Page 6 - aruba-today-20240119
P. 6

                    Friday 19 January 2024

            A cholera outbreak in Zambia has caused more than 400 deaths

            and infected 10,000

            By NOEL SICHALWE                                                                                                    Cholera   barely   affects
            Associated Press                                                                                                    countries in the developed
            LUSAKA,  Zambia  (AP)  —                                                                                            world  and  can  be  easily
            Zambia  is  reeling  from  a                                                                                        treated but can be quickly
            major  cholera  outbreak                                                                                            fatal if not treated.
            that  has  killed  more  than                                                                                       More than half  229  of the
            400  people  and  infected                                                                                          victims in the Zambian out-
            more  than  10,000,  leading                                                                                        break  died  before  being
            authorities to order schools                                                                                        admitted to a health facil-
            across  the  country  to  re-                                                                                       ity,  the  public  health  insti-
            main shut after the end-of-                                                                                         tute said.
            year holidays.                                                                                                      Zambia  has  had  several
            A  large  soccer  stadium  in                                                                                       major  cholera  outbreaks
            the  capital  city  has  been                                                                                       since the 1970s but this one
            converted into a treatment                                                                                          is  the  worst  for  20  years  in
            facility.                                                                                                           terms of the caseload, ac-
            The Zambian government is                                                                                           cording  to  Dr.  Mazyanga
            embarking on a mass vac-                                                                                            Mazaba,  the  director  of
            cination program and says                                                                                           public  health  policy  and
            it’s  providing  clean  water                                                                                       communication     at   the
            2.4  million  liters  a  day  to                                                                                    public health institute.
            communities  that  are  af-                                                                                         The  cholera  bacteria  can
            fected across the southern                                                                                          also survive longer in warm-
            African nation.              People wait outside a cholera treatment centre, in Lusaka, Zambia, Friday, Jan 12, 2024.   er  weather  and  unusually
            The  national  disaster  man-                                                                      Associated Press   heavy  rains  and  storms  in
            agement      agency    has                                                                                          southern  Africa  have  con-
            been mobilized.              day from the Zambia Public  Health Minister Sylvia Mase-  bique   and    Zimbabwe.     tributed  to  recent  out-
            Cholera  is  an  acute  diar-  Health Institute, the govern-  bo  said,  outlining  it  was  a  More  than  200,000  cases   breaks, experts say.
            rhea  infection  caused  by   ment body that deals with  nationwide problem.           and  over  3,000  deaths     WHO  said  last  year  that
            a  bacteria  that  is  typically   health emergencies.    The  United  Nations  Chil-  have  been  reported  in     while  poverty  and  conflict
            spread  via  contaminated    The  Health  Ministry  says  dren’s Fund, UNICEF, called  southern  Africa  since  the   remain the main drivers for
            food or water. The disease   cholera has been detected  the  fatality  rate  of  around  start of 2023, UNICEF said.  cholera,  climate  change
            is strongly linked to poverty   in  nearly  half  of  the  coun-  4% in the three-month out-  Malawi  had  its  worst  chol-  has contributed to the dis-
            and inadequate access to     try’s  districts  and  nine  out  break   “a   devastatingly  era outbreak in decades in   ease’s  upsurge  in  many
            clean water.                 of  10  provinces,  and  the  high number.” When treat-   2023.  Last  year,  the  World   places  across  the  globe
            The  outbreak  in  Zambia    nation  of  about  20  million  ed, cholera typically has a  Health Organization report-  since  2021  by  making
            began  in  October  and      people has been recording  death rate of less than 1%.    ed that about 30 countries   storms wetter and more fre-
            412 people have died and     more than 400 cases a day.   There  have  been  recent  globally,  also  including  Ni-  quent.  A  cyclone  sparked
            10,413 cases have been re-   “This outbreak continues to  cholera  outbreaks  in  other  geria  and  Uganda  in  Af-  a  spiraling  cholera  out-
            corded,  according  to  the   pose a threat to the health  southern  African  nations  rica,  suffered  serious  out-  break  in  Mozambique  last
            latest  count  on  Wednes-   security  of  the  nation,”  including  Malawi,  Mozam-   breaks in the last few years.  year.q

             The drop in Panama Canal traffic due to a severe drought could

             cost up to $700 million

                                                                      PANAMA CITY (AP) — A se-     One  of  the  most  severe  comes  at  a  precarious
                                                                      vere  drought  that  began  droughts  to  ever  hit  the  time.  Attacks  on  commer-
                                                                      last year has forced author-  Central  American  nation  cial  ships  in  the  Red  Sea
                                                                      ities  to  slash  ship  crossings  has stirred chaos in the 50-  by  Yemen’s  Houthi  reb-
                                                                      by 36% in the Panama Ca-     mile  (80-kilometer)  mari-  els  have  rerouted  vessels
                                                                      nal, one of the world’s most  time  route,  causing  a  traf-  away from the crucial cor-
                                                                      important trade routes.      fic  jam  of  vessels,  casting  ridor  for  consumer  goods
                                                                      The  new  cuts  announced  doubts on the canal’s reli-    and energy supplies.
                                                                      Wednesday  by  authorities  ability for international ship-  The  combination  is  hav-
                                                                      in Panama are set to deal  ping  and  raising  concerns  ing  far-reaching  effects
                                                                      an even greater economic  about  its  affect  on  global  on  global  trade  by  delay-
                                                                      blow  than  previously  ex-  trade.                       ing  shipments  and  raising
                                                                      pected.                      “It’s  vital  that  the  coun-  transport costs. Some com-
                                                                      Panama Canal Administra-     try  sends  a  message  that  panies had planned to re-
                                                                      tor  Ricaurte  Vásquez  now  we’re going to take this on  route to the Red Sea  a key
                                                                      estimates that dipping wa-   and  find  a  solution  to  this  route  between  Asia  and
                                                                      ter  levels  could  cost  them  water  problem,”  Vásquez  Europe  to avoid delays at
                                                                      between  $500  million  and  said.                        the  Panama  Canal,  ana-
             A cargo ship is guided through the Panama Canal, in Panama   $700  million  in  2024,  com-  The  disruption  of  the  ma-  lysts say.
             City, Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024.                          pared  to  previous  esti-   jor  trade  route  between  Now,  that’s  no  longer  an
                                                     Associated Press   mates of $200 million.     Asia and the United States  option for most.q
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