Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
local Wednesday 20 July 2022
Man drowns at Baby Beach
Around 3pm on Monday, The family members and
authorities were alerted others nearby were search-
about a person who floated ing, but it wasn’t until af-
away while swimming at ter 5pm that a person saw diately according to pro-
Baby Beach. Police arrived something floating down tocol, even though they
right away and started talk- stream at Baby Beach, couldn’t find a pulse. The
ing to those present who and police mobilized to family was in shock, and
witnessed what happened. the area. They found some- victim support personnel
thing floating and person- were present to help the
Family of the missing per- nel from the Fire Depart- family. Ambulance person-
son, of Indian nationality, ment and other people nel after a while trying re-
informed police that their went into the water and suscitation confirmed that
loved one, who was in his brought out a body, which nothing more could be
40s, went into the sea and was floating face down. done, and called for the fo-
wasn’t seen again. Right rensic doctor to arrive and
away police started a An ambulance was pres- confirm the death.
search around and in the ent, and paramedics las and the police commis- also present to assist during
sea, but without results. started resuscitation imme- Police Chiefs from San Nico- sary Ms. Trudy Hassel were the tragedy.q
According to minister Arends:
Sufficient basis for an increase in bus fare
Regarding the petition received Arends in his deliberation declared duly go through the legal process. the bus drivers and users can live
from a group of bus drivers, min- that ‘based on the abovemen- Arends commented that ‘dealing with.
ister of Transport, Mr. Ursell Arends tioned considerations, I consider with problems and structural solu-
solicited official advice from the that there is sufficient basis to eval- tions has preference over ad hoc As Aruba Today reported, last Fri-
Department of Public Transporta- uate a fare increase for bus, and solutions for temporary situations’. day small bus drivers came togeth-
tion (DTP). In a letter addressed to thus commit myself to initiating the He was referring to the current er and gathered in the parking lot
United Bus Drivers (Chauffeur di process’. price of gasoline and also to the of the Linear Park to march togeth-
Autobus Uni), minister Arends elab- fact that the University of Aruba is er, guided by the police, to the
orated on his considerations for the A change in the bus fare is tied to carrying out a study to determine Bestuurskantoor – the government
request. a change in law, to be specific, the ‘carrying capacity’ of public seat – to deliver a letter. The group
the Landsbesluit personenvervoer transportation, which also includes United Bus Drivers handed a peti-
Among other things, the minister AB 1997 GT 4. A change in this law busses – that is the amount of per- tion to the government to increase
noted that the last fare increase must pass through the advice body mit holders, routes as well as the the bus fare with 1 florin, because
was in 2015, and minimum wage Raad van Advies before, and must fare. their expenses are becoming too
was adapted in 2019 and 2020. go through its due process, some- high to manage.
Also the minister mentioned that thing that can take a few months. The minister declared that he will
it must be considered that the re- For this reason, the minister asked keep the bus drivers involved in the The drivers in their letter brought a
cent price increase for gasoline the group of United Bus Drivers to whole process and he counts with proposal to increase the fare in ac-
and diesel might be temporary. declare a cool-off period in order their understanding and coopera- cordance with the increase in the
to have the necessary space to tion to reach a solution that both price of gasoline and diesel.q