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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

            Michelle and Wester Celebrate their Birthdays on Aruba

            PALM BEACH - Happy birthday to both Michelle (32) and
            Wester (41) from San Diego, California. The two decided
            to celebrate their combined birthdays and annual fall va-
            cation with a first trip to Aruba.

            Walking down the street they happened to see Fishes &
            More Restaurant and they decided on the spot to try it
            out. It was spot-on. “We love it here,” they said with big
            smiles.  “Everyone  is  so  nice  and  the  island  is  beautiful.”
            They  added  that  Fishes  &  More’s  Yaya  and  Alex  were
            Thank you, Michelle and Wester for your nice comments
            - we hope you will fly down for next year’s birthday cele-
            bration as well, now that you have got to know the island.
            Masha pabien!q
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