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Pagina 18 Diabierna 6 November 2015
JetBlue ta introduci JetBlue Mint a bordo di
vuelonan pa Aruba
Riba 7 di November, “E servicio aki sigur ta service and stylish
2015 JetBlue lo bula su bonbini na e servicio cu
prome vuelo pa Aruba JetBlue ta brinda na nos seats on their brand
cu e producto nobo aeropuerto” asina CEO
“JetBlue Mint” a bordo. E di Aruba Airport Authority new A-321 aircraft.
producto nobo di JetBlue N.V., Sr. James Fazio a
ta un manera refrescante bisa. “Un di e obhetivonan This includes fully
pa ofrece un servicio principal di e gobierno di
excepcional – e lo inclui Aruba y su stakeholdernan flat seats, fresh
bon servicio y asiento di e industria turistico ta pa
cu hopi estilo abordo atrae e pasahero afluente dining options,
di nan avionnan nobo pa nos isla. Door di tin un
A-321. Esaki ta inclui producto premium manera non-stop inflight
asientonan cu ta bira full e producto Mint ofreci door
plat, opcionnan fresco di JetBlue for di un di nos entertainment, and
pa come, entretenimento mercadonan principal na
abordo sin limite y Fly-Fi Merca, ta hopi faborabel y free Fly-Fi, JetBlue’s
gratis, JetBlue su propio nos ta ansioso pa ta parti
servicio di internet. E di brinda servicio similar own broadband
producto Mint ta bay mas na nos aeropuerto.”
leu cu comodidad a bordo internet service.
–e servicio ta inclui tambe
counternan pa check-in The Mint product
special pa esnan cu lo
haci uso di Mint, boarding extends beyond the
tempran y baggage claim
preferencial. E servicio comfort on board
aki lo ta disponibel riba
buelonan riba diasabra for – the service also
di New York, JFK pa Aruba
desde 7 di November, 2015 includes dedicated
te cu 30 di April 30, 2016 y
riba vuelonan diario for di check-in for Mint
JFK pa Aruba for di 19 di
December, 2015 te cu 4 di customers, early
Januari, 2016.
boarding, and
preferred baggage
claim. This service
will be available on
JetBlue introduces the Saturday flights
JetBlue Mint on board from New York,
flights to Aruba JFK to Aruba as of
November 7, 2015
ORANJESTAD - On through April 30,
November 7, 2015 JetBlue
will operate its first 2016 and on the Airport Authority N.V., product offered on JetBlue
scheduled flight into Aruba Mr. James Fazio. “One out of one of our most
with their new JetBlue Mint daily service out of JFK to of the main objectives of important markets in the
product on board. This the government of Aruba US is very exciting and
new product by JetBlue Aruba from December 19, and its Tourism industry we are very much looking
is a refreshing new take stakeholders is attracting forward to being able to
on a premium experience 2015 through January 4, the affluent traveler to our be a part of the provision
– it will include top notch island. Having a premium of this service type of
2016. product such as the mint service at our airport.”
“This is a welcome addition
to the service provided
by JetBlue at our airport”
says the CEO of Aruba
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Galiña, Kalakoena.Tambe ta haci Pisca tempera. Aroz con pollo.
Roastbeef den Mushroom sause.
Soppi di cabrito of carne Ayaca Por yama pa pedido 5690131. Haci
bo pedido nan tempran. Ayaca ta cla desde mitar di November.
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Haci bo pedido pa
carbon di kwihi na cel: