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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 15 June 2024

            June 21: Experience the ACF full moon hike!

            (Oranjestad)—Every  month  when  shining  in  the  night  sky,  while  also
            the  moon  is  full,  the  Aruba  Con-  enjoying  the  cool  night  breeze
            servation  Foundation  (previously  and the beautiful sound of waves
            known as the Aruba National Park  crashing on the rocky shore lines.
            Foundation, FPNA) hosts its month-  Participants are expected to meet
            ly  full  moon  hike  for  both  mem-  and the Visitor Center at 6:30 pm
            bers  and  non-members.  For  this  this  Friday,  June  21st.  The  journey
            month,  they  are  offering  yet  an-  will cover 4.4 km/2.7 miles and is es-
            other chance to join in on the fun,  timated to end around 9pm. Non-
            and take advantage of seeing the  resident participants can enjoy this
            beautiful Aruban night sky!         night with an entree fee of 30 dol-
                                                lars. If you wish to participate, you
            For  this  month’s  full  moon  event,  can sign up for the event through
            the hike will start at the Arikok Visi-  this link:
            tor Center, where participants will
            be  led  through  Northern  Loop,  Je7ZS2m,  or  contact  the  FNPA  at
            Sero  Cabay,  Connection  Road,  (297) 585 1234.q
            Miralamar and Visitor Center. With
            the  moon  illuminating  your  way,  You  can  also  e-mail,
            you can have a chance to see a  for  more  info  or  questions.  Spots
            few constellations and bright stars  are limited, so don’t wait!

              The Bali Restaurant: a touristic hot spot and lost gem on the island

            (Oranjestad)—Once  located  in
            what is now the Renaissance Ma-                                                                             After  1989,  the  restaurant  was
            rina, the Bali Restaurant was once                                                                          again handed over to other own-
            both a touristic and local hot spot,                                                                        ers,  and  since  then  suffered  from
            and  nowadays  it’s  considered  a                                                                          unstable  pillars  underneath  the
            forgotten gem on the island.                                                                                foundation,  resulting  in  various
                                                                                                                        leaks and overflowing of water into
            Known  as  “the  floating  restau-                                                                          the restaurant. And as most great
            rant”,  Bali  first  opened  in  1955  by                                                                   things come to an end, so did the
            Willem “Bill” Strijland, who had ex-                                                                        survival  and  maintenance  of  the
            perience  in  Javanese  cuisine.  At                                                                        Bali Restaurant. However, folks to-
            the time, the restaurant was pretty                                                                         day  still  reminisce  its  legacy,  and
            exclusive—with space to host only                                                                           it’s  now  considered  a  lost  monu-
            25 guests. Yet, 4 years later, it was                                                                       ment.
            named  the  best  restaurant  in  the
            Caribbean by the Caribbean Tour-    renovations and rebranding.         iconic pointy roofs. The restaurant  Be  apart  of  the  conversation:  if
            ist Association.                                                        was  also  expanded  to  host  a  to-  you or any family member of yours
                                                In  1964,  the  restaurant  was  taken  tal of 85 guests. This was “The New  have a memory of the Bali restau-
            The restaurant was probably most  over  by  Karel  “Carl”  Schmand.  Bali”, who had its official (re)open-  rant, whether it be a picture or just
            iconic for its Javanese-inspired ex-  Over  the  years,  the  restaurant  ing in 1972.                      a story, share it with us! We would
            terior with its pointy, slanted roofs.  needed  constant  renovation  and                                   love to see this legendary hot spot
            However, the first version of Bali did  repair, mainly due to its vulnerabil-  After 1972, when Ronny Schmand  through the lens of our visitors!  q
            not look like that at all but was still  ity to leaks and the unstable pillars  took  over,  the  restaurant  saw  yet
            considered as one of the most pop-  underneath  the  foundation.  How-  another expansion; this time com-   Source and pictures credit to: “De
            ular restaurants on the island at the  ever,  the  biggest  change  made  plete  with  a  long  bar  and  dance  Kolibrie op de Rots (en meer over
            time. The restaurant saw three dif-  to the restaurant happened in the  floor,  where  guests  enjoyed  live  de  geschiedenis  van  Aruba)”  by
            ferent owners during its existence,  year  1970—still  under  the  owner-  music from legendary Aruban mu-  Evert Bongers.
            during which it underwent various  ship  of  Schmand,  when  it  got  its  sician and composer, Toti Arends.
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