Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Wednesday 20 July 2022
Aruba National Archives extends 3C campaign
ORANJESTAD – The Aruba National Ar- and organizations to participate.
chives (ANA) has extended its 3C cam-
paign for six weeks. The 3C campaign Marens Engelhard, a former senior archi-
encourages the community to submit ar- vist of the Netherlands, stated that what
chival materials, for example, historical we archive today would determine the
documents, photographs, and audiovisual image future generations would have of
and digital files to ANA. our times. Selecting what to archive for
the unknown future is a fascinating and re-
This material tells the history of Aruba, and sponsible task, but not an easy one. There-
ANA will preserve it for future generations. fore, let it be a joint effort to preserve our
The ANA preserves and protects valuable
historic government archives, documents, You can bring your archival material to
photographs, audiovisual material, digital ANA from Monday to Friday between 8:00
files of individuals and entities. The ANA is am to 11:45 am and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
responsible for managing and conserving
Aruba's cultural heritage. The Minister of Culture emphasizes that it is
essential to know the history and culture of
Minister of Culture Xiomara Maduro is Aruba. We need to know our past to un-
grateful to all who contribute with archival derstand our present and where we need
material to this campaign and encourag- to be in the future. Archiving our history is
es all citizens, public and private entities, essential for all of us!q