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Monday 22 april 2024
Marijuana grow busted in Maine as feds investigate trend in 20 states
By DAVID SHARP operations after marijuana
Associated Press was legalized by the state
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The for medical purposes in 2018.
high electricity consumption The legality of marijuana
of a home, its cardboard- consumption and cultiva-
covered windows and odor tion in those states tends
of marijuana drew law en- to provide cover for illegal
forcement's attention to an grow operations, which may
illicit grow operation off the draw less attention, officials
beaten path in rural Maine. said. The marijuana is then
The bust of the home with a trafficked in states where it's
hidden grow operation and illegal.
seizure of nearly 40 pounds In Maine, U.S. Attorney Dar-
(18 kilograms) of processed cie McElwee said thwarting
marijuana marked the latest illegal growing operations
example of what authori- with international connec-
ties describe as a yearslong tions is a priority for law en-
trend of foreign nationals to forcement, "and we will con-
exploit U.S. state laws that tinue to marshal every tool
have legalized cannabis for at our disposal in this effort
recreational or medical use as appropriate."
to produce marijuana for the Law enforcement officials
illicit markets in the U.S. know the tell-tale signs.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Police zeroed in on the Pas-
Administration is investigating sadumkeag operation in part
international criminal orga- This photo provided by Penobscot County Sheriff's Office shows the seizure of 40 pounds of because of the home's utility
nizations that are operating processed marijuana from a hidden grow operation by a Chinese citizen in Maine. bills reviewed by deputies.
illegal marijuana grows in Associated Press After the home was pur-
about 20 states, including search warrants have been Maine. A detention hearing Guo was operating an unli- chased for $125,000 cash,
Maine, Attorney Garland issued since June. is scheduled for Monday. censed operation, accord- the electricity use went from
Merrick Garland told the In Passadumkeag, Xisen The Internal Revenue Service ing to court documents. about $300 a month to as
Senate Appropriations Com- Guo, a naturalized U.S. citi- and Department of Home- The illicit grow operations high as nearly $9,000, ac-
mittee this week, in response zen born in China, has been land Security, along with the across the U.S. began crop- cording to court documents.
to a question raised by Re- accused of transforming the FBI and DEA and local law ping up several years ago. In That's consistent with heat
publican Sen. Susan Collins house into a high-tech, illicit enforcement, are working to- 2018, U.S. authorities arrested pumps, costly lighting and
of Maine. grow operation, according gether to get to the bottom a Seattle woman, conduct- other gear needed to grow
Federal law enforcement of- to court documents un- of the illicit grow operations ed raids and seized thou- marijuana, investigators said.
ficials said there currently are sealed this week. in Maine, Garland said. sands of marijuana plants The home owner, a limited
about 100 illicit grow opera- He was ordered held without The state legalized adult during an investigation of an liability company, upgrad-
tions in Maine, like the one bail Friday on federal drug consumption of marijuana, operation with Chinese ties. ed the electric capability
in Passadumkeag, about 60 charges, making him the but growers must be licensed Oklahoma officials learned to double what is found in
miles (96.5 kilometers) north first person to be charged by the state. The Maine Of- straw owners in China and a typical Maine home, ac-
of Bangor, and about 40 federally in such a case in fice of Cannabis Policy said Mexico were running illegal cording to documents.q
A Nigerian chess champion plays the royal game for 60 hours —
a new global chess record
Times Square to break the cord organization has yet plause. Among the dozens
Guinness World Record for to publicly comment about who cheered Onakoya on
the longest chess mara- Onakoya's attempt. It at the scene was Nigerian
thon. sometimes takes weeks for music star Davido.
Tunde Onakoya, 29, hopes the organization to confirm The record attempt is "for
to raise $1 million for chil- any new record. the dreams of millions of
dren's education across Onakoya played against children across Africa with-
Africa through the record Shawn Martinez, an Ameri- out access to education,"
attempt that began on can chess champion, in said Onakoya, who found-
Wednesday. line with Guinness World ed Chess in Slums Africa
He had set out to play the Record guidelines that any in 2018. The organization
royal game for 58 hours but attempt to break the re- wants to support the edu-
continued until he reached cord must be made by two cation of at least 1 million
60 hours at about 12:40 a.m. players who would play children in slums across the
Saturday, surpassing the continuously for the entire continent.
Tunde Onakoya, a Nigerian chess champion and child
education advocate, plays a chess game in Times Square, current chess marathon re- duration. "My energy is at 100% right
Friday, April 19, 2024, in New York. cord of 56 hours, 9 minutes Support had been growing now because my people
Associated Press and 37 seconds, achieved online and at the scene, are here supporting me
By CHINEU ASADU and rian chess champion and in 2018 by Norwegians Hall- where a blend of African with music," Onakoya said
JOHN MINCHILLO child education advocate vard Haug Flatebø and Sjur music kept onlookers and Thursday evening after the
Associated Press played chess nonstop for Ferkingstad. supporters entertained players crossed the 24-hour
NEW YORK (AP) — A Nige- 60 hours in New York City's The Guinness World Re- amid cheers and ap- mark.q