Page 7 - AHATA
P. 7
8 AWEMainta Dialuna, 7 Augustus 2023
Tijd Voor de Billeshake
Disclaimer: If you are closed-minded, see things only in black and white, and lack critical thinking,
this article is probably not for you. But if you disagree, please share your thoughts with me.
ON AN EARLY THURSDAY, I put on the radio on my way to my moth- I may not like the drinking part, but I know it’s inculcated in the
er’s house. Well, actually on my way to buy ice because we were Caribbean culture. You can’t just take away things you disagree
about to visit Aruba’s National Park: Arikok. On the radio, I heard with from people just because you don’t like them. That’s not how
this guy mention that “vulgar dances” and “twerking” will be strictly the world works; you’ll just end up making people angry. I always
prohibited this year at the “Zomercarnaval in Rotterdam.” thought of people drinking every weekend (or daily) as individ-
uals coping with stress or trauma. Still, you don’t see me around
Too calm to be true scolding people around Hamaka for the way they chose to deal with
I didn’t think much of it at first. I thought it was just paraphrased their issues (and yes, I’m well aware that some people just drink for
news. My first reaction was, “Oh, wow, big deal, there are other more recreational purposes, I just think alcohol tastes bad most times, so
important things to worry about.” Keep in mind that I’ve been on my coping strategy is procrastination (avoidant coping)?).
vacation for about three weeks already, so I’m not my feisty self
these days. I’m as calm and peaceful as possible, which is strange Vulgar?
because that is a version of myself that I don’t get to see often. I’m Now, what the hell is “vulgar dancing?” Did I ever mention that I lived
always the one who has something to say and constantly aims to in Curaçao for four months? I went to uni but didn’t like it. I lived
challenge the status quo, even though I might not appear so. Often on campus, which I did like. The students, greasy food, the ambi-
I’m the “annoying” chick that most people would want to eye-roll in ance, culture, etc. There were local students, regional (Caribbean),
meetings but don’t and just simply grin or nicely disagree (but in a and international (primarily Dutch) students. It wasn’t unusual that
fake way, because we got to stay politically correct). on Friday nights, music was booming in the halls of the boys’ wing
(where most parties took place). One night I decided to join when a
Then in the car with my mom and younger cousin, I heard the friend insisted. I wasn’t (and am still not) into parties.
same news again, but at another station. “Could this be actually Once we were on the second floor, we could see people dancing. At
true?” When I got home, and since I followed a few pages, mainly one point, it looked like they were having sex with their clothes on
of Rotterdam news, I got bombarded with articles. I read a few, and (they were dry-humping). To me, this was a culture shock. I’ve never
then it hit me. My first thought, and maybe you will think I’m joking, seen anybody dance like that, not even in those sexy Reggeaton
is, “Who came up with this law? Wie komt met die ley? Because their video clips that I used to watch on HTV’s Hurbano. They were all
audacity is unmeasurable.” against each other, and they went all the way to the floor. Even back
then, even though it shocked me, I was like, “I guess this is how
Pluma, stenchi, rum they danced in other islands of the Caribbean.”
I’m not a big “Carnavalista” myself, and I’ve only been to When you Google the word “vulgar,” you’ll find that it’s something
“Zomercarnaval” once in 2013. It’s not like our big, colorful, shiny or someone that lacks sophistication or good taste. It also means
Carnaval in Aruba, but who am I kidding? When you’re kilometers making explicit or offensive references to sex or bodily functions.
away, your heart will dance with pride, and you will feel connected When you search for “vulgar dance,” you’ll find that it signifies a
to thousands of fellow Caribbeans. Yes, even the ones you might morally unclean indecent or sexually provocative style of dancing.
give a sour face to when you’re on the tram or on your way home. I’ve always had an issue with the word provocative. And if you ask
Because if there is one thing that connects the Caribbean, it’s: food, me, I think those definitions are one of the hundreds of ways people
drinks (not only talking about Tropical or Fria), and parties with lots search to put blame and accountability on people who’ve experi-
of dance. enced (sexual) abuse and harassment.
{Article continues on the next page}