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                 Diahuebs 28 di Mei 2020  Email:  Tel: 582-7800  Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin

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                                                                                                                                 scol lo habri 1
                                                                              riba cifra di                                      di juni

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                                                                          mucha cu no a                                       •  Surinam:

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                                                                                                                      Update for Aruba’s

                                                                                       Thursday                                  visitors
                                                                                       May 28, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper                                                                Page 32
            U.S. on cusp of marking at least 100K deaths from virus

            By  CARLA  K.  JOHNSON,  successful in developing a
            HANNAH  FINGERHUT  and  vaccine,  according  to  a
            LISA MARIE PANE              new poll released Wednes-
            Associated Press             day  from  The  Associated
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Press-NORC  Center  for  Pu-
            United  States  was  on  the  blic Affairs Research.
            cusp  of  marking  at  least  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the na-
            100,000  deaths  from  the  tion’s top infectious disease
            coronavirus, a once-unthin-  expert,  issued  a  stern  war-
            kable toll that now appears  ning  after  viewing  video
            to be just the beginning of  showing    Memorial   Day
            untold misery in the months  crowds gathered at a pool
            ahead  as  Las  Vegas  casi-  party in Missouri.
            nos and Walt Disney World  “We  have  a  situation  in
            make  plans  to  reopen,  which you see that type of
            crowds of unmasked Ame-      crowding with no mask and
            ricans swarm beaches and  people  interacting.  That’s
            public  health  officials  pre-  not  prudent  and  that’s  in-
            dict a resurgence by fall.   viting a situation that could
            The  stark  reality  comes  as  get out of control,” he said   Artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada works on a 20,000 square foot mural of a healthcare worker near
            only half of Americans said  during  an  interview  Wed-  the Queens Museum, back left, and the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, back center,
            they would be willing to get  nesday on CNN.              in the Queens borough of New York, Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
            vaccinated if scientists are        Continued on Page 25                                                                        Associated Press
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