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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 6 april 2023

            Dutch court nixes plan to reduce flights at Schiphol Airport

            By MIKE CORDER
            Associated Press
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands
            (AP)  —  A  judge  ruled
            Wednesday that the Dutch
            government  cannot  or-
            der  Amsterdam’s  Schiphol
            Airport,  one  of  Europe’s
            busiest aviation hubs, to re-
            duce the number of flights
            from  500,000  per  year  to
            460,000, dealing a blow to
            efforts to cut emissions and
            noise pollution.
            The  ruling  came  in  a  sum-
            mary  case  brought  by  air-
            lines  and  civil  aviation  or-
            ganizations  led  by  Dutch
            carrier  KLM  that  sought  to
            halt  the  planned  cuts  un-  Travelers wait in long lines outside the terminal building to check in and board flights at Amsterdam’s
            veiled last year.            Schiphol Airport, Netherlands, on June 21, 2022.
            The  decision  by  a  judge                                                                        Associated Press
            in Haarlem, a city close to
            Schiphol,  came  a  day  af-  flights  ...  to  460,000,”  the  ing the ruling and consider-  across  the  world  —  some-
            ter  the  airport  announced  court  in  Haarlem  said  in  ing its next steps.        thing  we  have  demon-
            plans to phase out all flights  a  statement.  In  response,  The  ministry  said  in  a  writ-  strated  through  a  vigorous
            between  midnight  and  5  KLM said it plans measures  ten reaction that it is “striv-  commitment  to  fleet  re-
            a.m.,  ban  private  jets  and  that offer “a better alterna-  ing to find a new balance  newal and other practices
            the  noisiest  planes,  and  tive for achieving less noise  between  the  interests  of  to  help  decarbonize  our
            abandon  a  project  for  an  and  CO2  while  meeting  residents and the living en-   operations  and  reduce
            additional runway.           travelers’ need to fly.”     vironment on the one hand  noise,” Peter Carter, Delta’s
            The  judge  ruled  that  the  The airline said it would ex-  and  the  economic  impor-  executive  vice  president
            Dutch    government     did  plain  its  approach  in  the  tance  of  Schiphol  for  the  for external affairs, said.
            not follow the correct pro-  next  phase  of  the  case.  Netherlands on the other.”   International  Air  Transport
            cedure  when  it  called  on  “This will investigate wheth-  U.S.  carrier  Delta  Air  Lines  Association  Director  Gen-
            Schiphol  to  reduce  flight  er  noise  levels  can  be  re-  welcomed   the   ruling,  eral  Willie  Walsh  said  the
            numbers,  a  decision  that  duced  around  Schiphol  saying       it   safeguarded  judge  “understood  that
            was  hailed  last  year  as  a  using  methods  other  than  Schiphol’s future.        the Dutch government vio-
            breakthrough  by  environ-   those  envisaged  by  the  “Delta  believes  that  it  is  lated its obligations in short-
            mental  groups.  Wednes-     ministry,” KLM said.         possible  to  balance  sus-  cutting   processes   that
            day’s  decision  means  that  The government ministry re-  tainability   priorities   with  would  bring  scrutiny  to  its
            Schiphol  “may  not  reduce  sponsible for aviation infra-  passengers’ desire to travel  desire to cut flight numbers
            the  maximum  number  of  structure  said  it  was  study-  and  connect  with  people  at Schiphol.” q

            Brazil man kills 4 children with hatchet at daycare center

            By DAVID BILLER and          jumped  over  a  wall  and  thorities said.               Cantinho  do  Bom  Pastor.
            LAÍS MARTINS                 invaded a daycare center  The assailant turned himself  The  attack  took  place  on
            Associated Press             Wednesday  in  Brazil,  killing  in  at  a  police  station  and  the  center’s  playground,
            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  four  children  and  wound-    did  not  appear  to  have  according  to  the  local  af-
            A  man  with  a  hatchet  ing at least five others, au-   any  connection  with  the  filiate  of  television  network
                                                                      center, which offers nursery  Globo.  NSC,  the  affiliate,
                                                                      services, preschool educa-   showed a photo of the sus-
                                                                      tion  and  after-school  ac-  pect with a closely shaved
                                                                      tivities. The dead were be-  head.  Police  have  yet  to
                                                                      tween the ages of 5 and 7,  confirm his identity.
                                                                      authorities said.            Blumenau’s  mayor,  Mário
                                                                      Authorities  were  search-   Hildebrandt,   suspended
                                                                      ing for a motive, the police  classes and said he will de-
                                                                      detective  leading  the  in-  clare  a  30-day  mourning
                                                                      vestigation, Ronnie Esteves,  period.  The  state  govern-
                                                                      told  television  reporters  in  ment  said  in  a  statement
                                                                      Blumenau,  a  city  in  south-  that  rumors  circulating  on
                                                                      ern Brazil, near the Atlantic  social  media  of  other  po-
                                                                      coast.                       tential attacks were false.
             An ambulance is parked outside the private daycare center   Images  broadcast  on  net-  The mayor said five wound-
             “Cantinho  do  Bom  Pastor”  after  a  fatal  attack  on  children  in   works  showed  weeping  ed  children  were  take  to
             Blumenau,  Santa  Catarina  state,  Brazil,  Wednesday,  April  5,   parents outside the private  hospitals.  One  was  in  seri-
             2023.                                                    daycare    center   called  ous condition.q
                                                     Associated Press
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