Page 12 - aruba-today-20230406
P. 12

                     Thursday 6 april 2023

                                                                                                                                 Marriott Surf Club
                                                                                                                                 palm Beach platinum
                                                                                                                                 2 Br ,2 Bath lock out Ocean
                                                                                                                                 view $18 K
                                                                                                                                 2 Br ,2 Bath lock out Ocean
                                                                                                                                 side $ 19K
                                                                                                                                 Call :011-297-630-1307

                                                                                                                                 Renaissance Ocean suites
                                                                      This June 2, 2021, photo shows a person working on a laptop at   private islands
                                                                      Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington, Va.   1 Br Week 29,30 ,31
                                                                                                               Associated Press   1 Br Week 34,35,36
                                                                                                                                 all 6 weeks for $20K
                                                                                                                                 Call :011-297-630-1307
                                                                      What Biden’s ‘junk fee’                          
                                                                      crusade could mean for                                     For Sale Appartment com-
                                                                      travelers                                                  paradijswijk 5 min drive from
                                                                                                                                 Bushiri beach
                                                                                                                                 10 appartments with pool
                                                                                                                                 price  $1.1 Million dollar
                                                                                                                                 Call :011-297-630 -1307
                                                                      By  SAM  KEMMIS  of  Nerd-   for travelers.      
                                                                      Wallet                       HOW WE GOT HERE     
                                                                      U.S.  presidents  don’t  usu-  The “à la carte” model of
                                                                      ally wade into the minutiae   offering  low  initial  prices   House For Sale
                                                                      of airline seat selection, yet   with  fees  for  add-ons  be-  paradijswijk 5 min drive from
                                                                                                                                 Bushiri beach
                                                                      that’s  exactly  what  Presi-  came  commonplace  in       5 Bedroom 4 Bath with a 2
                                                                      dent  Joe  Biden  did  dur-  the  internet  search  era.   Br ,1 bath appartment and a
                                                                      ing  his  State  of  the  Union   Customers   using   online   studio appartment
                                                                      Address  earlier  this  year,   search  tools  to  book  trav-  With pool
                                                                      spending  nearly  two  min-  el  were  looking  for  the   price :$ 1million dollar
                                                                      utes  of  the  speech  decry-  cheapest option, which in-  Call :011-297-630-1307
                                                                      ing “junk fees.”             centivized  budget  airlines
                                                                      “We’ll prohibit airlines from   such  as  Spirit  and  Frontier
                                                                      charging $50 round-trip for   to offer low base fares with   Ambassador suites
                                                                      a family just to be able to sit   costlier add-on fees.q  Eagle Beach
                                                                      together,”  Biden  said  dur-                             1 Br WK 12/13/14 room # 1435
                                                                      ing the speech. “Baggage                                  $8400 each
                                                                      fees are bad enough. Air-                                 1 Br WK 12 room # 1233 $7200
                                                                      lines can’t treat your child   FOR RENT                   1 Br WK 13/14 room # 1235
                                                                      like a piece of baggage.”    Commercial building/ local   $7200 each
                                                                      The past decade has seen     size 62 m2, with bathroom and   Call :011-297-630-1307
                                                                      an explosion in the sophis-  parking space.     
                                                                      tication with which airlines,   Monthly rental afl. 1.500,=
                                                                      hotels and vacation rentals   For more information or
                                                                      earn  additional  revenue    viewing call                 Casa Del Mar 2BR/2B:
                                                                      through  add-on  fees.  Yet   Phone: 582-8080             Week 2/unit 1113 (18k);
                                                                      travelers,  and  the  politi-  _________________________________216507  Week 5/unit 1315 (20k);
                                                                      cians who represent them,                                 Week 8/unit 1113 (19k);
                                                                      may have had enough.         FOR SALE                     Week 8/unit 1409 (19k);
                                                                      “Consumers  have  been       property / local for sale can be   Week 10/unit 1207 (17k);
                                                                      fed  up  with  this  for  some   used as commcerial business   Week 13/unit 1509 (14k);
                                                                      time,”  says  Lauren  Wolfe,   or convert it in a house 62 m2,   Week 14/unit 1308 (14k); and,
                                                                                                   on property land with parking
                                                                      counsel  at  traveler  ad-   space. priceafl. 235.000     Week 15/unit 1217 (10k).
                                                                      vocacy  group  Travelers     For more information or
                                                                      United and founder of the    viewing call                 us(Call/Text): (860)992-3890
                                                                      website   Phone: 582-8080             _______________________________216163
                                                                      “Americans shouldn’t have    ________________________________216507
                                                                      to deal with deceptive drip
                                                                      pricing,” Wolfe added, re-
                                                                      ferring  to  the  practice  in
                                                                      which  fees  are  added
                                                                      throughout  the  checkout
                                                                      process  rather  than  dis-
                                                                      closed upfront.
                                                                      Now  the  question  is  what
                                                                      changes  to  these  fees
                                                                      could be in store and what
                                                                      those  changes  will  mean
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