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                        Monday 8 May 2023
            Iran hangs Iranian-Swedish man over 2018 attack killing 25

            By JON GAMBRELL                                                                                                     unfair.”
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “This  is  an  example  of  the
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                         Islamic  Republic’s  state
            ates (AP) — Iran executed                                                                                           terrorism,”  said  Mahmood
            an  Iranian-Swedish  dual                                                                                           Amiry-Moghaddam,       the
            national Saturday accused                                                                                           group’s   director.   “We
            of  masterminding  a  2018                                                                                          expect  that  the  EU  and
            attack on a military parade                                                                                         Swedish  government  show
            that killed at least 25 peo-                                                                                        adequate  reaction  to  the
            ple, one of several enemies                                                                                         murder  of  their  citizen.  Kill-
            of Tehran seized abroad in                                                                                          ing a hostage must not be
            recent years amid tensions                                                                                          tolerated.”
            with the West.                                                                                                      Tensions  already  had  es-
            Farajollah  Cha’ab,  also                                                                                           calated between Iran and
            known  as  Habib  Asyoud,                                                                                           Sweden over the life impris-
            had  been  a  leader  of  the                                                                                       onment  of  Hamid  Noury,
            Arab  Struggle  Movement                                                                                            an  Iranian  convicted  in
            for the Liberation of Ahwaz,                                                                                        Sweden    of   committing
            an  Arab  separatist  move-                                                                                         grave war crimes and mur-
            ment  that  has  conducted                                                                                          der  during  the  final  phase
            oil  pipeline  bombings  and                                                                                        of  the  Iran-Iraq  war  in  the
            other  attacks  in  Iran’s  oil-                                                                                    1980s.  The  end  of  the  war
            rich  Khuzestan  province.                                                                                          saw  mass  executions  of
            That  group  had  claimed    In this photo released by Mizan News Agency on Oct. 25, 2022, Iranian-Swedish dual national   an estimated 5,000 Iranian
            the 2018 attack in its imme-  Farajollah Cha’ab arrives at a courtroom at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, Iran.   prisoners,  including  those
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            diate aftermath.                                                                                                    from  an  exiled  opposition
            Cha’ab’s execution comes  The       Iranian   judiciary’s  Iranian  trials  that  activists  punishment,  and  Sweden,  group and others.
            as a Swedish court last year  Mizan  news  agency  con-   long have described as co-   together  with  the  rest  of  The 2018 attack in Iran tar-
            sentenced  an  Iranian  to  firmed Cha’ab’s execution  erced confessions.              the (European Union), con-   geted  a  military  parade
            life  in  prison  over  his  part  by  hanging  in  a  lengthy  It also clearly identified Ira-  demns its use under all cir-  in  Ahvaz  in  Khuzestan,  the
            in  the  1988  mass  execu-  statement. It identified him  nian intelligence officers as  cumstances,”  he  said  in  a  chaos  captured  live  on
            tions  in  Iran  at  the  end  of  as the leader of the militant  being behind Cha’ab’s ab-  statement.             state television. Militants dis-
            its  war  with  Iraq.  Tehran,  group and alleged without  duction, saying that its “un-  Sweden’s Nordic neighbors  guised  as  soldiers  opened
            which  has  used  prisoners  providing evidence that he  known  soldiers”  captured  Finland  and  Norway  also  fire,  killing  at  least  25  peo-
            as  bargaining  chips  in  ne-  had ties to Swedish, Israelis  him in Turkey in November  strongly  condemned  the  ple and wounding over 60
            gotiations  with  the  West,  and  U.S.  intelligence  ser-  2019.  Iran  has  used  similar  execution,  underlying  their  others  in  the  deadliest  at-
            reacted angrily to that sen-  vices. It accused his group  ruses to capture its enemies  stance  against  the  death  tack  to  strike  Iran  in  years.
            tence. Meanwhile, tensions  of  killing  or  wounding  450  abroad,  including  the  ex-  penalty.  “I  am  appalled,”  A spokesman for the sepa-
            also  remain  high  between  people  over  the  years,  in-  iled journalist Ruhollah Zam  said Finnish Foreign Minister  ratist group claimed the as-
            Iran  and  the  West  over  its  cluding  multiple  attacks  who was executed in 2020.  Pekka Haavisto.             sault shortly after in a tele-
            rapidly  advancing  nuclear  on government offices and  Swedish Foreign Minister To-   The Oslo-based group Iran  vised interview. The Islamic
            program as well — and at  other sites.                    bias  Billstrom  condemned  Human  Rights  separately  State  group  also  claimed
            least  one  more  prisoner  It   also   included   state  Cha’ab’s execution.          condemned  the  execu-       the  attack,  though  it  of-
            with  Western  ties  faces  a  television  interviews  with  “The  death  penalty  is  an  tion,  referring  to  Cha’ab’s  fered  factually  incorrect
            possible execution.          Cha’ab, a feature of many  inhumane and irrevocable  closed-door trial as “grossly  details about the assault.q

                                                                      Deaths from Congo floods approach

                                                                      400 as search continues

                                                                      ing many found floating in  leader  in  Kalehe,  said  he  fin,” Chebujongo said.
                                                                      Lake Kivu.                   understood that thousands  The  Congolese  govern-
                                                                      Administrator  Thomas  Bak-  of  people  remained  miss-  ment declared Monday as
                                                                      enge  said  the  confirmed  ing.  He  told  the  AP  that  a national day of mourning,
                                                                      number  of  dead  stood  at  some  doctors  arrived  to  with flags to fly at half-staff
                                                                      394 but it was a provisional  treat  the  injured  but  com-  in memory of the victims.
                                                                      count since the search was  munities  were  pleading  A  delegation  of  govern-
                                                                      continuing.  More  than  300  for  more  emergency  assis-  ment officials and lawmak-
                                                                      victims  had  been  buried  tance.                        ers  sent  by  Congo’s  presi-
            People  walk  next  to  a  house  destroyed  by  the  floods  in  the   as of Sunday, local groups  The destruction caused by  dent,  Félix  Tshisekedi,  ar-
            village of Nyamukubi, South Kivu province, in Congo, Saturday,   said.                 the flooding hampered aid  rived in Bukavu, a city near
            May 6, 2023.                                              Torrential rains across Kale-  efforts, with two main roads  the  southern  part  of  Lake
                                                     Associated Press  he territory began on Thurs-  impassable.                Kivu  and  planned  to  visit
            By JUSTIN KABUMBA            cial.                        day  evening.  Rivers  broke  More than 170 victims were  the  devastated  area  on
            Associated Press             The  administrator  of  the  their banks, with flash floods  buried in four mass graves,  Monday,  according  to  a
            GOMA, Congo (AP) — The  worst-affected  area,  the  sweeping away the major-           Valet Chebujongo, a youth  government spokesperson.
            death  toll  from  floods  in  Kalehe  territory  of  South  ity of buildings in the villag-  political  activist  helping  in  Heavy rains in recent days
            eastern  Congo  has  almost  Kivu province, told The As-  es of Bushushu and Nyamu-    the rescue efforts in Kalehe,  have  brought  misery  to
            doubled, reaching close to  sociated  Press  by  phone  kubi, causing the huge loss  said  by  telephone.  “Imag-   thousands in East Africa, in-
            400  people  as  of  Sunday,  that  more  bodies  were  re-  of life.                  ine,  you  bury  them  in  a  cluding in parts of Uganda
            according  to  a  local  offi-  covered  Sunday,  includ-  Delphin  Birimbi,  a  civic  mass grave, without a cof-  and Kenya.q
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