Page 17 - AHATA
P. 17
LOCAL Saturday 28 april 2018
Aruba to Me
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Today likes
to welcome readers to partici-
pate in our newspaper. You can
see that in our Honored Guest-
publications, specials like on
Valentine’s Day and on other oc-
casions. Throughout the year you
are always welcome to send us
your vacation picture(s) together
with completing the sentence:
Aruba to me is …….. (Email: Lin-
For today’s newspaper we re-
ceived a great picture from Han-
nah and Herbert from Tenants
Hbr. Maine. They wrote: “This
year, we are enjoying Aruba for
the 25th time and we admire the
big progress on the Island since
1993. We love to walk along
from DIVI to Oranjestad or to the
Highrise. This is our ‘Gas Station
of Energy’ after the cold winter
in Maine and it is a super start
into the summertime. We love
the friendly people and we are
always very sad when we have
to leave this beautiful Island and
saying Good Bye on Sunday from
DIVI Golf and Beach Resort.”q