Page 8 - MIN.JUS MARCH 9,2015
P. 8

                                                                                                                                    Monday 9 March 2015

Venezuela to install finger scanners to tackle shortages 

A woman waits in line to check out at the Dia a Dia                              hension of all of Venezue-    for huge gains.               of world oil prices by nearly
supermarket in the Propatria neighborhood of Caracas,                            la, to understand this prob-  In recent days, those prof-   half since November is also
Venezuela. Venezuela will begin installing some 20,000                           lem, because there is a       its have become juicier       diminishing the supply of
fingerprint scanners at supermarkets nationwide in a bid to                      lot of manipulation taking    as a result of Venezuela’s    dollars available to import
stamp out hoarding and panic buying.                                             place,” Maduro said at the    tanking currency. The bo-     everything from milk to
                                                                                 inauguration of a state-run   livar has slid 35 percent in  cars. Crude oil accounts
                                                     (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)  supermarket.                  the past two weeks on the     for 95 percent of Venezu-
                                                                                 Economists say the effort is  black market and now          ela’s exports. As Venezue-
                                                                                 bound to fail. They blame     trades at nearly one-forti-   la’s economic crisis deep-
                                                                                 decade-old price controls     eth the official rate used    ens the government is in-
                                                                                 for destroying local manu-    to import food, according     creasingly lashing out at its
                                                                                 facturing and attracting      to DolarToday, a website      opponents and the United
                                                                                 smugglers who can resell      that tracks the illegal rate  States, which it says is trying
                                                                                 the goods on the black        based on currency trades      to sow instability and set
                                                                                 market and in Colombia        along the border. The fall    the stage for a coup.q

HANNAH DREIR                  the rationing system for
Associated Press              months at state-run super-
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)       markets along the west-
— Venezuela will begin in-    ern border with Colombia,
stalling some 20,000 finger-  where smuggling of price-
print scanners at supermar-   controlled goods is a major
kets nationwide in a bid to   problem.
stamp out hoarding and        On Saturday, President
panic buying, which the       Nicolas Maduro said that
government blames for         seven large private re-
long lines and widespread     tail chains had voluntarily
shortages of basic goods.     agreed to install the scan-
The oil-rich nation has       ners.
been selectively rolling out  “I ask for the the compre-

Colombia, rebels announce
plan to remove land mines 

ANNE GARCIA                   of sites while working under
Associated Press              the supervision of a team
HAVANA (AP) — Colom-          that will include two mem-
bia’s government and the      bers each from the gov-
country’s biggest rebel       ernment, the Revolutionary
movement announced            Armed Forces of Colombia
an agreement Saturday         and affected communi-
to begin a pilot program      ties. “The proposal for de-
for removing land mines as    mining is a first step, but a
part of efforts to lower the  giant step toward making
intensity of a conflict that  peace,” said Humberto de
has lasted a half century.    La Calle, spokesman for
The announcement came         the government.
at the end of the latest      Ivan Marquez, the chief
round of peace talks that     negotiator for the rebel
began in Cuba’s capital       movement known as the
since in November 2012.       FARC, said the deal would
Under the agreement, the      help remove unexploded
Colombian army battalion      mines — explosives that
that specializes in remov-    “have taken the dreams of
ing mines will clear explo-   thousands of people living
sives at a selected number    in our country.”q
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