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P. 32

A32    sports
               Diahuebs 24 september 2020
            Mizzou's Drinkwitz :

                                             Transparency trumps competitive edge

              (AP)  —  Eli  Drinkwitz  could  have                                  surprising  given  the  chaotic  nature  We  haven’t  really  discussed  it.  I’m
            kept  private  the  COVID-19  testing  “We'll  be  at  69  scholarship  players  of the entire season. But while sev-  sure when we get into game week and
            numbers  within  the  Missouri  foot-  available  for  the  Alabama  contest,”  eral coaches, such as Drinkwitz and  we  figure  out  exactly  who  can  and
            ball program. The new coach of the  Drinkwitz said.                     second-year Kansas State coach Chris  who can’t we’ll kind of let you know.”
            Tigers could have pleaded ignorance  The Tigers could have used every ad-  Klieman have vowed to be as open as
            when it came to the number of posi-  vantage they can get. They only had a  possible, many others have chosen to  Many  programs  lie  somewhere  in
            tive results, or the amount of contact  few spring practices to learn Drink-  keep the information private.  the middle; they may not  volunteer
            tracing that has been done. He could  witz's  system  before  the  pandemic  Tennessee coach Jeremy Pruitt, who  their  COVID-19  testing  informa-
            have leaned on HIPPA — the federal  put workouts on pause, and when the  is trying to build on an eight-win sea-  tion  but  they  also  are  not  trying  to
            Health Insurance Portability and Ac-  SEC chose to go with a conference-  son last year, is no longer discussing  hide anything. One example is Kan-
            countability  Act  designed  in  part  to  only slate of games, it meant a debut  test  numbers  now  that  his  team  is  sas, which confirmed reports of three
            protect  patient  privacy  —  and  de-  against  the  mighty  Crimson  Tide  in game week. The Volunteers open  positive tests ahead of its opening loss
            clined to address questions from re-  rather  than  a  lower-tier,  non-league  their  SEC-only  schedule  at  South  to Coastal Carolina, then distributed
            porters.                            foe. The reason he decided to reveal  Carolina on Saturday night.       a list before kickoff of nearly 40 play-
                                                the  information  turned  out  to  be                                   ers that did not dress for undisclosed
            He could have maintained the com-   quite simple: transparancy.         Alabama  counterpart  Nick  Saban  is  reasons.
            petitive  advantage  that  comes  with  “This is a public health issue, not a  aligned  more  closely  to  Drinkwitz  Meanwhile,  Drinkwitz  wants  to
            refusing to disclose such vital infor-  competitive  issue,”  Drinkwitz  ex-  and  Vanderbilt  coach  Derek  Mason  eliminate any rumors and guesswork
            mation.  Instead,  Drinkwitz  laid  ev-  plained. “This is not an injury we're  when it comes to disclosing test re-  when it comes to his Tigers.
            erything on the table.              trying  to  keep.  People  should  know  sults. The Crimson Tide were among
            Seven players have so far been ruled  what's happening within our football  the  first  programs  to  begin  testing  “I believe in the value of football and
            out  for  Saturday's  opener  against  program as it relates to the pandemic.  three times a week — long before the  what  we're  doing  and  to  represent
            No.  2  Alabama  because  of  the  vi-  That to me is more important than,  SEC mandated it — and have since  the  state  of  Missouri  on  Saturday,
            rus.  There  were  no  positives  from  you know, whatever competitive ad-  used  their  considerable  resources  to  and let people not focus on the pan-
            the most recent round of testing last  vantage it might be to win or lose a  begin daily testing.           demic and compete,” he said. “And I
            weekend, though there were still two  football game.”                   “We  don’t  really  have  anybody  that  think for me, what went into it was
            more tests to go. There also was an                                     would be out for sure for the game,”  just  honesty  and  the  approach  that
            issue with tests that came back incon-  No  standard  has  been  set  for  how  Saban said. “We may have some in-  the  pandemic  overrides  competitive
            clusive, which kept a few extra play-  college  football  programs  disclose  jured  players  who  may  not  recover  advantage.”
            ers out for a few practices.        positive  tests,  which  shouldn't  be  enough to be able to play in the game.

                                       Chargers' team doctor punctured Taylor's lung

                                                                                                   (AP)  —  Los  Angeles  Char-  culties  breathing  after  Lynn
                                                                                                   gers  quarterback  Tyrod  Tay-  said  he  had  a  reaction  to  an
                                                                                                   lor missed last Sunday's game  injection. Taylor was released
                                                                                                   because  a  team  doctor  acci-  Sunday night and was at the
                                                                                                   dentally punctured  his  lung,  Chargers' complex on Mon-
                                                                                                   according to a person familiar  day.
                                                                                                   with the case.
                                                                                                                                The NFL Players Association
                                                                                                   The person spoke to The As-  said on Wednesday that they
                                                                                                   sociated  Press  on  condition  have  been  in  contact  with
                                                                                                   of anonymity Wednesday be-   Taylor and his agent and have
                                                                                                   cause  of  medical  restriction  started  an  investigation  into
                                                                                                   issues. Coach Anthony Lynn  the matter. ESPN first report-
                                                                                                   said  Taylor  is  still  not  100%  ed the punctured lung. Taylor
                                                                                                   and  that  rookie  Justin  Her-  was briefly on the Chargers'
                                                                                                   bert will get his second NFL  injury report Friday due to a
                                                                                                   start  on  Sunday  against  the  rib injury he suffered in the
                                                                                                   Carolina Panthers.           Sept.  13  opener  against  the
                                                                                                   Lynn  said  he  wasn't  angry  Cincinnati  Bengals.  He  was
                                                                                                   about what occurred because  taken  off  it,  though,  after
                                                                                                   the mistake wasn't intention-  fully participating in practice
                                                                                                   al.                          and  taking  all  of  the  snaps
                                                                                                   “There  were  complications  with the first team.
                                                                                                   with the shot but I know the  Lynn did not have an update
                                                                                                   man  (who  gave  it).  People  on  Taylor's  status  on  Mon-
                                                                                                   make  mistakes.  It  is  some-  day. He said that if Taylor was
                                                                                                   thing  we  will  talk  about  in-  100%, he would be the starter
                                                                                                   ternally,” Lynn said.        on  Sunday  against  Carolina.
                                                                                                                                However,  with  a  punctured
                                                                                                   Herbert  was  the  Chargers'  lung,  the  10-year  veteran  is
                                                                                                   surprise  starter  in  last  Sun-  expected  to  be  out  indefi-
                                                                                                   day's  23-20  overtime  loss  to  nitely.
                                                                                                   the Kansas City Chiefs. Lynn
                                                                                                   said  he  didn't  find  out  until  Herbert,  the  sixth  overall
                                                                                                   less than five minutes before  pick in April's draft, became
                                                                                                   kickoff that Taylor would be  the  ninth  quarterback  since
                                                                                                   unable  to  play.  Herbert  said  the merger to throw for over
                                                                                                   he found out he was playing  300  yards  in  his  debut,  but
                                                                                                   right  as  the  Chargers  were  he threw an interception late
                                                                                                   lining up to receive the open-  in  the  third  quarter  that  the
                                                                                                   ing kickoff. Taylor was taken  Chiefs converted into a tying
                                                                                                   to  the  hospital  due  to  diffi-  touchdown.
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