Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

LOCAL           Wednesday 18 July 2018

            Continued from Page 14       opposed  to  taxes  per  se,
            Caribbean  Member  States  as  part  of  the  overall  fis-
            of ICAO are the sovereign  cal  responsibility  of  States,
            countries: Antigua and Bar-  considers  that  travel  taxes
            buda, Bahamas, Barbados,  should  be  scrutinized  ob-
            Cuba,  Dominican  Repub-     jectively  to  avoid  exces-
            lic,  Grenada,  Haiti,  Jamai-  sive  burdens  on  travelers/
            ca,  Saint  Kitts  and  Nevis,  companies  with  a  view  to
            Saint  Lucia,  Saint  Vincent  reducing taxes that have a
            and  the  Grenadines,  Trini-  negative  impact  on  travel
            dad and Tobago.              and, hence, on tourism de-
            Already,  in  2013,  at  their
            Worldwide  Transport  Con-   Despite  these  policies,  the
            ference,  the  ICAO  issued  past  decade  has  seen  an
            the following text to be in-  unprecedented  prolifera-
            cluded  in  their  Template  tion  of  taxes  levied  on  air
            Article on Taxation (TASA) :    passenger tickets in the re-
                                         gion.  This  trend  is  causing
            “…. Each party shall under-  serious  concerns  and  has
            take  to  reduce  to  the  full-  a  negative  impact  on  the
            est practicable extent and  sustainable  development
            make plans to eliminate as  of air transport, which, ulti-
            soon as its economic con-    mately, negatively impacts
            ditions  permit  all  forms  of  the tourism industry and the
            taxation on the sale or use  overall  national  economic
            of  international  air  trans-  development.
            port,  including  such  taxes
            for  services  which  are  not  Caribbean   governments
            required  for  international  are  well  advised  that  be-
            civil aviation or which may  fore making a decision, an
            discriminate against it.”    independent     evaluation
                                         by  qualified  professionals
            According  ICAO  a  tax  is  acquainted  with  econom-
            a  levy  that  is  designed  to  ics should be made on the
            raise national or local gov-  impact of passenger taxa-
            ernment  revenues,  which  tion.  A  ‘neat’  idea  to  get
            are  generally  not  applied  some  extra  money  in  the
            to civil aviation in their en-  coffers, may turn out to be
            tirety  or  on  a  cost  specific  a  monkeynomics.  What
            basis.  ICAO  has  also  rec-  plays  a  crucial  role  and                                                 TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
            ognized  that  in  the  past  contributes  significantly  to                                                     + 297 699 29 79
            decades  there  is  a  devel-  an economy must not hin-                                              FOLLOW US ON:        @arubaslife
            opment of tourism taxes in  dered  by  ineffective  gov-
            some  regions,  in  particular  ernment taxation.  q                                        |
            Latin  America,  the  Carib-
            bean and to a lesser extent
            in  Africa,  up  to  USD  55.  In
            many cases, revenues from
            the  tourism  taxes  such  as
            Tourism  Enhancement  Fee
            and    Travel   Promotional
            levies  are  not  being  rein-
            vested  in  tourism  develop-
            ment. The Caribbean may
            get the reputation of being
            one of the bad guys on the
            block in that regard.
            The main principles on tax-
            ation  contained  in  ICAO
            policies   are   frequently
            adopted  by  internation-
            al  organizations  in  policy
            documents. Some regional
            organizations  and  industry
            associations,  such  as  the
            Airports  Council  Interna-
            tional  (ACI)  and  the  Inter-
            national  Air  Transport  As-
            sociation (IATA), have also
            developed  policies  that
            are opposed to discrimina-
            tory and unfair government
            taxation  on  air  transport.
            The  World  Tourism  Organi-
            zation  (UNWTO),  while  not
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