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                     Thursday 6 april 2023

             AP exclusive: MLB average salary up 11% year after lockout

            By RONALD BLUM                                                                                                      fell as low at $4.2 million in
            AP Baseball Writer                                                                                                  2021  after  the  pandemic-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  year                                                                                         shortened season.
            removed from a labor lock-                                                                                          Unhappy with their share of
            out  that  postponed  open-                                                                                         spending, players endured
            ing  day,  major  league                                                                                            a  99-day  lockout  before
            players  are  enjoying  their                                                                                       agreeing  to  a  labor  con-
            biggest salary spike in more                                                                                        tract  last  March.  Spend-
            than two decades.                                                                                                   ing  resumed  at  a  frenetic
            The average Major League                                                                                            pace,  and  the  average
            Baseball  salary  was  up                                                                                           rose  6%  to  $4.4  million  in
            11.1% to a record $4.9 mil-                                                                                         2022.
            lion to start this season, the                                                                                      This  winter,  spending  was
            largest  jump  for  the  sport                                                                                      spurred  by  paydays  for
            since  2001,  according  to                                                                                         streaming  and  broadcast
            a  study  by  The  Associated                                                                                       rights,  an  expanded  post-
            Press.                                                                                                              season  format  and  rising
            The surge follows a spend-                                                                                          ticket prices.
            ing  spree  in  the  first  off-                                                                                    “It’s  a  barometer  of  the
            season  since  players  and                                                                                         wealth of the game” agent
            owners  agreed  to  a  five-                                                                                        Scott  Boras  said.  “It’s  al-
            year  collective  bargaining                                                                                        ways  great  business  to  in-
            agreement last March.                                                                                               vest in players, and this in-
            “It’s a step in the right direc-                                                                                    crease  reflects  investment
            tion,”  said  Texas  Rangers   New  York  Mets  starting  pitcher  Max  Scherzer  throws  to  Miami  Marlins’  Jorge  Soler  during  the   in  the  great  players  of  the
            second  baseman  Marcus      second inning of an opening day baseball game, Thursday, March 30, 2023, in Miami.     game.”
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Semien, part of the union’s                                                                                         Steve  Cohen  has  boosted
            eight-member     executive  Rays pitcher Zach Eflin, who  Of 943 players in the major  homers.  Seven  of  11  high-  payroll  steadily  since  buy-
            subcommittee who helped  signed a $40 million, three-     leagues  on  opening  day,  est-paid  players  are  with  ing the Mets, who were at
            negotiate the CBA.           year  deal  in  December.  546  had  salaries  of  $1  mil-  teams  in  New  York  or  Los  $154 million in 2019, the last
            The New York Mets led the  “It’s  been  pretty  much  a  lion  or  more,  58%,  and  up  Angeles, a sign of the eco-  full  season  under  the  Wil-
            way  with  a  $355  million  joke the past five, 10 years  from 514 last year.         nomic  power  of  the  large  pon and Katz families. Their
            payroll,  $70  million  more  about the way the players  “The  stance  that  we  took  markets.                     spending  rose  to  $186  mil-
            than the previous high for a  have  been  paid  the  mini-  was  great,  getting  players  “I  saw  the  revenue  num-  lion in 2021 and $266 million
            season’s start. Seven teams  mum salaries.”               to be paid more is what we  bers  for  the  game  last  last year, when they started
            topped $200 million.         Aaron     Judge,    Manny  want,” Correa said. “Obvi-     year,” said Yankees pitcher  second to the Dodgers but
            Oakland  was  last  at  $58  Machado, Trea Turner, Xan-   ously, we bring a lot to this  Gerrit Cole, also a member  wound up first after Los An-
            million    less  than  the  com-  der  Bogaerts,  Carlos  Cor-  game. But at the same time  of the players’ association’s  geles  pitcher  Trevor  Bauer
            bined salaries of Mets pitch-  rea  and  Jacob  deGrom  us as players have to keep  executive      subcommittee  was suspended for most of
            ers Max Scherzer and Justin  all got big deals during an  putting  up  the  work,  mak-  during negotiations.       the season without pay.
            Verlander, who tied for the  offseason that saw the av-   ing  sure  that  after  we  get  “So when those continue to  The  Yankees  are  second
            major league high of $43.3  erage  shatter  the  previous  contracts,  we  keep  per-  go up, then players salaries  at $275 million followed by
            million.                     high of $4.45 million in 2017.  forming to the highest level  should  go  up  with  that,  as  San  Diego  ($258  million),
            This year’s percentage rise  “Teams are making money,  for teams to keep spending  well.”                           NL  champion  Philadelphia
            was  the  largest  since  a  players are making it. So it’s  and keep going big.”      After  setting  a  record  in  ($236  million),  the  Dodgers
            13.9% jump in 2001.          good all around,” said de-   Judge was third at $40 mil-  2017, the average dropped  ($222  million),  the  Angels
            “It’s  about  damn  time,  Grom, who left the Mets for  lion  after  hitting  an  Ameri-  by just under 1% in each of  ($212  million)  and  Toronto
            honestly,”  said  Tampa  Bay  Texas.                      can    League-record    62  the following two years and  ($210 million).q

                                                                      Franco and Ramirez homer in Rays 7-2

                                                                      win over Nationals

                                                                      By HARVEY VALENTINE          Taylor  Walls  and  Randy  games.
                                                                      Associated Press             Arozarena  had  two  hits  Washington  starter  Patrick
                                                                      WASHINGTON (AP) — Wan-       each for Tampa Bay, which  Corbin  (0-2)  gave  up  six
                                                                      der  Franco  and  Harold  has  outscored  opponents  runs  on  10  hits  over  six  in-
                                                                      Ramirez each had two hits  44-13.                         nings.
                                                                      including a home run, and  Shane  McClanahan  (2-0)  The  Rays  broke  open  a
                                                                      the  Tampa  Bay  Rays  de-   allowed  two  runs  on  five  close  game  in  the  sixth.
                                                                      feated the Washington Na-    hits and four walks over six  Corbin  had  retired  11  in  a
                                                                      tionals 7-2 on Wednesday.    innings,  allowing  at  least  row before Ramirez lined a
                                                                      The  Rays  improved  to  6-0  one baserunner in every in-  homer  to  center  with  two
                                                                      and  extended  the  best  ning but the sixth. He struck  outs.  Manuel  Margot  then
            Tampa  Bay  Rays  catcher  Francisco  Mejia,  right,  can’t  tag   start  in  franchise  history.  out six.         singled,  stole  second  and
            Washington Nationals’ Stone Garrett, as he scores on a hit by
            Victor Robles during the second inning of a baseball game at   They  are  off  to  the  best  Victor  Robles  had  two  scored  when  centerfielder
            Nationals Park, Wednesday, April 5, 2023, in Washington.   start of any team since Bal-  hits  for  the  Nationals,  who  Robles  lost  Walls  fly  ball  in
                                                     Associated Press  timore opened 7-0 in 2016.  have lost five of their first six  the sun for a double. q
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