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P. 7
local Thursday 6 april 2023
In April we celebrate Padu del Caribe! Jairo Erasmus represents Aruba
during LA Fashion Week
(Oranjestad)—On March and Brandon Monsalvo
(Oranjestad)—On April 26th, 1920, Juan prises. Secondly, though the composer 25th in the Union Station (USA), and of course,
Chabaya Lampe “Padu Lampe/Padu del was not too familiar with music theory, he in Los Angeles, California, Alexia Chin, Charlena
Caribe” was born in Nassaustraat, Oran- showed innovations in his compositions. the prestigious LA Fashion Clarinda, Ashantee Mar-
jestad and has become one of the most Lastly, Padu was a promoter of Creole mu- Week took place, where tus and Tanique Chan
beloved figures in the history of Aruba. sic around the world. a big audience gathered (Aruba), who were all
to watch the designers’ there along with parents,
Padu will always be in Aruba’s heart, be- One of the most important moments in Aru- new collections. Among friends and family.
cause he had composed various special ban history, in which he was able to witness these designers was Jairo
songs dedicated to the mothers of the first-hand, was the first radio broadcast on Erasmus, a Puerto Rican Hair and make-up was
island; his song “Sonrisa di un baby” (“A the island on March 20th, 1954. Here, he based Aruban designer. styled by renowned Puer-
baby’s Smile”) has been written in three was accompanied by Antillean guitarist to Rican stylist Juan Car-
different languages. Padu also wrote Julian Coco and Hubert “Loi” Booi. Jairo presented his new los Bou Cintron.
our national anthem “Aruba Dushi Tera”, In the art world, Padu was also a known gala collection called
along with Mr. Rufo Wever. This song was painter. During his youth, he made sever- “Alegria,” which had a The night filled with ex-
approved by the government of Aruba al painting using his unique style. In 1939, big reception filled with citement the moment
and was named the official anthem of the he participated in an art exhibit in New applause from the audi- Jairo was announced
island in 1976. York, where he won a bronze medal for his ence. In the past, Jairo with his collection. Many
painting “Typical View of Aruba.” also presented at New from the public raised the
Other songs that have been considered York Fashion week. Aruban flag.
as being almost a second anthem for Aru- Padu Lampe was a multifaceted artist, At the end of his show,
bans is the special composition he wrote inspired by his interest in parapsychology His models included Aa- he was joined by Tanique
for his wife Daisy Croes called “Abo so”. and supernatural phenomenon. He wrote liyah Cruz Ramos and Chan, where they both
Daisy later passed away in 1994. three books in Papiamento on the sub- Xiomara Martinez Yordan walked hand-in-hand
Padu remained a popular artist within the ject in 1986, which was published by the (Puerto Rico), Sydney with the Aruban and
Dutch Antilles and the Caribbean as a Aruban National Printing Press with spon- Zheng, Joshua Salazar Puerto Rican flag.q
pianist, singer, author and painter. Padu sorship provided by the Prince Bernhard
Lampe was a local artist who became re- Funds Netherlands Antilles.
nowned in Venezuela, Colombia, The U.S. Besides that, Padu passed his exam on
and The Netherlands too. In the 1950s, he “Society to Advanced Ethical Hypnosis”
sold no less than 50 thousand copies of his in 1964 in New Jersey. He received a cer-
long-playing albums (LPs). tificate as a hypnotechnician, which gave
him the authority to practice hypnosis in
He grew up in a happy musical environ- some states.
ment, and it is because of this that he de-
veloped a love for music. Starting from Over the course of his career, he received
the age of 12, he was agile in the clarinet, many accolades and awards in Aruba,
mandolin and cuatro. Henry Lampe, his Curacao, Venezuela and the Netherlands.
father, was also a well-known pianist and Padu del Caribe passed away on Novem-
musician. ber 29th, 2019, at the age of 99 years old.
In a publication of the informative seminar, Padu brought the Aruban culture around
“Observer”, from august 1st, 1962, Padu’s the world. His legacy will remain ingrained
many merits and friendly personality stood in the Aruban cultural history, and he will
out. It was said that he was an excellent be known forever as one of the most influ-
pianist with a personal style and full of sur- ential trailblazers of our community.q