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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 8 May 2023

            Digitalization project for Maybelline Arends-                               Aruba’s Tiger Taekwondo Academy
            Croes Collection has been completed                                          makes historic achievements in the

                                                                                                      Dominican Republic

                                                                                      With great pride, we received the  the Cadet and Junior categories.
            During a period of almost two years,  The  material  that  was  digitalized   news of the participation of Tiger
            Mr.  Ivan  Quandus  worked  on  the  includes cassettes, DAT tapes, mini-  Taekwondo Academy in the Pa-      Athlete Aleysha Macea has posi-
            digitalization  of  the  music  collec-  discs, CDs, LPs, 45 RPM, reel to reel,   namerican  competition  held  in  tioned herself in third place in the
            tion  of  Maybelline  Arends-Croes.  and videos.                          Santo  Domingo,  Dominican  Re-    Cadet-55kg  ranking  and  in  the
            This  great  work  is  now  completed                                     public at the end of April.        Junior+68 ranking, while Maelynn
            and the music is preserved for the  Ivan Quandus thanks Prins Bernhard                                       Fradl  has  also  positioned  herself
            future generations.                  Cultuurfonds for the Caribbean re-   The  Academy  won  a  total  of  5  in third place in the International
                                                 gion for the financial support to re-  Bronze medals in the Cadet cat-  Ranking.
            Maybelline is known in the Aruban  alize this project. He thanks them for   egory, 1 Silver medal in the Junior
            community, not only as teacher at  recognizing the great value of digi-   category,  and  2  Gold  medals,  Once  again,  Tiger  Taekwondo
            IPA  (Pedagogical  Institute  of  Aru-  talizing  Maybelline  Arends-Croes’   which were won by Khaleesi Rid-  Academy,  under  the  guidance
            ba)  and  Colegio  Arubano  (High  collection and in this way conserv-    derstaat  in  the  Infant  category.  of  Masters  Teo  Rodriguez  and
            School), but also as director of dif-  ing our cultural heritage in a sustain-  This is a historic achievement for  Jason  Ridderstaat,  expresses  im-
            ferent choirs and prominent judge  able way.                              the  sport  in  Aruba,  as  we  have  mense  gratitude  to  Marlon  Pet-
            at different music and singing festi-                                     succeeded  in  reaching  an  in-   rocchi  from  Eumar  Lock  and
            vals in Aruba and the Antilles.      The photographs show the moment      ternational  podium  at  this  level  Aruba,  along  with  all  their  driv-
             For all of this, she won the highest  when  Ivan  Quandus  delivered  the   of  competition.  In  this  way,  Ti-  ers  who  have  supported  them
            cultural  award  from  the  Prins  Ber-  results  of  this  work  to  Maybelline,   ger  Taekwondo  Academy  has  with  each  contribution  to  the
            nhard Cultuur Fonds for the Carib-   as  well  as  different  stages  of  the   achieved international ranking in  roundabouts.q
            bean region in March of 2022.        project.q
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