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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 6 OctOber 2022
                                Ford offers $80 million to fight global authoritarianism

            The Ford Foundation will  civil-society  groups  can  re-                                                           region.  During  its  first  year,
            commit  $80  million  over  ceive help to make their or-                                                            the hub will offer its services
            the next five years to work  ganizations stronger.                                                                  to Colombian nonprofits and
            that strengthens nonprof-                                                                                           then expand to Peru and Ven-
            its  fighting  against  au-  The  hubs  will  provide  con-                                                         ezuela. Over the next several
            thoritarian regimes.         sulting  for  groups  in  their                                                        years,  the  two  organizations
                                         regions that need a guide to                                                           together hope to provide ser-
            Such groups are struggling in  navigate labyrinthine regula-                                                        vices to about 200 groups in
            the face of governments that  tory  and  tax  systems,  draw                                                        the region.
            are restricting the right to pro-  up  plans  and  publicize  their
            test,  hobbling  nonprofit  or-  work,  and  protect  against                                                       A big problem with founda-
            ganizations with an avalanche  physical and online threats to                                                       tion support from U.S. grant-
            of bureaucratic requirements  workers and their families.                                                           makers, Newman Pont said,
            meant  to  stymie  their  effec-                          mitment and planned grants  based  on  a  range  of  criteria,  is that such giving is usually
            tiveness, and threatening the  The idea behind the grants is  from  seven  other  founda-  including  government  cor-  earmarked  for  specific  pur-
            safety  of  people  who  work  that  supporting  single  non-  tions  including  the  Founda-  ruption,  freedom  of  assem-  poses. When new needs arise,
            for  such  groups,  Helena  profits  has  no  lasting  im-  tion for a Just Society and the  bly, freedom of religion, and  civil-society groups often feel
            Hofbauer  Balmori,  director  pact and does little to help a  Kellogg,  Open  Society,  and  a  functioning  electoral  pro-  constrained  to  spend  their
            of  Ford’s  international  civic  broad array of organizations.  Packard foundations.  cess.                        grants as they were designed
            engagement and government  Through Weaving Resilience,                                                              so  they  can  keep  a  relation-
            work and director of the new  Ford wants to strengthen the  The  grants  come  as  democ-  Walker, who spoke before the  ship with a grant maker, rath-
            grant-making   effort,   an-  civil-society “ecosystem” and  racy  and  free  expression  Ford  commitment  was  an-  er than use funds to respond
            nounced Tuesday.             foster  the  development  of  seem  to  be  faltering  across  nounced,  said  philanthropy  to new challenges.
                                         hundreds  of  vital  organiza-  the globe. Basic liberties de-  could  play  a  critical  role  in
            The    Ford   commitment,  tions.                         clined  in  2021  for  the  16th  reversing the tide.     The Ford commitment, Hof-
            called  Weaving  Resilience,                              straight  year,  according  to                            bauer Balmori said, looks to
            will not provide grants to in-  Hofbauer  Balori  hopes  oth-  the Freedom in the World re-  Each hub will design its own  break that cycle. The groups
            dividual  nonprofits.  Instead,  er  foundations  will  join  in.  port from Freedom House, a  strategy.  Two  organizations,  that  will  decide  how  the
            it will support virtual “hubs”  Weaving Resilience’s Mexico  group that works to promote  Compartamos  con  Colom-  money is best used are from
            in  12  countries:  Brazil,  Co-  hub, which will offer services  democracy worldwide.  bia,  connects  nonprofits  to  the region and have a better
            lombia, Costa Rica, Indone-  to  organizations  in  Central                            a  network  of  lawyers,  con-  sense of emerging needs than
            sia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico,  America and Mexico, has at-  The report found that 38% of  sultants,  and  bankers,  and  a New York grant maker, she
            Nigeria,  Peru,  South  Africa,  tracted $11.6 million in sup-  the  world’s  population  lives  Dejusticia,  a  legal  and  civil-  said.
            Tanzania, and Uganda, where  port including the Ford com-  in  countries  that  are  “not  rights  group,  will  manage
                                                                      free,”  a  designation  made  the  effort  in  the  Colombia

                        OPEC+ makes big oil cut to boost prices; pump costs may rise

            FRANKFURT,  Germany                                                                                                 — would therefore doubtless
            (AP)  —  The  OPEC+  al-                                                                                            be very welcome.”
            liance  of  oil-exporting
            countries  on  Wednesday                                                                                            Dwindling  prospects  for  a
            decided  to  sharply  cut                                                                                           diplomatic deal to limit Iran’s
            production  to  support                                                                                             nuclear  program  have  also
            sagging oil prices, a move                                                                                          lowered  prospects  for  a  re-
            that could deal the strug-                                                                                          turn  of  as  much  as  1.5  mil-
            gling global economy an-                                                                                            lion  barrels  a  day  in  Iranian
            other  blow  and  raise  po-                                                                                        oil to the market if sanctions
            litically  sensitive  pump                                                                                          are removed.
            prices  for  U.S.  drivers
            just ahead of key national                                                                                          Oil  prices  surged  this  sum-
            elections.                                                                                                          mer as markets worried about
                                                                                                                                the  loss  of  Russian  supplies
            Energy  ministers  meeting  at                                                                                      from sanctions over the war
            the  Vienna  headquarters  of                                                                                       in Ukraine, but they slipped
            the OPEC oil cartel cut pro-                                                                                        as  fears  about  recessions  in
            duction  by 2  million  barrels                                                                                     major  economies  and  Chi-
            per  day  starting  in  Novem-                                                                                      na’s  COVID-19  restrictions
            ber at their first face-to-face                           mer  peaks  because  of  fears  supply if Russia retaliates by  weighed  on  demand  for
            meeting since the start of the  The impact of the production  that major global economies  refusing to ship to countries  crude.
            COVID-19 pandemic.           cut on oil prices — and thus  such  as  the  U.S.  or  Europe  and  companies  that  observe
                                         the  price  of  gasoline  made  will  sink  into  recession  due  the cap.             International   benchmark
            Besides  a  token  trim  in  oil  from crude — will be limited  to  high  inflation,  rising  in-                   Brent has sagged as low as $84
            production  last  month,  the  somewhat  because  OPEC+  terest  rates  meant  to  curb  The  EU  agreed  Wednesday  in recent days after spending
            major cut is an abrupt turn-  members  are  already  unable  rising  consumer  prices,  and  on new sanctions that are ex-  most of the summer months
            around  from  months  of  re-  to meet the quotas set by the  uncertainty over Russia’s war  pected to include a price cap  over $100 per barrel.
            storing deep cuts made dur-  group.                       against in Ukraine.          on Russian oil.
            ing  the  depths  of  the  pan-                                                                                     At  its  last  meeting  in  Sep-
            demic  and  could  help  alli-  The  alliance  also  said  it  was  Oil supply could face further  Russia  “will  need  to  find  tember, OPEC+ reduced the
            ance member Russia weather  renewing its cooperation be-  cutbacks  in  coming  months  new  buyers  for  its  oil  when  amount of oil it produces by
            a looming European ban on  tween members of the OPEC  when  a  European  ban  on  the EU embargo comes into  100,000 barrels a day in Oc-
            oil imports.                 cartel and non-members, the  most  Russian  imports  takes  force in early December and  tober.  That  token  cut  didn’t
                                         most  significant  of  which  is  effect  in  December.  A  sepa-  will presumably have to make  do  much  to  boost  lower  oil
            In a statement, OPEC+ said  Russia.  The  deal  was  to  ex-  rate  move  by  the  U.S.  and  further  price  concessions  to  prices, but it put markets on
            the decision was based on the  pire at year’s end.        other members of the Group  do so,” analysts at Commerz-  notice  that  the  group  was
            “uncertainty  that  surrounds                             of  Seven  wealthy  democra-  bank wrote in a note. “Higher  willing  to  act  if  prices  kept
            the  global  economic  and  oil  The  decision  comes  as  oil  cies  to  impose  a  price  cap  prices beforehand — boosted  falling.
            market outlooks.”            trades  well  below  its  sum-  on Russian oil could reduce  by production cuts elsewhere
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