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Saturday 15 June 2024 locAl

            Dining in? Try making a local favorite

            How to make “pan bati”

            (Oranjestad)—If you’re ever up for an  first,  and  stir  until  well  mixed.  Then
            Aruban  snack,  try  making  another  add the milk and beat until reached
            Aruban classic appetizer called Pan  a  pancake-like  consistency.  If  more
            Bati. Similar to a pancake both in ap-  moister  is  needed,  add  some  water
            pearance and cooking, this is a super  until reached desired consistency.
            easy  meal  that  adults  and  children
            will both enjoy. Here’s how to make it!  In a hot pan with oil, pour in enough
                                                   batter  to  cover  the  bottom  of  the
            Ingredients:                           pan. Just like pancakes, flip the pan
            2 cups of all purpose flour            bati  when  one  side  turns  golden
            1  cup  grams  of  fine  cornmeal  (we  brown. When your pan bati is ready,
            recommend the Harina PAN brand)        place  on  a  plate  and  cover  with  a
            2 tbsp baking powder                   clean kitchen towel.
            1 1/3 cup of milk
            1 pinch of salt                        Traditionally, pan bati is cut in triangle
            2 tbsp of granulated sugar             pieces, and is often eaten as a side
            Oil for cooking                        dish with soup, fried fish or stews. How-
                                                   ever,  it  is  also  casually  enjoyed  with
            Instructions:                          some butter and cheese on top!q
            Add all the dry ingredients in a bowl

            Aruba beyond beaches Episode CXXXII -132

            Every  week  we  share  the                                                            various  types  of  parrot-  substrate,  the  low  nutri-
            most interesting and insight-                                                          fish  who  bites  of  the  living  ents  and  the  salinity,  ele-
            ful articles about Aruba as a                                                          coral to extract the animal  ments  ideal  to  sustain  the
            destination  to  explore  and                                                          juices  inside,  while  spit  out  halophyte  plant  commu-
            conserve.  Discover  amaz-                                                             the  crushed  calcium  in  to  nities  that  survive  in  these
            ing  and  informative  stories                                                         a  fine  sand,  that  the  wind  extreme  soil  conditions  of
            to  enrich  your  knowledge                                                            on  its  part  accumulates  high saline content.
            and experience. There is so                                                            as dunes behind our north  Some  of  these  pioneering
            much to admire on this tiny                                                            coast beaches.               species  are  the  “Sesuvium
            island such as the variety of                                                                                       portulacastrum” or “Tobac-
            the  landscape  and  its  dif-                                                         The dunes are well drained,  co di piscado” (fishermans
            ferences which is the result                                                           often  dry,  and  are  com-  tabaco),  in  our  native  Pa-
            of the weather resistance of                                                           posed also of calcium car-   piamento, the “cocoroba-
            different types of rocks.                                                              bonate  from  eroded  sea-   na”  “Tournefortia  gnapha-
                                                                                                   shells.  Decomposing  sea  lodes”  also  known  by  the
            We can differentiate three                                                             algae, brought in by stormy  name  of  “sea  lavender”
            basic  geological  forma-                                                              weather,  adds  nutrients  to  and sea grapes, Cocoloba
            tions.  One  is  a  hilly  part,                                                       allow  pioneer  species  to  uvifera.  The  predominant
            second  by  an  undulating  the typical QD landscape.  and  areas  of  our  by  law  colonize them.                 fauna  of  these  coastal
            part  and  a  third  part  con-  The main component of this  protected  dunes  prohibit-  In  these  white  dunes  and  dunes  are  insects  such  as
            sisting  of  limestone  which  hill is of volcanic formation  ing the incursion of all types  desert  landscape  we  find  bees, wasps and ants, bee-
            embraces these two zones  called  Hooibergite.    Other  of motorized vehicles.                            some  hardy  flora  species  tles,  spider  flies,  sea  birds
            mentioned     before   and  geological  phenomena  in  A  curious  fact  is  that  our  that are perfectly adapted  and also lizards.
            forming also the coast line.  the QD landscape are the  dunes where manly formed  to the aridity of the soil, the  As  we  move  away  from
            The landscape of Sta. Cruz,  small hills at the north coast  by  the  feeding  habits  of  mobility of the loose sandy  the sea, the intensity of the
            Tanki Flip, Noord area and                                                                                          wind, the salt spray and the
            in the south of Savaneta is                                                                                         mobility  of  the  substrate
            mostly flat to slightly undu-                                                                                       are  reduced.  This  makes
            lating  with  quartz  diorite                                                                                       the  environmental  condi-
            (QD) boulders in it. This rock                                                                                      tions less extreme, which is
            is has a gray color with dark                                                                                       used by a greater number
            and  light  speckled,  and  is                                                                                      of species.
            relatively  hard.  These  are
            many  areas  with  boulders                                                                                         To get to know a little more
            and small or large patches                                                                                          regarding  Aruba’s  and  its
            of  sand  and  vegetation.                                                                                          cultural  origins,  etc.  We
            The    Hooiberg    elevates                                                                                         highly  recommend  you  to
            to166 m, a conical-shaped                                                                                           book  your  participation  in
            hill west of Santa Cruz and                                                                                         our cultural encounter ses-
            is situated in the middle of                                                                                        sion.  A  mind  opening  rev-
                                                                                                                                elation  and  entertaining
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  island  experience.  What-
                                                                                                                                sapp + 297 5922702 or mail
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                              
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                          our  facilities  and  activities
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                           take  place  close  to  high
                                                                                                                                rise hotels.q
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