Page 23 - HOH_Neat
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Diahuebs, 28 Mei 2020                                        AWEMainta                                                                       7

       •  Seis  (6)  salanan  di
       operacion y otro facil-
       dadnan  moderno  cu

       tin di haber cu cirugia

       y cu lo tin sistemanan
       di  ventilación  y  airco

       • Departamento nobo

       y moderno di ICU con-
       sistiendo  di  12  cama
       pa  patient,  incluy-

       endo 2 kamber di iso-

       lacion  y  Acute  Dialy-
       sis;  •  Departamento
                                                                                    JOIN OUR AWARD
       di  Endoscopia  nobo,

       moderno y cu mas ca-                                                         WINNING TEAM

       pacidad;  •  Laborato-
       rio  moderno,  nobo  di                                                      Ranked among top 10 hotels in the World by TripAdvisor
       mayor  capacidad;  •                                                         Featured in top 10 Hotels in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure

       Botica  moderno,  nobo

       y di dobel capacidad;
                                           EXCELLENT BENEFITS
       SOGA  ta  cla  pa  con-                Competitive salaries, pension plan, health disabilities – life insurances, dental and vision
                                                         insurance, savings plan, loan availability, shift meal, general bonus.
       clui trabounan na Dr.
       Horacio  E.  Oduber

       Hospital:  Un  seccion                                     DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING
       (East Wing) remodela

       y renoba cu capacidad               DESCRIPTION                              EXPECTATIONS
       di  72  cama  pa  pash-             Responsible for the efficient              REQUIRED
                                           operation of the hotel property
       entnan.                             and all its equipment,                     •  Strong leadership, motivation and training skills
       Ehecucion di tur esaki              preventive maintenance, repair             •  Hands on approach with great technical expertise
                                                                                          in various maintenance areas
                                           services, and protection of
       ta  rekeri  e  esfuerzo             assets.                                    •  Ability to reduce and minimize operating costs
                                           Structural aspects of the hotel            •  Knowledge in sustainability
       di  un  ekipo  motiva  y            as well as the maintenance                 •  Passionate, dedicated and a self-starter

       dedica consistiendo di              of grounds and external                    •  Fluent in English
                                           facilities fall within the span of
       SOGA,                               responsibility. The Director of
                                           Engineering is directly involved           QUALIFICATIONS
       contratistanan,          y          in both strategic planning and             •  HBO/Bachelor degree or equivalent
       naturalmente  cu  nos               day-to-day operations.                     •  Minimum 5 years of Engineering leadership in

       partner  principal  cu                                                             hospitality required at 4 or 5-star level
                                                                                      •  Thorough knowledge of all types of mechanical
       ta Gobierno di Aruba.                                                              equipment such as VRF AC’s, boilers, generators
                                                                                          and refrigeration equipment
       SOGA  ta  propietario                                                          •  Thorough knowledge of plumbing and electrical
       di e compleho y edifi-                                                             systems, maintenance of records of power, water
                                                                                          and fuel consumption
       cionan di Dr. Horacio                                                          •  Computer knowledge, trained on Microsoft Office
       E.  Oduber  Hospital  y                                                            as well as hotel industry software (Alice, Opera)
                                                                                      •  Good eye for detail
       e entidad
       encarga  cu  e  ehecu-                      At Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort we work in a drug-free environment. Applicants

       cion  di  e  proyecto  di                                  will be submitted to pre-employment drug testing.
       expancion,        remod-                    Please send your application letter and resume by e-mail to
                                                        or call our Human Resources department at 5831100 ext. 138 for more
       elacion  y  renobacion                                                          information.
       di nos Dr. Horacio E.

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