Page 15 - HOH
P. 15
local Tuesday 1 November 2022
Nine Lives Aruba Foudation asking help
from the community for Aruba’s pets
ORANJESTAD – This Sunday, are requesting the help of their care, named Firulais,
Nine Lives Aruba Founda- the community to come who is also looking for a
tion is having an Adoption to the Adoption Day this family to adopt him.
Day. This is because cur- Sunday, 6th of November
rently the foundation is go- from 10am until 3pm, to Sterilization campaigns are
ing through a difficult time adopt a cat or dog. “Be- important and also have a
due to the amount of cats cause we can’t go on like price, as Toro indicates. “If
and dogs in their care, ac- this. The costs are high be- we don’t educate our peo-
cording to vice-president cause they need food, cat ple about the importance
of the foundation, Geral- litter, wipes, and trash bags of sterilizing their cat or dog,
dine Toro. to clean the premises every the problem will continue.
day, and the donations are Because we are sterilizing,
“In all these years we never barely coming in”, she said. but for example if I help a
had so many cats. Right house by sterilizing twenty
now we have 197 cats and In her opinion, she thinks cats, but two years later
one dog. I don’t know if it’s that because of the situ- the people come asking for
the cost of living that is go- ation worldwide with a help again because they
ing up or what is going on, higher cost of living, they took four cats more but
but everyone is busy aban- are not receiving as many didn’t sterilize those. Those
doning or throwing their donations as before, and cats had litters again. So
cats on the streets”, she in- they have more animals it’s not just about sterilizing,
dicated. that need help. we also need to educate
our people so that they
As a foundation they find During the Adoption Day know that if they adopt an
themselves forced to take on Sunday they will also animal, when it reaches
the cats, but now they are be selling plants that their six months old it needs to
reaching a point where volunteers grew in order be spayed or neutered where the foundation was left outside and can go on
that amount is not normal to raise funds at the same so that the animals don’t moved last year to have the street, and be hit by a
for them as a foundation. time as the adoption of the end up on the street when more space to take care of car, or bitten by a dog, and
Due to this difficulty, they cats – and the one dog in the owners can no longer the cats. it dies. Because of this we
take care of them. That is prefer that the owner signs
the biggest problem”, Toro To adopt a cat from the a contract that they are
pointed out. foundation, people can keeping the cat indoors.”
approach the founda-
She said that the problem tion and fill in an adop- For a dog, the cost of adop-
is getting worse because tion letter, and the cost tion is 200 Florins, because
they are noticing that lately is 75 Florins. This includes spaying and neutering a
people are dumping their sterilization by the founda- dog is more expensive.
cats because of financial tion when the animal is six The cost also covers vac-
problems, which is not fair. months old. If the cat is an cination. One of the most
The foundation has to take adult, it will already be ster- important requirements
care of the cats so that they ilized and microchipped. to adopt a dog is that the
don’t die on the streets or Something they demand yard where it will live needs
somewhere else that is un- from the person adopting to be completely closed.
known to them. a cat is that the cat needs The contract also stipulates
to be kept indoors. Toro ex- that the dog cannot be
Nine Lives Aruba Founda- plains that “we don’t want tied or chained, but needs
tion was created by two to save a cat and then it is to be loose. q
Americans, Terry Daily and
Valerie Purdy Pyeron, to-
gether with Toro and their
volunteers dedicated to
save the lives of cats and
dogs. They also promote
the humane treatment of
animals to prevent cruelty
and abandonment.
Toro expressed that her
foundation is not the only
one going through hardship
currently. She explained
that other foundations that
rescue animals are full of
puppies and dogs that
people have dumped on
the streets.
This Adoption Day will take
place in Jaburibari 8B,