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A30     world news
                  Diahuebs 6 OctOber 2022

                              Russian launches to space from US, 1st time in 20 years

            CAPE        CANAVERAL,                                                                 in orbit later this decade, “but  “many  tests  and  obstacles”
            Fla.. (AP) — For the first                                                             we  know  that  it’s  not  going  during  her  decade  of  train-
            time  in  20  years,  a  Rus-                                                          to happen very quick and so  ing. “But I did it. I’m lucky
            sian  cosmonaut  rocketed                                                              probably  we  will  keep  fly-  maybe. I’m strong,” she said.
            from the U.S. on Wednes-                                                               ing”  with  NASA  until  then,
            day,  launching  to  the  In-                                                          he said.                     Mann,  a  member  of  the
            ternational  Space  Station                                                                                         Wailacki  of  the  Round  Val-
            alongside NASA and Jap-                                                                Beginning  with  Krikalev  ley Indian Tribes in Califor-
            anese  astronauts  despite                                                             in  1994,  NASA  started  fly-  nia, took along her mother’s
            tensions  over  the  war  in                                                           ing  cosmonauts  on  its  space  dream catcher, a small tradi-
            Ukraine.                                                                               shuttles, first to Russia’s Mir  tional webbed hoop believed
                                                                                                   space station and then to the  to  offer  protection.  Retired
            “We’re so glad to do it togeth-                                                        fledgling  space  station.  The  NASA  astronaut  John  Her-
            er,”  said  Anna  Kikina,  Rus-                                                        2003  Columbia  reentry  di-  rington  of  the  Chickasaw
            sia’s lone female cosmonaut,                                                           saster  put  an  end  to  it.  But  Nation became the first Na-
            offering thanks in both Eng-                                                           U.S. astronauts continued to  tive  American  in  space  in
            lish and Russian. “Spasibo!”                                                           hitch rides on Russian rock-  2002.
                                         that arrived in April.       and Russian presence aboard   ets for tens of millions of dol-
            She  was  among  the  three                               the  260-mile-high  (420-ki-  lars per seat.              As  for  the  war  in  Ukraine,
            newcomers  on  the  flight,   Their  SpaceX  flight  was  lometer-high)  outpost.  The                              Mann said all four have put
            alongside  Marine  Col.  Ni-  delayed  by  Hurricane  Ian,  barter  was  authorized  even   Kakina is only the fifth Rus-  politics  and  personal  beliefs
            cole  Mann,  the  first  Native   which devastated parts of the  as  global  hostilities  mount-  sian woman to rocket off the  aside,  “and  it’s  really  cool
                                                                      ed  over  Russia’s  invasion  of
            American woman to orbit the   state last week.                                         planet. She said she was sur-  how the common mission of
            world, and Navy Capt. Josh                                Ukraine in late February. The   prised to be selected for the  the space station just instant-
            Cassada.  They  were  joined   “I hope with this launch we  next crew exchange is in the   seat swap after encountering  ly unites us.”
            by Japan Space Agency’s Koi-  will  brighten  up  the  skies  spring.
                                         over Florida a little bit for ev-
            chi  Wakata,  who  is  making
            his fifth spaceflight.       eryone,”  Wakata  said  before  Shortly before liftoff, NASA
                                         the flight.                  Administrator  Bill  Nelson
                                                                      said  that  the  key  reason  for
            “Awesome!”  radioed  Mann.   Kikina  is  the  Russian  Space  the seat exchange is safety —
            “That was a smooth ride up-
            hill. You’ve got three rookies   Agency’s   exchange   for  in  case  an  emergency  forces
                                         NASA’s  Frank  Rubio,  who  one  capsule’s  crew  home,
            who  are  pretty  happy  to  be
            floating in space right now.”  launched to the space station  there would still be an Amer-
                                         two weeks ago from Kazakh-   ican and Russian on board.
            They’re  due  to  arrive  at  the   stan  aboard  a  Soyuz  rocket.   In  the  meantime,  Rus-
                                         He flew up with two cosmo-
            space  station  Thursday,  29
            hours after a noon departure   nauts.                     sia  remains  committed  to
                                                                      the  space  station  through  at
            from NASA’s Kennedy Space
            Center, and won’t be back on   The  space  agencies  agreed  least  2024,  Russia  space  of-
                                         over  the  summer  to  swap  ficial Sergei Krikalev assured
            Earth  until  March.  They’re
            replacing a U.S.-Italian crew   seats on their flights in order  reporters  this  week.  Russia
                                         to ensure a continuous U.S.  wants to build its own station

                              Trial begins in Spain over 2013 train crash that killed 80

            MADRID  (AP)  —  A  tri-     facing  reporters  and  victims
            al  opened  Wednesday  in  of the crash demonstrating in
            Spain  over  a  2013  train  the  front  of  the  building.  A
            derailment  that  killed  80  protester punched him in the
            passengers  and  injured  bank when Cortabitarte later
            145  others,  amid  tensions  left  through  the  front  door.
            at  the  court  entrance  be-  court.
            tween  victims  and  one  of
            the defendants.              Spanish    national   televi-
                                         sion  aired  video  footage
            The  driver  of  the  long-  that  showed  demonstrators
            distance  train  that  crashed  screaming insults at him.
            against  a  concrete  wall  near
            Spain’s  northwestern  city  of  An  investigation  of  the  July
            Santiago de Compostela and  24,  2013  derailment  showed
            a former railway security di-  the  train  was  traveling  179
            rector are accused of profes-  kph  (111  mph)  on  a  stretch   safety measures triggered the  of the crash, the Alvia 04155  had  taken  too  long  for  the
            sional negligence.           with  an  80  kph  (50  mph)   derailment,  not  the  phone  Victims Platform, said it ex-  case to come to trial.
                                         speed  limit  when  it  left  the
            Prosecutors   are   seeking  tracks.  The  probe  also  re-  call.                     pected the trial to show that   “Some  of  the  victims  and
                                                                                                   ADIF bore more responsibil-
            four-year  prison  sentences  vealed the driver answered a   ADIF  confirmed  days  after  ity  for  the  derailment  than  relatives  have  died  over  the
            if driver Francisco José Gar-  phone call from the conduc-  the  crash  that  an  automatic  the driver.            years.  For  them,  there  will
            zón and Andrés Cortabitarte,  tor  just  seconds  before  the   braking  program  was  in-                          never be justice and unfortu-
            a former security director  at  crash.                    stalled  on  most  of  the  track  “The only way, unfortunate-  nately nothing can be done,”
            state-owned  rail  infrastruc-                            leading from Madrid north to  ly, for it not to happen again  the group said in a statement
            ture company ADIF, are con-  The  driver’s  lawyer,  Man-  Santiago  de  Compostela  but  is for ADIF to be convicted,”  reported  by  Spanish  state
            victed of bearing responsibil-  uel  Prieto,  told  reporters   the coverage stopped 5 kilo-  platform  spokesman  Jesús  news agency EFE.
            ity for the deaths and injuries.  Wednesday that missing sign-  meters (3 miles) south of the  Dominguez  told  the  La  Voz
                                         posts on the stretch of railway                                                        The  trial  is  expected  to  last
            Cortabitarte entered the court  line  where  the  accident  oc-  accident site, placing a greater  de Galicia newspaper.  several  months  and  feature
                                                                      burden on the driver.
            through a back door to avoid  curred and other inadequate
                                                                      A group representing victims  The  association  also  said  it  669 witnesses.
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