Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Thursday 24 augusT 2023
Looking for something new?
Get a fusion of Trinidad & Tobago and the essence of Aruba at Kamini’s Kitchen
Kamini’s Kitchen. One of the
most special aspects of Kamini’s
Kitchen is the combination of
Kamini’s Trinidadian roots and
the local flavor you must try as
a visitor to the island. By doing
this, you can enjoy her traditions
through the food you’re be-
ing served. This restaurant gives
you a wide variety of dishes to
choose from that are bound to
make a lasting impression on
you and you’ll be sure to return
for more. So much so, that in or-
der to motivate you to try some- with their fishes being from open
thing new, they will offer you a water.
sample of their signature dish to
get you started. At Kamini’s Kitchen every cos-
A native from Trinidad, Kamini up to the position of manager. tumer is just as important; there-
fore the menu is dietary restric-
Kurvink learned to cook at only All the food made at Kamini’s tions friendly. They will cater to
10 years of age. She was cook- After leaving her job at the fast Kitchen is freshly made and to your needs as long as it’s within
ing for her parents and her eight food chain, she opened a break- order. You get the best qual- their reach and are willing to ad-
siblings. This love for baking and fast and lunch snackette that ity of food along with an open just their menu to your desires, so
cooking gave her all the expe- was open 6 days every week for concept that creates a wonder- much so that vegetarians may
rience and knowledge she has about 10 months. Eventually, Ka- ful ambiance that is loved by even order off menu.
today to invent and re-invent mini got to the current location all who visit. The natural air that
her homeland dishes, making and this is how today we have can be felt in every corner of the The newest member of the fam-
this more personalized. one of the restaurants that bring restaurant makes it a fresh and ily is the Doubles. This is a snack
our visitors true Aruban cuisine, accommodating place to be platter that has tortillas with lay-
At the age of 26, Kamini relocat- Kamini’s Kitchen. in, especially because it calms ers of Jhana paste and tamarind
ed to Aruba where she started many who may still carry post- chutney. This makes for a perfect
working at a fast food chain. Once you’re on the island, dare pandemic worries. snack to prepare the stomach
Starting out as a regular employ- to try something different. The before heading to the beach,
ee, Kamini’s hard work and love best part about it is that you The main dish Kamini’s Kitchen given Kamini’s Kitchen’s per-
for her craft got her all the way have to look no further than at recommends is the Roti with
Curry. Curry is usually Indian and fect location. And once you’re
often comes in a prepackaged heading back home after the
way. However Kamini’s Kitchen beach, head back to Kamini’s
takes pride in their curry made for a wonderful dinner sure to ex-
in-house, which is usually not ceed your expectations.
spicy unless you want it to be.
And the best part? In the case At Kamini’s Kitchen, you will be
that you do want it spicy, Ka- mesmerized by our cuisine.q
mini’s has their own homemade
hot sauce and one drop is more
than enough!
Another dish that Kamini’s Kitch-
en highly recommends is the
Whole Red Snapper in curry or
‘Crioyo’ sauce with aros moro.
This is one of Kamini’s best sellers