Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18

                  Saturday 28 april 2018

            Aruba Marriott Congratulates Fourteen Associates on Promotions and Transfers

            During the 1st quarter of 2018

            PALM  BEACH  –  As  part  of  keeping  Room  Attendant  ferred from Kitchen Admin-
            Marriott’s  core  value  “Put-  to  F&B  Attendant  Ocean  istrative Assistant to F&B Ad-
            ting  People  First”,  Aruba  Cafe                        ministrative Assistant
            Marriott  is  proud  to  an-  •     Dayni Croes – Trans-  •      Jeannot  Lacle  –
            nounce the internal promo-   ferred  from  AYS  Runner  Promoted  from  Casino  In-
            tion and transfer of fourteen  to  Engineer  II-Shift  Ocean  come  Auditor  to  Casino
            associates.   Encouraging  Club                           Accounting Supervisor
            this  important  core  value,  •    Millangela  Schwen-   •      Christian  Portela  –
            Aruba  Marriott  strives  to  gle  –  Transferred  from  Ca-  Promoted from Engineer II-
            continuously  train  its  as-  sino  Bartender  to  Casino  Shift to Engineering Supervi-
            sociates  and  provide  the  Beverage Server              sor Ocean Club
            necessary  resources  and  •        Noemi     Tromp    –  •      Randolf  Ridderstap
            tools  to  prepare  them  for  Transferred from F&B Super-  –  Promoted  from  Casino
            their  next  career  step  and  visor to Sales Coordinator  Cage  Vault  Custodian  to
            as  a  result  confidently  be  •   Glenys  Heredia  –  Casino Cage Supervisor
            able to promote within the  Transferred  from  Barback  •        Yoleida    Martinez  seeking  to  jump  start  their  Aruba  Marriott  Resort  &
            company first.               to  Bartender  at  Captain’s  Lemus  –  Promoted  from  career  in  the  hospitality  Stellaris  Casino  opened  its
                                         Galley                       Housekeeping    Houseper-    industry  and  continues  to  door in 1995 with 411 guest-
            The  Aruba  Marriott  con-   •      Chareldine     Kros-  son to Lead Housekeeping  be  committed  to  hiring  rooms.  In  1999  the  Mar-
            gratulates  these  fourteen  endijk  –  Transferred  from  Supervisor                  a  diverse  workforce  and  riott’s  Aruba  Ocean  Club
            associates  whom  showed  Accounting Clerk to Casino  •          Gislaine Croes – Pro-  sustaining  an  inclusive  cul-  opened  its  door  with  311
            hard  work  and  dedication  Administrative Assistant     moted  from  Assistant  F&B  ture”,  shared  Reuella  Ree-  guestrooms  and  in  2004
            and in return received the  •       Sergio   Nunes     –  Manager to Rooms Opera-      berg  –  Human  Resources  Marriott’s  Aruba  Surf  Club
            great opportunity of being  Transferred  from  F&B  Run-  tions Manager Housekeep-     Manager.                     was opened with 900 guest-
            promoted  and  transferred  ner  to  F&B  Server  Ruth’s  ing Ocean Club                                            rooms.  The  Aruba  Marriott
            to  the  following  positions  Chris                                                   For  those  interested  in  family  consists  of  about
            during  the  1st  quarter  of  •    Miguel  Carrasquilla  “We are honored to share  starting  their  career  at  the  1100  associates.  The  Aru-
            2018.                        – Transferred from F&B Run-  this  great  news  with  the  Aruba  Marriott  please  visit  ba Marriott Complex is the
                                         ner  to  Barback  Captain’s  local  community  as  Mar-  largest in the Caribbean in
            •      Heiddy  Grullon  –  Galley                         riott  continuous  to  provide  to apply.                 terms  of  total  guestrooms
            Transferred  from  House-    •      Xerxia Leon – Trans-  equal opportunity to those                                as well total employees. q
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