Page 22 - MIN.VOS ALEX MAY 20
P. 22


WORLD NEWSWednesday 20 May 2015

Portugal investigates police beating at soccer game                                                                                                             Greek politicians
                                                                                                                                                                 rev up pressure
BARRY HATTON                     Jose Magalhaes is detained by police after being attacked by other policemen with batons out-                                   on government 
Associated Press                 side of a stadium, in Guimaraes, Portugal, Sunday, May 17, 2015. Portuguese prosecutors are in-
MATOSINHOS, Portugal (AP)        vestigating a policeman who beat a man outside a soccer stadium, sparking a national scandal.                                 DEREK GATOPOULOS
— Jose Magalhaes took his                                                                                                                                      Associated Press
two young boys and his el-                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Delfim Machado)  ATHENS, Greece (AP) —
derly father to watch a big                                                                                                                                    Three senior members of
Portuguese soccer game,          lawyer’s office Tuesday in     the police is also analyzing  police were holding rival                                        Greece’s governing Syriza
thinking it would be a treat     his hometown of Matosin-       police conduct.               fans inside the stadium at                                       party late Monday urged
for all. Instead, he and his     hos, about 300 kilometers      Dramatic video footage,       Guimaraes, also in northern                                      the government to halt
family are at the center of      (180 miles) north of the       played widely on Portu-       Portugal, to avoid clashes                                       bailout repayments —
a national scandal over al-      capital Lisbon.                guese television and on so-   in surrounding streets.                                          and prepare the country
leged police brutality.          Police declined to com-        cial media, shows the Mag-    An officer questioned                                            for a possible euro exit.
Live video of a police of-       ment to the AP, but the na-    alhaes family by a low wall   Magalhaes, then punched                                          The group of dissenters,
ficer beating Magalhaes          tional headquarters said in    outside the stadium, where    his father before using a                                        headed by the party’s
with a truncheon in front of     a statement it has opened      the youngest child sat and    truncheon to beat Magal-                                         former chief economist
his sons outside the stadium     an investigation into the      drank a bottle of water.      haes on the ground while                                         John Milios, warned that
Sunday, and also punching        incident. The government       There were few other peo-     his 9-year-old screamed                                          Prime Minister Alexis Tsip-
his 66-year-old father, has      department that oversees       ple in the vicinity because   “Dad! Dad!” q                                                    ras’ four-month-old gov-
sparked outrage in Portu-                                                                                                                                      ernment was being pres-
gal and led to an official                                                                                                                                     sured by rescue lenders
investigation by authorities                                                                                                                                   into abandoning election
of alleged abuse of power                                                                                                                                      promises and continuing
by police.                                                                                                                                                     with austerity measures.
Magalhaes told The As-                                                                                                                                         “The government can-
sociated Press on Tuesday                                                                                                                                      not be caught in a neo-
that police had allowed                                                                                                                                        liberal trap,” Milios told a
him and his sons to leave                                                                                                                                      gathering of supporters.
the stadium before others                                                                                                                                      “This can only be broken
because his children, aged                                                                                                                                     if it is made clear that we
nine and 13, were being                                                                                                                                        intend to delay repay-
crushed as fans inside cel-                                                                                                                                    ments. We cannot disap-
ebrated a result that gave                                                                                                                                     point those who trusted
Benfica, the club his family                                                                                                                                   us.” It was strongest chal-
supports, the Portuguese                                                                                                                                       lenge posed to Tsipras
championship title.                                                                                                                                            since the charismatic
“It was supposed to be a                                                                                                                                       40-year-old left-wing poli-
day of celebration,” Mag-                                                                                                                                      tician won general elec-
alhaes told the AP at his                                                                                                                                      tions in January.Milios
                                                                                                                                                               was joined by two party
Scotland Yard arrests 9 in major London jewel heist                                                                                                            executive members, So-
                                                                                                                                                               fia Papadogianni and
GREGORY KATZ                     to respond to a midnight       value property were re-       walls that were 2 meters                                         Antonis Danavelos, who
Associated Press                 alarm at the start of a holi-  covered at one of the ad-     (6 feet) thick, later making                                     also backed a repayment
LONDON (AP) — With me-           day weekend. That gave         dresses but did not assign a  off with the contents of 72                                      freeze. “We must not be
ticulous planning and re-        the thieves more than 48       value to the heist.           safety deposit boxes.                                            afraid. We must prepare
markable good fortune,           hours to carefully remove      The audacious robbery         Commander Peter Spindler                                         for an exit from the euro.
the thieves who broke into       the contents of the safe       over the Easter weekend       on Tuesday defended the                                          They will not expel us but
a safe deposit in London’s       used by jewelers in the Hat-   fascinated Britain. Dressed   police performance in the                                        we must be prepared,”
diamond district seemed to       ton Garden district.           in fluorescent vests and      face of the earlier criticism.                                   Papadogianni said to ap-
have pulled off the perfect      The suspects, all British men  hard hats, the thieves en-    “At times we’ve been por-                                        plause from the crowd,
jewel heist. But their luck ran  between ages 43 and 76,        tered the high-security       trayed as if we have acted                                       packing into a small con-
out Tuesday when more            were questioned in a Lon-      vault area in the London      like Keystone Cops but I                                         ference room.
than 200 Scotland Yard of-       don police station after       diamond district, carrying    want to reassure you that in                                     Tsipas’ government is
ficers closed in on them.        coordinated morning raids      bags and wheeled gar-         the finest traditions of Scot-                                   struggling to agree on
The nine arrests were a tri-     in northern London and         bage bins for carrying off    land Yard, these detectives                                      a list of reforms creditors
umph for embattled detec-        the southeastern district of   the booty.                    have done their utmost to                                        have demanded in return
tives whose early work had       Kent, Scotland Yard said.      To gain entry, they climbed   bring justice to the victims                                     for bailout money that
been criticized because          It said bags containing a      down an elevator shaft and    of this callous crime,” he                                       Greece needs to avoid
of an embarrassing failure       significant amount of high-    drilled through concrete      said. q                                                          defaulting on debts due
                                                                                                                                                               next month. q
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