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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 19 January 2024

             Some U.S. states and NYC succeed in getting 2020 census

             numbers double-checked and increased

             By MIKE SCHNEIDER                                                                                                  the  wrong  place,”  Walter
             Associated Press                                                                                                   Schwarm, the state’s chief
             Illinois  is  adding  tens  of                                                                                     demographer,  said  in  an
             thousands  of  people  to  its                                                                                     email.
             population total, and Cali-                                                                                        ILLINOIS
             fornia is getting misplaced                                                                                        Illinois  Gov.  JB  Pritzker  an-
             sailors on an aircraft carrier                                                                                     nounced  this  month  that
             put in the right location, af-                                                                                     the nation’s sixth most pop-
             ter successfully asking for a                                                                                      ulous state was getting an
             review of their 2020 census                                                                                        additional  47,000  people
             figures.                                                                                                           to  its  population  total  af-
             New  York  City  also  ap-                                                                                         ter  the  state  asked  for  a
             pears  to  have  gotten  an                                                                                        review of its census figures.
             additional  1,090  people                                                                                          Illinois officials believed that
             added to its population to-                                                                                        the 2020 census had over-
             tal recently after asking the                                                                                      looked  more  than  40,500
             Census  Bureau  to  double-                                                                                        people living in care homes
             check  the  city’s  numbers                                                                                        or senior living facilities and
             from  the  head  count  of                                                                                         more  than  5,800  college
             every U.S. resident, city of-                                                                                      students living in dorms, the
             ficials said.                                                                                                      governor’s office said.
             The  once-a-decade  cen-                                                                                           These   “group   quarters”
             sus  produces  population                                                                                          were  among  the  most  dif-
             figures that help determine                                                                                        ficult  places  to  count  as
             political power and the an-  The sun sets behind the New York skyline, Nov. 13, 2022, as seen from Calvary Cemetery.  campuses   closed   and
                                                                                                               Associated Press
             nual distribution of $2.8 tril-                                                                                    prisons  and  nursing  homes
             lion in federal funding. The  federal funding. They can’t  ulous  state,  with  38.9  mil-  members  get  off  and  on  were  locked  down  at  the
             Census Bureau has two pro-   be  used  to  change  how  lion  residents,  it  was  more  the  ship,  and  that  part  of  start of the COVID-19 pan-
             grams  giving  governments  many  congressional  seats  about putting things in the  Naval Base San Diego is in  demic. The Census Bureau
             opportunities  to  have  their  each  state  was  allotted  right  place  rather  than  National City, state officials  created  a  separate  pro-
             population totals reviewed  during  the  apportionment  adding people.                said.                        gram to handle these chal-
             and  adjusted  if  need  be.  process,  nor  for  the  data  The  placement  of  the  air-  The  4,000  prisoners  at  the  lenges.
             Nearly  200  requests  for  re-  used for redrawing political  craft  carrier  USS  Abraham  Mule  Creek  State  Prison  “This  correction  will  bring
             views  were  filed  by  tribal,  districts.              Lincoln, along with its more  also were reallocated from  in  millions  in  additional
             local  and  state  govern-   Here’s  a  look  at  how  two  than 5,000 crew members,  Amador County to the city  federal  funding  for  crucial
             ments for the 2020 census.   of  the  most  populous  U.S.  was corrected so that it’s in  of  Ione  after  California  re-  programs  and  help  to  en-
             Changes  from  the  reviews  states,  and  the  nation’s  National  City,  rather  than  quested that change.      sure  future  counts  reflect
             will  be  applied  only  to  fu-  largest  city,  had  their  re-  in  neighboring  San  Diego.  The  reviews  for  California  the  true  number  of  Illinois
             ture annual population es-   views resolved recently.    Although  part  of  the  ship  were  “just  an  opportunity  residents,” Pritzker said in a
             timates used for the rest of  CALIFORNIA                 is  located  in  San  Diego,  to  suggest  to  the  bureau  statement.q
             the decade in determining  For the nation’s most pop-    what matters is where crew  that  some  things  are  in

            More than 300 journalists around the world imprisoned because of

            their work, report says

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  An  es-  said.                        Each  of  the  17  that  were
            timated    320    journalists  “Our  research  shows  how  held in Israel at the time of
            around the world were im-    entrenched  authoritarian-   the  census  were  Palestin-
            prisoned  because  of  their  ism  is  globally,  with  gov-  ians  arrested  in  the  West
            work  toward  the  end  of  ernments  emboldened  to  Bank since the start of the
            2023,  according  to  a  re-  stamp  out  critical  report-  war  between  Israel  and
            port issued Thursday by the  ing and prevent public ac-   Hamas  on  Oct.  7,  the  re-
            Committee to Protect Jour-   countability,”  said  Jodie  port said.
            nalists, which called it a dis-  Ginsberg, the committee’s  Twelve  of  the  17  nonlocal
            turbing attempt to smother  chief executive officer.      journalists  who  CPJ  says
            independent voices.          More  than  a  third  of  the  are  imprisoned  through-
            That’s  the  second-highest  journalists  in  jail  accord-  out  the  world  were  be-
            number  of  jailed  journal-  ing  to  the  CPJ’s  Dec.  1,  ing  held  in  Russia.  They
            ists  since  the  committee  2023, census were in China,  include  two  U.S.  citizens:
            began its annual census in  Myanmar and Belarus, the  Wall Street Journal reporter
            1992. It’s down from 367 in  report said.                 Evan Gershkovich and Alsu
            2022,  due  primarily  to  the  Israel  is  tied  with  Iran  for  Kurmasheva  of  Radio  Free
            release of many in Iran, ei-  sixth  place,  the  country’s  Europe/Radio Liberty, both   Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich stands in a glass
                                                                                                   cage in a courtroom at the Moscow City Court, in Moscow,
            ther on bail or as they await  highest  ranking  ever  on  of whom are being held in   Russia, on Dec. 14, 2023.
            sentencing, the committee  CPJ’s annual list.             pretrial detention.q                                                  Associated Press
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