just the militants. Any                                                                                                                                          lujah that said inhabitants
civil servant, from the courts                                                                                                                                        can only leave the city if they
to the schools, they cut their                                                                                                                                        pay $1,000 — a sum well be-
salary by 50 percent,” said a                                                                                                                                         yond the means of most in
Raqqa activist now living in                                                                                                                                          the Sunni-majority city that
the Turkish city of Gazian-                                                                                                                                           was the first in Iraq to fall to
tep, who remains in close                                                                                                                                             Islamic State in 2014.q
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