Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 8 May 2024

            Palm Beach Tower to be designed by artist Paul Wong

            In October last year, the Minister of  Previously, there was the flag of Aruba,
            Tourism, Dangui Oduber, announced  and tourists used it to take pictures
            the  search  for  local  artists  to  par-  and post them on social media, which
            ticipate  in  the  Palm  Beach  Tower  is also why they called on local artists
            Art Project. On April 29th, it was an-  to participate in the request for pro-
            nounced regarding the conceptual  posal (RFP) so that they could get an
            design that will be in the hands of  idea or thoughts on what should be
            artist Paul Wong.                   put in the tower to become a tourist
                                                attraction in the Palm Beach area.
            At that time, the minister informed
            that the first phase had already been  Minister Oduber announced that since
            completed, where they worked on  October, they have been posting
            the platform used by both locals and  on their social media this invitation
            tourists from previous years, and in  called "Palm Beach Tower Art Proj-
            the last months of the past year, it  ect," aimed at local artists who want
            was seen that the first phase of the  to be part of it. "This is a beautiful
            platform renovation was completed.  project to showcase not only in our
                                                local market but also to our tourists,
            According to Oduber, the second  and that's why we're extending the
            phase involved inviting local artists  invitation to start participating for 10  that "after we have fixed the plat-  be posted."
            to use their creativity and present  days,  and  then  when  we  receive  form at Palm Beach, the next phase
            ideas on what could be placed in the  those who want to participate, we  will be a design for the tower. This is  On social networks, Minister Oduber's
            white tower to begin the search for  will evaluate them with a commis-  the conceptual design by local artist  publication received quite a reac-
            "what design the community wants  sion, and finally, in approximately a  Paul Wong to be completed with it.  tion, where both locals and tourists
            to see or what design we need to  month, the official work can begin."  This is the front part; the back part  will surely make this platform a new
            implement."                         Now,  finally,  the  minister  informed  also has a conceptual one that will  point of attraction. q

                                                                      Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!

                                                                      ally  referring  to  two  sepa-  characters  roaming  the  renovation  in  1964,  turning
                                                                      rate buildings that, over the  Caribbean  Sea.  Unlike  the  the site into the Historic Mu-
                                                                      years, have been merged:  Willem  III  Toren,  Fort  Zout-  seum it currently is.
                                                                      the  fort  and  the  tower.  man  had  a  more  tumul-    Despite  its  small  size,  The
                                                                      That’s right, the iconic 5-sto-  tuous  past,  including  the  Historic  Museum  guards  a
                                                                      ry,  squared  tower  was  not  on-and-off  reception  of  rich depository of the com-
                                                                      part of the original structure  unwanted members of the  mercial, military and social
                                                                      of  the  fort,  and  is  actually  English military several times  history of Oranjestad, offer-
                                                                      called  “Willem  III  Toren”.  (The  Netherlands  was  at  ing a glance into how the
                                                                      Constructed  in  1867,  this  constant war with England  social  culture  of  the  town
                                                                      tower was named after the  back in the colonial era).     came  to  be.  If  you  are  in-
                                                                      then-reigning  king  of  The  Over  the  years,  both  the  terested in history and want
                                                                      Netherlands,  Willem  III.  Wil-  fort  and  the  tower  had  to learn more about Aruba,
                                                                      lem  III  Toren  was  originally  functioned   as   different  then  Fort  Zoutman  should
                                                                      a light tower, but after a re-  government  center  points,  definitely  be  included  into
            (Oranjestad)—Located  in  site  has  been  used  (or  left  quest from Lieutenant Gov-  including a tax and stamps  your itinerary.
            the  middle  of  downtown  unused) in many ways and  ernor Jan Helenus in 1866, it  office. For some time these  The museum  is  open Mon-
            Oranjestad,  situated  right  have  survived  eras  of  war  also became a bell tower.    two  buildings  also  housed  day  to  Friday  from  9am-
            next  to  the  government  and  attempted  disman-        The fort itself was originally  a  police  precinct  and  jail,  6pm,  and  Saturday  from
            building “Cocolishi”, is one  tling.                      constructed   to   protect  and    even    experienced  10am-2pm.q
            of  the  oldest  buildings  of                            the  commerce  bay  of  abandonment until the Cul-
            Aruba:  Fort  Zoutman.  First  When anyone refers to Fort  Paardenbaai  from  pirates  tural Center Aruba Founda-    Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
            constructed  in  1796,  this  Zoutman,  they  are  actu-  and    other   disreputable  tion (CCA) petitioned for its             by Jan Hartog.
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