Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
LOCAL Monday 26 February 2024
Rhythms Circus Company Aruba: putting Aruba’s name on the
world stage
Rhythms Circus Company can delight from the wide- sional artists, with the goal
Aruba is a talented group ranged menu that includes of living from their art.
of young people working a variation of delicious main
daily to present their art course meals complete Hernandez says that the
in the form of acrobatics, with a delectable flan des- work is hard – all of the per-
dancing, acting and sing- sert as a sweet treat. Enjoy formers are professional
ing. After an impactful par- your dinner even more at artists, and while the pro-
ticipation in one of Ameri- a VIP table complete with duction of the show is not
ca’s biggest talent shows, comfort seating! a challenge for them, sell-
they are now bringing their ing the idea proved diffi-
amazing talent to Aruba! The group, under the lead- cult since at the time, there
ership of directors and weren’t any shows of its
In a show full of light, music, creators Diego Jaramillo kind on the island.
and with performances to and Yamila Hernandez are
famous musical figures like opening the doors to the America’s Got Talent
Elvis Presley, Michael Jack- ballroom to our local audi- Currently they are offering
son and Tina Turner, the ence as well as our visitors a show with music, chore- Their presentation in Amer-
group consisting of 15 peo- so that everyone can have ography and at the end, ica’s Got Talent “was in-
ple from various countries the privilege of experienc- they have a shocking ac- credible” and they were
delights the audience with ing this wonderful show. robatics ending, one that able to meet the jury and
their artistic prowess at the was seen by thousands of many other artists staying
Paseo Herencia Mall, ev- Hernandez explained that people around the world there for three months. But
ery Wednesday and Friday the idea for this project when the group travelled the exhaustion and physi-
starting at 7pm. Each day started in 2010 when she to Los Angeles in the United cal toll was so great that Di-
has a different show, so you came to work in Aruba. Af- States to represent Aruba ego suffered an accident,
can attend both nights for ter being on the island for a in America’s Got Talent. and because of this, they
the complete experience! while she decided to stay Hernandez said that the had to cancel all future batics, scan the QR code
and live here, and she met show was very important commitments. which will take you directly
RCCA also offers the possi- Diego Jaramillo, who is cur- for them to meet the pub- to their website for a book-
bility for you and your fam- rently her partner. Together lic present because people Reservations and tickets ing. To find more informa-
ily to enjoy dinner before they came with the idea could experience this per- To make a reservation to tion about RCCA, please
the show! Starting from to establish a company formance live and right be- see this incredible display visit their Instagram page @
6pm, you and your family together with other profes- fore their eyes. of creativity and acro- rccaruba.
The Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors at Manchebo
Beach Resort & Spa!
The Aruba Tourism Authority re- Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- ing the Aruba Tourism Authority, • Aruba’s hospitality.
cently had the great pleasure of secutively visiting Aruba) and staff members of the Manche-
recognizing Distinguished Visitors Goodwill Ambassador (20>years bo Beach Resort & Spa bestowed Top reasons for returning to Aruba,
and an Emerald Ambassador of consecutively visiting Aruba) the certificates to the honorees, provided by Mr. Loiselle were:
Aruba. These Ambassadors were Emerald Ambassador (35>years presented them with gifts, and also • Aruba’s people.
respectively honored with certifi- consecutively visiting Aruba) thanked them for choosing Aruba • Aruba’s beaches.
cates acknowledging their years as their favorite vacation destina- • Aruba’s safety.
of visits, loyalty, and love for the is- The honorees were: tion, and as their home away from • “All the memories over the
land of Aruba. home. years.”
Distinguished Visitors • “The Manchebo Beach Re-
The honor certification is presented Mr. Larry Rich & Mrs. Wendy Lavine Top reasons for returning to Aruba, sort & Spa Hospitality.”
on behalf of the Minister of Tourism from Ontario, Canada. provided by the Rich’s were:
as a token of appreciation and to • Aruba’s safety.
say “Masha Danki” to guests who Emerald Ambassador • “The Manchebo Beach Re- On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 Mr. Joseph Loiselle from New sort & Spa.” thority, we would like to express our
years or more consecutively. Hampshire, United States. Mr. Lo- • Aruba’s year-round sunny sincere gratitude and appreciation
iselle has been coming to Aruba weather. to the honorees for their continued
The three honoring levels are as fol- for 45 years. • Aruba’s warm and friendly visits to the “One Happy Island”.
lows: people who always treat them like
Ms. Marouska Heyliger represent- family.