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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Thursday 6 april 2023
            Pence won’t appeal order compelling grand jury testimony

            By JILL COLVIN and                                                                                                  ruling and will comply with
            ERIC TUCKER                                                                                                         the  subpoena  as  required
            Associated Press                                                                                                    by law,” Pence spokesman
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A                                                                                              Devin  O’Malley  said  in  a
            spokesman for Mike Pence                                                                                            statement Wednesday.
            said  Wednesday  that  the                                                                                          The  Trump  team  could  still
            former  vice  president  will                                                                                       appeal the executive privi-
            not appeal a judge’s order                                                                                          lege ruling from Boasberg.
            compelling him to testify in                                                                                        The  Jan.  6  and  classified
            the  Justice  Department’s                                                                                          records  investigations  are
            investigation into efforts by                                                                                       being led by Jack Smith, a
            Donald Trump and his allies                                                                                         former war crimes prosecu-
            to overturn the results of the                                                                                      tor who was named by the
            2020 election.                                                                                                      Justice  Department  in  No-
            The decision sets up a possi-                                                                                       vember to serve as special
            ble appearance by Pence                                                                                             counsel. It is not clear when
            in  the  coming  weeks  be-                                                                                         the  investigations  might
            fore  a  federal  grand  jury                                                                                       end or whether anyone will
            scrutinizing attempts by the                                                                                        be charged.
            former  president  and  sup-                                                                                        Pence  has  spoken  exten-
            porters  before  the  riot  at                                                                                      sively  about  Trump’s  pres-
            the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021,                                                                                        sure  campaign  urging  him
            to  undo  Democrat  Joe                                                                                             to  reject  Biden’s  victory  in
            Biden’s victory.             Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the National Review Ideas Summit, March 31, 2023,   the days leading up to Jan.
            Multiple  Trump  administra-  in Washington.                                                                        6, including in his book, “So
            tion  officials  have  testified                                                                   Associated Press   Help  Me  God.”  Pence,  as
            in that investigation, as well  since  the  end  of  their  ad-  a  federal  judge  in  Wash-  as president of the Senate  vice  president,  had  a  cer-
            in a separate inquiry exam-  ministration.                ington  last  week  rejected  that  day,  he  was  protect-  emonial  role  overseeing
            ining Trump’s possession of  The  strain  could  grown  as  those  arguments,  forcing  ed  from  being  forced  to  Congress’  counting  of  the
            classified  documents,  but  Pence approaches a likely  Pence to testify.              testify  under  the  Constitu-  Electoral College vote, but
            Pence  would  be  the  high-  2024 run for the presidency  U.S.  District  Judge  James  tion’s  “speech  or  debate”  did not have the power to
            est-profile witness to answer  and a challenge to Trump,  Boasberg  did  give  Pence  clause,  which  is  intended  affect  the  results,  despite
            questions  before  a  grand  who already is in the race  a  win  by  accepting  argu-  to  protect  members  of  Trump’s  contention  other-
            jury.  His  closed-door  testi-  for the Republican nomina-  ments  from  Pence’s  law-  Congress  from  question-  wise.
            mony could offer investiga-  tion.  After  Pence  was  sub-  yers  that,  for  constitutional  ing about official legislative  Pence has said that Trump
            tors a firsthand account of  poenaed  months  ago  by  reasons,  he  could  not  be  acts.                          endangered his family and
            Trump’s state of mind in the  the  Justice  Department’s  questioned  about  his  ac-  “Having  vindicated  that  everyone else who was at
            pivotal  weeks  after  he  lost  special counsel, lawyers for  tions on Jan. 6. They had ar-  principle  of  the  Constitu-  the  Capitol  that  day  and
            to Biden and further expose  Trump objected on execu-     gued that because Pence  tion,  Vice  President  Pence  history  will  hold  him  “ac-
            the  rift  in  their  relationship  tive  privilege  grounds.  But  was serving in his capacity  will not appeal the judge’s  countable.” q

            Whitmer strikes 1931 abortion ban from Michigan law

             By JOEY CAPPELLETTI         Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, just  tion,” Whitmer said at a bill  again amend the state con-  said at the event Wednesday
             Associated Press            months after voters enshrined  signing outside of Detroit. The  stitution and repeal abortion  that “this is far from the end
             BIRMINGHAM,  Mich.  (AP)  abortion rights in the state’s  1931 abortion ban made it a  rights.  Whitmer’s  signature  of the story,” and that the
             — A near-century old abor-  constitution.                four-year felony to assist in an  Wednesday eliminated that  Democratic-controlled State-
             tion  ban  that  fueled  one  “Today, we’re going to take  abortion. Roe v. Wade had  possibility,  erasing  the  law  house will continue expand-
             of  the  largest  ballot  drives  action to make sure that our  made the law null and void  completely.            ing access to reproductive
             in  Michigan  history  was  statutes and our laws reflect  until the landmark decision  “We cannot allow archaic  health care.
             repealed  Wednesday  by  our values and our constitu-    was overturned in June by  laws to remain on our books  Wednesday’s signing marked
                                                                      the U.S. Supreme Court.      under the assumption that  another victory for abortion
                                                                      Courts  blocked  the  ban  they’ll never be used again,”  rights  supporters  in  Michi-
                                                                      from  taking  effect  while  a  said Democratic state Rep.  gan, who joined California
                                                                      citizen-led  initiative  to  en-  Laurie Pohutsky. “We don’t  and Vermont last November
                                                                      shrine abortion rights in the  know  what  the  future  will  in enshrining abortion rights
                                                                      state’s constitution received  hold  and  we  don’t  know  in their state’s constitution.
                                                                      more  signatures  than  any  what plans abortion oppo-    Kentucky, a reliably red state,
                                                                      other ballot proposal in state  nents have.” Last month, the  rejected  a  ballot  measure
                                                                      history  to  put  the  question  Michigan House and Senate  aimed at denying any state

                                                                      before voters. Voters over-  each with a two-seat Demo-   constitutional protections for
                                                                      whelmingly  approved  the  cratic majority  voted to send  abortion.
                                                                      proposal in last November’s  a repeal of the abortion ban  Voters in Wisconsin elected
                                                                      midterms, making the 1931  to the governor. A majority  a  Democratic-backed  Mil-
                                                                      law unconstitutional and un-  of Republicans opposed the  waukee  judge  Tuesday  to
                                                                      enforceable.                 bill, speaking out ahead of  the state’s Supreme Court,
             Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signs legislation to repeal the
             1931 abortion ban statute, which criminalized abortion in nearly   The  1931  ban  could  have  the vote on the legality of  ensuring liberals will take over
             all cases during a bill signing ceremony, Wednesday, April 5,   been  enforced  in  the  fu-  abortion as a whole.  majority control of the court
             2023, in Birmingham, Mich.                               ture  had  voters  collected  Pohutsky, who sponsored the  with the fate of the state’s
                                                     Associated Press   enough signatures to once  legislation repealing the law,  abortion ban on the line. q
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