Page 6 - AHATA
P. 6
Dialuna, 7 Augustus 2023 AWEMainta INTERNACIONAL 5
Lavernie Martis tira mata dilanti cafe na Den Helder
NL - Net mey anochi na momento e cafe
de Bierbron na Den Helder a cera su porta
diasabra anochi oficialmente riba ordo di hudi-
cial, a surgi un tiramento cu arma di candela
cu a laga un persona morto y otro seriamente
herida, luchando pa su bida mientras cu tin
un di tres herido kende a sufri herida serio
pero por a bay cas despues di tratamento na
Tabata ultimo anochi di e centro hopi popular
aki ora cu autoridadnan a dicidi di anula e
permiso di operacion di e luga, ya cu e doño di
e luga, e homber Jan P. kende ta bou sospecho
di ta meti den traficacion di droga, a perdi su
permiso debi na e caso cu tin andando contra
di su persona.
Diasabra tabata e ultimo anochi cu e bar
por a habri atrobe pero te cu mey anochi pa
despues e dal porta cera sin cu por a habri
esaki bek pero for di momento cu a saca tur
hende pafo, a insti cu algo ta bayendo robes
cu hopi hende rabia cu e situacion.
Tabatin intercambio di palabra entre varios The Aruba Ports Authority N.V. (APA) is publicly tendering:
grupo y dado momento un persona cu
despues testigonan a reconoce como e “Painting of the Cruise Terminal 1 at Oranjestad harbor.”
homber como Kevin S. kende ta bibando na According to the tender document:
Den Helder y varios testigo a mira su persona Painting of the Cruise Terminal 1 at Oranjestad harbor.
tira cu arma di candela, matando heridando e
homber Lavernie Martis y heridando un otro Short Project description:
Demolition works.
seriamente, cu tironan den nek y tambe den Roofing
Painting of the building sides
bariga. Execution period: 40 workable days.
Polisnan a reacciona mesora y a atende cu e Project management: Aruba ports Authority N.V.
The proposal validity period is 60 days, commencing on the date on which the proposal was submitted. The proposal
caso caminda varios testigo a reconoce esun shall be irrevocable during the proposal validity period.
cu a tira pero ya el a bandona e luga caba Tender documents will be available from August 8, 2023 at the main office of the Aruba Ports Authority N.V. against
payment of Afl. 150.-. Opening hours are from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and 1 to 4.30 pm.
mientras cu a transporta dos persona seria- The tender documents are available for perusal by appointment from August 8, 2023 up to and until August 15,
mente herida pa hospital. 2023, at the main office of Aruba Ports Authority N.V. (L.G. Smith Boulevard 23, Oranjestad, Aruba) and during the
aforementioned opening hours.
An information meeting will be held on August 14, 2023, at 10 AM local time at the main office of Aruba Ports
Algun rato despues cu nan a ser interna den Authority N.V. The memorandum of the information meeting will be E-mailed on August 18, 2023 to all who
purchased the tender documents.
sector di cuido intensivo, a drenta informa A proposal should be submitted in a sealed envelope on August 22, 2023, between 9.00 AM and 11.00 AM local
time in the box provided for this purpose located in APA’s main office building.
cu Lavernie Martis a fayece debi na herida di The tenderer must submit the following:
bala cu el a sufri na e sitio di incidente mien- A proposal, i.e. completed registration and specification forms (these forms are annexed to the tender
tras cu e otro persona tambe ta seriamente An original Copy of the company’s Chamber of Commerce registration, not older than 7 days.
herida y ta teme pa su bida. Copy of a valid ID of the Tenderer or in case of a legal entity, all of its statutory directors.
A list of subcontractors to be engaged.
Te cu ayera nochi ainda autoridadnan no a An original letter of good Fiscal conduct of the Tenderer issued by the “Departamento di Impuesto
logra di detene e sospechoso principal Kevin An original letter of good conduct of the Tenderer or in case of a legal entity, all of its statutory director(s),
from the public prosecutor’s office (Openbaar Ministerie).
S. kende den pasado ya tabata envolvi den The selection process may include an AML/CFT due diligence. The tenderer is required to on request
submit any documents and/or information that APA may require to complete said AML/CFT due diligence.
otro caso di tiramento.