Page 6 - Solo Di Pueblo
P. 6
Pagina 22 Diabierna 6 November 2015
Solo di Pueblo... Noticia...
AFMAruba a haci donacion di laptop na Job Coach di
Fundacion Trampolin pa Trabao
AFMAruba a organiza un
Bowling Tournament na
Eagle Bowling Palace.
E ganashi tabata destina
pa haci un donacion di
un laptop na Job Coach,
e fundacion cu a wordo
adopta pa Fundacion
Trampolin. Nan meta ta
pa yuda e personanan cu
limitacion haya un mihor
calidad di bida ora nan
haya un trabao y pa nan
bira personanan activo
den nos comunidad.
Sr. Lionel Rumnit di Job Den studionan di Lejuez a haci entrega Rumnit. Cach tur clase di exito den
Coach ta sumamente AFMAruba, sr. Alexander di e laptop na Sr. Lionel AFMAruba ta desea Job futuro.
agradecido y entusiasma
cu e donacion y a bisa cu
sigur nan lo haci bon uso
di dje. Tur donacion ta bon
bini y e laptop tabata un
necesidad grandi pa nan.
Edymar Martinez is now winners, namely, Eunice
the 7th Venezuelan to Onyango of Kenya for
win the Miss International Africa, Park Ah-reum of
crown after she was Korea for Asia, Laura
named successor of last Marcela Ruiz of Aruba for
year’s Valerie Hernandez Americas, Brianna Acosta
hours earlier at the Grand of Hawaii for Oceania and
Prince Hotel Takanawa in Isabel Vieira of Portugal
Tokyo, Japan. for Europe.
Going into the finals, Coming in as 1st Runner-
Edymar was the #1 pick Up is another heavy
of most pageant sites favorite, Jennifer Valle
and predictions as the of Honduras. Eunice
candidate most likely Onyango of Kenya came
to win it all. And she in as 2nd Runner-Up,
delivered. This despite with Pham Hong Thuy
the very strong showing Van of Vietnam and
of Miss Philippines Janicel Lindsay Becker of the
Lubina who placed in the USA claiming 3rd and 4th
Top 10 and was awarded Runners-Up, respectively.
Miss Best Dresser before
the announcement of Congratulations
the Top 5 titleholder and to all the winners!
Five (5) delegates were
sashed as the Miss
International continental