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A30    world news
                  Diasabra 9 OctOber 2021

                         IS bomber kills 46 inside Afghan mosque, challenges Taliban

                                                                      have  targeted  Taliban  posi-  the  attack  as  “part  of  a  dis-  di  province,  after  members
                                                                      tions and attempted to recruit  turbing  pattern  of  violence”  of  the  security  forces  of  the
                                                                      members from their ranks.    targeting  religious  institu-  former  government  surren-
                                                                                                   tions.                       dered.
                                                                      In the past, the Taliban man-  A  prominent  Shiite  cleric,
                                                                      aged to contain the IS threat  Sayed Hussain Alimi Balkhi,  In  Kunduz  province,  Haz-
                                                                      in  tandem  with  U.S.  and  called on the Taliban to pro-  aras  make  up  about  6%  of
                                                                      Afghan  airstrikes.  Without  vide security for the Shiites of  the  province’s  population
                                                                      these,  it  remains  unclear  Afghanistan.  “We  expect  the  of  nearly  1  million  people.
                                                                      whether the Taliban can sup-  security forces of the govern-  The province also has a large
                                                                      press  what  appears  to  be  a  ment to provide security for  ethnic  Uzbek  population
                                                                      growing  IS  footprint.  The  the  mosques  since  they  col-  that has been targeted for re-
                                                                      militants,  once  confined  to  lected the weapons that were  cruitment by the IS, which is
                                                                      the east, have penetrated the  provided  for  the  security  of  closely aligned with the mili-
            (AP)  —  An  Islamic  State  religious institutions and mi-  capital  of  Kabul  and  other  the worship places,” he said.  tant  Islamic  Movement  of
            suicide bomber struck at a  nority Shiites since U.S. and  provinces with new attacks.                              Uzbekistan.
            mosque  packed  with  Shi-   NATO troops left in August.                               Dost  Mohammad  Obaida,
            ite  Muslim  worshippers                                  This comes at a critical mo-  the  deputy  police  chief  in  Friday’s attack was the third
            in  northern  Afghanistan  The blast blew out windows,  ment, as the Taliban attempt  Kunduz  pledged  to  protect  to target a place of worship or
            on  Friday,  killing  at  least  charred the ceiling and scat-  to  consolidate  power  and  minorities  in  the  province.  religious study in a week.
            46  people  and  wound-      tered  debris  and  twisted  transform   their   guerrilla  “I assure our Shiite brothers
            ing  dozens  in  the  latest  metal across the floor. Rescu-  fighters into a structured po-  that the Taliban are prepared  IS has also claimed two dead-
            security  challenge  to  the  ers carried one body out  on  lice  and  security  force.  But  to  ensure  their  safety,”  he  ly  bombings  in  Kabul,  in-
            Taliban as they transition  a  stretcher  and  another  in  a  while  the  group  attempts  said.                   cluding  the  horrific  Aug.  26
            from insurgency to gover-    blanket. Blood stains covered  to  project  an  air  of  author-                       bombing  that  killed  at  least
            nance.                       the front steps.             ity  through  reports  of  raids  The new tone struck by the  169  Afghans  and  13  U.S.
                                                                      and arrests of IS members, it  Taliban,  at  least  in  Kunduz,  military personnel outside of
            In its claim of responsibility,  A resident of the area, Hus-  remains unclear if it has the  is  in  sharp  contrast  to  the  Kabul airport in the final days
            the region’s IS affiliate iden-  saindad  Rezayee,  said  he  capability to protect soft tar-  well-documented  history  of  of the chaotic American pull-
            tified the bomber as a Uygh-  rushed to the mosque when  gets,  including  religious  in-  Taliban  fighters  committing  out from Afghanistan.
            er Muslim, saying the attack  he  heard  the  explosion,  just  stitutions.            a  litany  of  atrocities  against
            targeted both Shiites and the  as  prayers  started.  “I  came                         minorities,  including  Haz-  IS  also  claimed  a  bombing
            Taliban  for  their  purported  to look for my relatives, the  In  Kunduz,  police  officials  aras.  The  Taliban,  now  feel-  on  Sunday  outside  Kabul’s
            willingness to expel Uyghers  mosque was full,” he said.  were  still  picking  up  the  ing the weight of governing,  Eid  Gah  Mosque  that  killed
            to meet demands from Chi-                                 pieces Friday at the Gozar-e-  employed  similar  tactics  to  at least five civilians. Another
            na.  The  statement  was  car-  The worshippers targeted in  Sayed Abad Mosque. Taliban  those  of  IS  during  their  20-  attack  on  a  madrassa,  a  reli-
            ried by the IS-linked Aamaq  Friday’s  were  Hazaras,  who  spokesman Bilal Karimi told  year  insurgency,  including  gious school, in Khost prov-
            news agency.                 have long suffered from dou-  The Associated Press that 46  suicide bombings and shoot-  ince  on  Wednesday  was  not
                                         ble discrimination as an eth-  worshipers  were  killed  and  ing ambushes.            claimed.
            The  blast  tore  through  a  nic minority and as followers  143  wounded  in  the  explo-
            crowded mosque in the city  of Shiite Islam in a majority  sion. He said an investigation  And they have not halted at-  If  Friday’s  attack  is  claimed
            of  Kunduz  during  Friday  Sunni country.                was under way.               tacks on Hazaras.            by  IS,  it  will  also  be  worry-
            noon prayers, the highlight of                                                                                      ing  for  Afghanistan’s  north-
            the Muslim religious week. It  The Islamic State group and  The  death  toll  of  46  is  the  Earlier  this  week,  a  report  ern Central Asian neighbors
            was the latest in a series of IS  the Taliban, who seized con-  highest in an attack since for-  by  Amnesty  International  and  Russia,  which  has  been
            bombings and shootings that  trol  of  the  country  with  the  eign troops left Afghanistan.  found the Taliban unlawfully  courting the Taliban for years
            have  targeted  Afghanistan’s  exit of the foreign troops, are  The United Nations mission  killed 13 Hazaras, including a  as an ally against the creeping
            new Taliban rulers, as well as  strategic  rivals.  IS  militants  in  Afghanistan  condemned  17-year-old girl, in Daykun-  IS in the region.

                       Moroccan king seeks to secure key stocks after pandemic woes

            (AP) — Inaugurating Mo-      from the throne, he formally  sues  are,  once  again,  front  Othmani,  whose  Islamist  would  join  the  opposition
            rocco’s  new  parliament,  inaugurated  the  new  parlia-  and center,” he said.       Justice  and  Development  ranks.
            King     Mohammed       VI  ment’s first session Friday.                               Party (PJD) suffered a sting-
            called Friday for a new na-                               The  new  cabinet,  run  by  ing defeat in the Sept. 8 elec-  The  new  coalition  includes
            tional  system  to  manage  Because  of  the  COVID-19  Prime  Minister  Aziz  Akha-   tion.                        the  RNI,  the  Authenticity
            essential  food,  medicine  pandemic,  the  inauguration  nouch  of  the  Rally  of  Na-                            and Modernity party and the
            and  energy  stocks  after  ceremony  in  the  parliament  tional  Independents  party,  is  The  PJD’s  leadership  re-  conservative Istiqlal.
            major  disruptions  caused  building in the capital Rabat  made up of 24 ministers, in-  signed  en  masse  after  the
            by the pandemic.             was  held  on  a  smaller  scale,  cluding seven women. It was  elections  and  said  the  party
                                         with  fewer  members  of  the  announced Thursday.
            The  speech  came  a  day  af-  legislature’s two chambers in
            ter the king appointed a new  attendance than usual.      Seven  ministers  retained
            government  made  up  of  a                               their positions, including the
            coalition  of  liberal  and  con-  Noting that the pandemic has  important  foreign  and  inte-
            servative parties and led by a  caused  major  disruptions  in  rior  ministers.  Nadia  Fettah
            billionaire businessman. The  supply chains in many coun-  Alaoui,  who  was  tourism
            new parliament and govern-   tries, the king insisted on the  minister in the previous gov-
            ment  are  the  result  of  elec-  need to set up “an integrated  ernment,  will  be  Morocco’s
            tions last month that ousted  national  system  to  manage  first female finance minister.
            Islamists who had dominated  the strategic reserve stock of
            the  legislature  and  run  the  essential goods and products,  Akhanouch,  one  of  Mo-
            government for a decade.     especially in the areas of food,  rocco’s richest men, was ap-
                                         health and energy.”          pointed as prime minister last
            The  king  holds  ultimate                                month after his party placed
            power  in  the  North  African  “The  COVID-19  crisis  has  first  in  legislative  elections.
            country. In a televised speech  shown  that  sovereignty  is-  He replaced Saad Eddine El
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