Page 9 - MIN VOS JUNE 20 2015
P. 9
Saturday 20 June 2015
Study: Deficit rise, more uninsured if US health law tossed
ANDREW TAYLOR spending cuts and tax in- The website is displayed on a laptop screen, in Portland, Ore. Repealing
RICARDO ZALDIVAR creases would add $137 President Barack Obama’s signature health care law would modestly increase the budget
Associated Press billion to the federal deficit deficit even as it boosts the economy, while the number of uninsured Americans would rise by
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- over the coming decade, more than 20 million, according to a nonpartisan government study released Friday.
pealing President Barack CBO said, even though
Obama’s signature health almost $1.7 trillion in cov- (AP Photo/Don Ryan)
care law would modestly erage costs would disap-
increase the budget defi- pear. Repeal would re-
cit, while the number of un- duce deficits in the first few
insured Americans would years but increase them
rise by more than 20 million, steadily as time goes on.
said a nonpartisan govern- Repeal would up the num-
ment study released Fri- ber of uninsured people by
day. The report from the about 24 million people,
Congressional Budget Of- and the share of U.S. adults
fice comes as Washington with health insurance
awaits a decision from the would drop from roughly
Supreme Court on whether 90 percent now to about
to nullify health insurance 82 percent, the report said.
subsidies for some 6 mil- On the other side of the
lion people in more than balance sheet, the report
30 states. The ruling would says that completely re-
have a major impact on pealing the law would,
the Affordable Care Act, on average, boost the
known as “Obamacare.” economy by 0.7 percent
Republicans now in con- a year after the start of the
trol of both chambers of ‘20s. That’s mostly because
Congress say they are not more people would en-
backing away from their ter the workforce or work
promise to repeal “Obam- more hours to make up for
acare.” the lack of government
But repealing the law’s health care subsidies.q
Applications for U.S. jobless
aid fall to nearly 15-year low
C. S. RUGABER Americans are enjoying
AP Economics Writer solid job security. Appli-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The cations, a proxy for lay-
number of people seeking offs, have remained be-
unemployment benefits fell low 300,000, a historically
last week, evidence that low level, for 15 weeks.
layoffs remain at unusually The trend indicates that
low levels and the job mar- employers are confident
ket is moving closer to full enough in future consum-
health. er demand to retain their
Weekly applications for staffs.
jobless aid dropped 12,000 The data is “very encour-
to a seasonally adjusted aging labor market news,”
267,000, the Labor Depart- said Jennifer Lee, an econ-
ment said this week, near omist at BMO Capital Mar-
15-year lows reached two kets.
months ago. The four-week The number of people re-
average, a less volatile ceiving benefits fell 50,000
measure, declined 2,000 to to 2.22 million. That figure
276,750. has fallen 14 percent in the
The figures suggest that past year.q
Saturday 20 June 2015
Study: Deficit rise, more uninsured if US health law tossed
ANDREW TAYLOR spending cuts and tax in- The website is displayed on a laptop screen, in Portland, Ore. Repealing
RICARDO ZALDIVAR creases would add $137 President Barack Obama’s signature health care law would modestly increase the budget
Associated Press billion to the federal deficit deficit even as it boosts the economy, while the number of uninsured Americans would rise by
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- over the coming decade, more than 20 million, according to a nonpartisan government study released Friday.
pealing President Barack CBO said, even though
Obama’s signature health almost $1.7 trillion in cov- (AP Photo/Don Ryan)
care law would modestly erage costs would disap-
increase the budget defi- pear. Repeal would re-
cit, while the number of un- duce deficits in the first few
insured Americans would years but increase them
rise by more than 20 million, steadily as time goes on.
said a nonpartisan govern- Repeal would up the num-
ment study released Fri- ber of uninsured people by
day. The report from the about 24 million people,
Congressional Budget Of- and the share of U.S. adults
fice comes as Washington with health insurance
awaits a decision from the would drop from roughly
Supreme Court on whether 90 percent now to about
to nullify health insurance 82 percent, the report said.
subsidies for some 6 mil- On the other side of the
lion people in more than balance sheet, the report
30 states. The ruling would says that completely re-
have a major impact on pealing the law would,
the Affordable Care Act, on average, boost the
known as “Obamacare.” economy by 0.7 percent
Republicans now in con- a year after the start of the
trol of both chambers of ‘20s. That’s mostly because
Congress say they are not more people would en-
backing away from their ter the workforce or work
promise to repeal “Obam- more hours to make up for
acare.” the lack of government
But repealing the law’s health care subsidies.q
Applications for U.S. jobless
aid fall to nearly 15-year low
C. S. RUGABER Americans are enjoying
AP Economics Writer solid job security. Appli-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The cations, a proxy for lay-
number of people seeking offs, have remained be-
unemployment benefits fell low 300,000, a historically
last week, evidence that low level, for 15 weeks.
layoffs remain at unusually The trend indicates that
low levels and the job mar- employers are confident
ket is moving closer to full enough in future consum-
health. er demand to retain their
Weekly applications for staffs.
jobless aid dropped 12,000 The data is “very encour-
to a seasonally adjusted aging labor market news,”
267,000, the Labor Depart- said Jennifer Lee, an econ-
ment said this week, near omist at BMO Capital Mar-
15-year lows reached two kets.
months ago. The four-week The number of people re-
average, a less volatile ceiving benefits fell 50,000
measure, declined 2,000 to to 2.22 million. That figure
276,750. has fallen 14 percent in the
The figures suggest that past year.q