Page 24 - MIN ECEM
P. 24
18 AWEMainta Diahuebs, 26 October 2017
Bou di e nomber ‘Nature & Culture Relief Fund’
Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Region Caribe a
pone 110 mil dollar disponibel pa Islanan Ariba
WILLEMSTAD – Despues di e comuni-
cado di dia 20 di september ultimo, directiva
di Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Region
Caribe, kier a infoma cu nan a duna 110 mil
dollar na subsidio pa diferente fundacion y
organisacion di e Islanan Ariba.
Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Region
Caribe sa cu e montante aki no ta yega pa
cubri e destruccion causa pa orcan Irma na
september ultimo, pero si por alivia e necesi-
dad cu tin den e area di naturalesa y cultura
riba Islanan Ariba, incluso recuperacion y
preservacion inmediato di obranan di arte.
Den e tabel por mira e nombernan di tur e
fundacion/organisacion cu a ricibi un sub-
sidio y e motibo pa cual nan a ricibi esaki:
Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Region
Caribe, ta agradecido specialmente cu e
aporte extra generoso cu Prins Bernhard
Cultuurfonds Hulanda a duna pa yuda hasi
e subsidionan aki posibel.
Manera a menciona den e comunicado ante-
rior, ainda Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Foundation/Organization Island Reason for the Subsidy
Region Caribe ta den espera di mas fondo di AXUM, Art Agency Foundation Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For the repairs of the porch and banisters outside,
the replacement of musical instruments, the
otro organisacionnan via di Prins Bernhard replacement of the signs outside, the replacement
Cultuurfonds Hulanda, cu lo por contribui of damaged fans.
n’e Nature & Culture Relief Fund. Artcraft Café Artschool Phillipsburg, St. Maarten To restart the art school, for new aircos, kilns,
lighting, furniture, materials etc and for rebuilding
the art gallery.
Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Region DOW's Musical Foundation Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For musical equipment's, rental of music school
premises, overhead costs ( mainly payments to
Caribe ta kere cu e mas cu 64 aña di ex- teachers) for the span of 2-3 months.
periencia cu e tin riba tereno, y pa medio Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For new office equipments and furnishings for
staff housing.
di e miembronan di directiva na cada isla, St. Maarten Nature Foundation Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For the replacement of 60 moorings
ta comberti e fondo den un socio capas pa National Institute of Arts (NIA) Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For the covering of salaries of the teachers, for the
span of 2-3 months.
yuda e NGO’s di naturalesa y cultura den e SIMARC, ST. Maarten Archeological Research Center Phillipsburg, St. Maarten To salvage what is possible of the collection,
circumstancianan aki. purchase and trasportation of a container and
boxes/shelves to house the collection.
Spaceless Garden Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For the rebuilding of the 3 structures (toilets,
Tur hende of organisacion cu kier contribui sitting/teaching area and shed) out of conctrete.
den e fondo aki, por tuma contacto cu Fondo Charlotte Brookson Academy of the Performance Arts Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For the purchasing of laptops
Cultural Prins Bernhard pa Region Caribe, Indisu Dance Theater Phillipsburg, St. Maarten For the repairs to the building and
repairs/replacement of 6 mirrors, ceiling tiles,
via di of por yama sheet rock and hard wood floors of both studioss.
+59997671584, ta acepta cada man bon- InterVision Foundation, Seaside Nature Park Phillipsburg, St. Maarten To get paddocks for "the animals' back up and also
fix the toilet.
dadoso. Sint Eustatius National Parks Oranjestad, St. Eustatius For the rebuilding of the shade house in the
botanical garden and cleaning and clearing of all
the 17 trails with chainsaws.
Fondo Cultural pa Region Caribe ta kere cu Saba Conservation Foundation The Bottom, Saba For the replacement of signs and interpretive
e subsidionan ofreci lo keda wordo uza pa displays and construction materials, tools and
trese comunidad hunto, fortifica aliansa y lo Child Focus Foundation The Bottom, Saba manpower.
For the cleanup and restoration of the playground.
ta un catalisador pa desaroyonan duradero y
esfuersonan di reconstruccion. Malofi Foundation The Bottom, Saba For the replacement of a computer