Page 27 - MIN.VOS ALEX MAY 20
P. 27

                                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday 20 May 2015

Fight of century                                                                                                                      It’s not the first time cus-  match only for it to be dis-
                                                                                                                                      tomers have gone to court     qualified.
A lawsuit filed on behalf of        Continued from Page 17   people knew about the                                                    when things didn’t go quite   Neither resulted in judg-
Flights Beer Bar near Los An-                                injury and when, including                                               the way they expected in      ments for refund-seeking
geles International Airport    But the defendants differ.    claims in a few of the law-                                              the field of entertainment.   customers. Milli Vanilli fans
in California said Pacquiao    All include Pacquiao and      suits that Mayweather had                                                Remember Milli Vanilli?       got a buck or two back in
and his promoter’s actions     his promotions team but       a spy in Pacquiao’s camp                                                 Music fans in the 1990s ar-   a settlement.
                               some add Mayweather                                                                                    gued the lip-synching pop     So if viewers were prom-
                               and his representatives,                                                                               duo owed them a refund        ised a fight, and they got
                                                                                                                                      once it was revealed they     a 12-round fight, isn’t that
                                                                                                                                      weren’t actually singing.     enough?
                                                                                                                                      Or the bite-fight with Mike   Lawyer Caleb Marker, who
                                                                                                                                      Tyson? Sports fans may        represents clients in two
                                                                                                                                      have gotten an earful,        separate class-action suits
                                                                                                                                      but they contended they       against Pacquiao, says
                                                                                                                                      didn’t pay to see a boxing    that’s arguable.q

This May 2, 2015 file photo shows Floyd Mayweather Jr., left, hits Manny Pacquiao, during their
welterweight title fight in Las Vegas.

                                                                                                                    Associated Press

were “nothing but a cash-      along with HBO, Showtime      and the boxer targeted
grab.” The bar paid $2,600                                   Pacquiao’s right shoulder
to broadcast the fight.        and cable companies.          during the fight.
The fighters are expected                                    Experts in resolving legal
to earn more than $100 mil-    Representatives for Pac-      disputes doubt disgruntled
lion each — Mayweather                                       boxing fans will be able to
more than Pacquiao. HBO        quiao and Top Rank Pro-       claim victory.
and Showtime broke re-                                       “They’d have more law-
cords, raking in more than     motions, HBO and Show-        suits if they didn’t hold
$400 million from 4.4 million                                the fight,” said Maureen
people who paid to watch       time had no comment on        Weston, director of Pep-
the pay-per-view broad-                                      perdine University’s en-
cast.                          the lawsuits. Mayweather      tertainment, media and
Those viewers paid up to                                     sports dispute-resolution
$100 each, and the law-        Promotions did not return     project.
suits want that money                                        If a fight is what fans were
back.                          multiple phone messages.      paying for, the boxers un-
It isn’t as easy as showing a                                questionably delivered,
receipt and demanding a        Exhibit A for most of the     she said. Just because
refund. A federal panel of                                   people didn’t like the show
judges will likely first need  lawsuits is a Nevada Ath-     doesn’t mean they get
to decide if the lawsuits                                    their money back, Weston
from multiple states and       letic Commission medical      said.
Puerto Rico should be con-                                   Ultimately the question is:
solidated into one case.       questionnaire that Pac-       Who did Pacquiao have
From there, a judge would                                    a legal duty to explain his
have to decide whether to      quiao signed days before      injury to?
certify them as class action                                 Short answer: He didn’t
or not.                        the fight. When asked if he   have to tell viewers, she
What’s sought in each is                                     said. The only contract
the same: a jury trial and     had any injuries, including   viewers had was with their
at least $5 million in dam-                                  cable companies, which
ages, the threshold for fed-   to his shoulder, he replied,  had contracts with HBO
eral class-action lawsuits.                                  and Showtime.

                               In fact, his shoulder was

                               injured enough to warrant

                               surgery shortly after the


                               In a twist, Pacquiao re-

                               vealed for the first time in

                               a post-fight press confer-

                               ence that he had torn his

                               rotator cuff weeks before.

                               The Nevada Athletic Com-

                               mission denied him a pain

                               reliever mere hours before

                               the fight, when regulators

                               first learned of the injury.

                               Conspiracy  theories

                               abound as to how many
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