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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 24 september 2020

                              Houston still waiting to play after 3rd virus cancellation

            (AP)- The Houston Cougars  Mid-American  Conference
            are  again  without  an  oppo-  university   presidents   are
            nent and still waiting to play  scheduled  to  meet  Friday
            their  season  opener  as  CO-  with  playing  in  the  fall  on
            VID-19 issues wiped out two  the agenda, a person familiar
            more  major  college  football  with  the  meeting  told  The
            games Wednesday.             Associated  Press  on  condi-
            The latest team forced to bail  tion  of  anonymity  because
            on Houston was North Tex-    the conference was not mak-
            as, which said it would not be  ing its return to play discus-
            able  to  field  a  team  for  Sat-  sion public.
            urday's road game after four  The MAC was the first FBS
            positive tests this week.    conference  to  postpone  fall
                                         football  in  early  August  be-
            The school didn’t specify an  cause of concerns about play-
            affected  position  group  or  ing through the pandemic.
            how many additional people
            needed to self isolate because  On  Thursday,  presidents'
            of  contact  tracing.  Tulsa's  meetings  will  be  held  in
            scheduled  game  at  Arkan-  both the Pac-12 and Moun-
            sas  State  this  week  was  also  tain West, with both confer-
            postponed.  Arkansas  State  ences  eyeing  late  October
            said  only  that  it  was  unable  starts  to  the  football  season
            to assemble a two-deep depth  after  initially  postponing  all
            chart at an unspecified posi-  fall sports. All this comes as
            tion.  Earlier  in  the  day,  the  the  Southeastern  Confer-
            Atlantic  Coast  Conference  ence  prepares  to  kick  off  its
            rescheduled  Notre  Dame's  season with seven games on
            game  at  Wake  Forest  for  Saturday. “I don’t know that I
            Dec. 12. The seventh-ranked  would call this a normal feel  cancel  that  game  only  a  day  Houston  athletic  director  12 game at Washington State
            Fighting Irish could not play  to Week 1, but it does feel like  before  kickoff  because  of  Chris  Pezman  said  Wednes-  was canceled when the Pac-
            Saturday  in  Winston-Salem,  Week 1," SEC Commissioner  multiple positive tests.      day  that  he  understood  the  12  originally  decided  not  to
            North  Carolina,  because  of  Greg Sankey said. “I appreci-  That  cancellation  drew  the  “COVID-related   decision  play this fall.
            13  players  in  isolation  with  ate that we’re here.”   ire  of  Cougars  coach  Dana  North  Texas  has  made  to
            COVID-19  and  10  more  in  SEC teams might play twice  Holgorsen this week.          not  play”  and  appreciated  North Texas (1-1) was com-
            quarantine  due  to  contact  before  Houston  gets  in  its  “I don't know how it gets to  the  consistent  dialogue  with  ing  of  a  65-35  home  loss
            tracing.                     first game. The Cougars' next  22  hours  before  the  game.  UNT  officals.  “I  am  disap-  to  SMU  last  Saturday.  The
                                         scheduled  game  is  Oct.  8  at  We've  had  four  games  can-  pointed for our student-ath-  Mean  Green’s  next  sched-
            Wake  Forest  has  moved  its  home against Tulane.       celed, so we're kind of used to  letes who have continued to  uled  game  is  their  Confer-
            nonconference  game  against                              that,”  Holgorsen  said  Mon-  focus on competing this sea-  ence  USA  opener  at  home
            Campbell to Oct. 3, a previ-  Houston  was  scheduled  to  day before the bad news from  son  and  were  ready  to  play  Oct. 3 against Southern Miss.
            ously open date. Notre Dame  play last Friday at Memphis,  North Texas. “How it gets to  this  Saturday,"  Pezman  said.  "We knew that there would be
            also has an open date on Oct.  but  the  American  Athletic  22 hours before the game, I  "We will continue to work to  challenges  with  COVID-19
            3, giving the Irish more time  Conference put off that game  don't  know.  There's  a  rea-  adjust our schedule with the  this season and we were tak-
            to  get  their  players  back.  As  a week in advance because of  son why our conference and  hopes  of  playing  as  soon  as  ing  precautions  to  hopefully
            the number of games involv-  a  virus  outbreak  among  the  the Big 12 tests three times a  we can.”               avoid  this  situation,”  North
            ing  FBS  teams  postponed  Tigers.  It  was  replaced  by  a  week. So I would think that  The Cougars were originally  Texas  AD  Wren  Baker  said.
            or  canceled  since  Aug.  26  hastily arranged reunion with  our opponent kind of knows  supposed to open the season  “We  are  hopeful  we  can  re-
            reached  20,  another  confer-  former  Southwest  Confer-  where  they're  at,  just  like  Sept. 3 against Rice, but that  sume safe activities soon.”
            ence  is  taking  steps  toward  ence  rival  Baylor  last  Sat-  we  kind  of  knew  where  we  game  was  postponed  in  Au-
            trying to play fall football.  urday,  but  the  Bears  had  to  were."                gust.  That  was  after  a  Sept.

                     Jags without PK Lambo, C Linder vs Dolphins, maybe WR Chark

                                                                                                   (AP) — The Jacksonville Jag-  past four years. He has made
                                                                                                   uars  will  be  without  place-  74  of  78  field-goal  attempts
                                                                                                   kicker Josh Lambo for at least  since  signing  with  the  Jag-
                                                                                                   the next three games.        uars in 2017, including 11 of
                                                                                                                                12 from beyond 50 yards. He
                                                                                                   The  team  placed  Lambo  on  also has made 66 of 71 extra
                                                                                                   injured  reserve  Wednesday  points.
                                                                                                   with  a  hip  injury  and  called
                                                                                                   up  rookie  Brandon  Wright  Watson  joined  the  Jaguars
                                                                                                   from  the  practice  squad.  as an undrafted rookie from
                                                                                                   Wright  will  make  his  NFL  Georgia  State.  Jacksonville
                                                                                                   debut Thursday night against  placed  him  on  the  practice
                                                                                                   Miami.                       squad after final cuts because
                                                                                                                                of  COVID-19  uncertainty,
                                                                                                   Jacksonville also will be with-  knowing  he  can  punt  and
                                                                                                   out  center  Brandon  Linder  kick.
                                                                                                   (knee) and could be without
                                                                                                   receiver  DJ  Chark  (chest/  Veteran  backup  Tyler  Shat-
                                                                                                   back). Chark is listed as ques-  ley will replace Linder in the
                                                                                                   tionable.                    starting lineup. Shatley start-
                                                                                                   Lambo has been as reliable as  ed 15 games over the previ-
                                                                                                   anyone in the league over the  ous four seasons.
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