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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Diamars 30 augustus 2022

                               China's drought-hit areas get rain, bringing flood risks

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  More                                                                                              "has  been  fully  restored,"
            than  100,000  people  had                                                                                          CCTV  said  on  its  website.
            moved  to  safer  areas  by                                                                                         Household  demand  for  air
            Monday  as  heavy  rains                                                                                            conditioning  declined  as
            brought  flood  risks  to  a                                                                                        temperatures moderated and
            region of southwest China                                                                                           the  rainfall  was  starting  to
            that  was  devastated  by  a                                                                                        replenish  hydroelectric  res-
            heatwave and drought for                                                                                            ervoirs.
            most of the summer.
                                                                                                                                Hydropower  generation  in
            Heavy  rain  was  forecast  for                                                                                     the  province  was  up  9.5%
            parts  of  Sichuan  province                                                                                        from its low point, the state
            and Chongqing city through                                                                                          broadcaster  reported.  Daily
            at least Tuesday. Chongqing,                                                                                        power use by households de-
            a megacity built in a hilly area                                                                                    clined  by  28%  from  a  peak
            and  that  also  oversees  the                                                                                      of  473  million  to  340  mil-
            surrounding  mountains  and                                                                                         lion  kilowatt  hours,  the  re-
            countryside,  issued  a  flash                                                                                      port said, citing Zhao Hong,
            flood warning for both days.                                                                                        marketing  director  for  State
                                                                                                                                Grid's Sichuan subsidiary.
            But  China's  meteorological
            agency maintained a national                                                                                        "The  contradiction  between
            orange alert for drought, the                                                                                       power supply and demand in
            second  highest  level,  as  the                                                                                    Sichuan will be basically re-
            heat persisted in many parts  effect  in  Sichuan,  Chongq-  sasters when it rains, the of-  the heat, and full power was  solved in the next three days,"
            of  the  country's  south,  the  ing  and  neighboring  Gansu  ficial  Xinhua  News  Agency  restored  to  factories  in  Si-  Zhao was quoted as saying.
            official Xinhua News Agency  and Shaanxi provinces to the  said.                       chuan  after  two  weeks  of
            said.  It  recommended  strict  north.  The  hard,  sunbaked                           restrictions  stemming  from  The falling hydropower pro-
            water conservation and using  soil left by the heatwave in-  The  shift  in  the  weather  reduced hydropower output.  duction  prompted  Sichuan
            emergency  water  sources  to  creases the risk of natural di-  brought  some  relief  from                         utilities to step up the use of
            supply people and livestock.                                                           The  rain  should  help  farm-  coal-fired power plants, tem-
                                                                                                   ers whose rice, spicy Sichuan  porarily  setting  back  efforts
            The    Sichuan   emergency                                                             peppers and other crops were  to  reduce  carbon  and  other
            management  administration                                                             withering during an extended  emissions.
            said  Monday  that  119,000                                                            drought  that  reduced  com-
            people have been evacuated.                                                            munity  reservoirs  to  mostly  The share of power in Sich-
            One village under the juris-                                                           cracked earth.               uan that comes from coal has
            diction of Guangyuan city re-                                                                                       jumped  to  25%  from  10%
            corded 18.8 centimeters (7.4                                                           Temperatures  topped  40  de-  with  67  generating  stations
            inches)  of  rain,  state  broad-                                                      grees  Celsius  (104  Fahren-  running  at  full  capacity,  ac-
            caster  CCTV  said.  The  city                                                         heit)  in  what  meteorologists  cording to Caixin, a Chinese
            was  one  of  two  in  Sichuan                                                         called the strongest heat wave  business news magazine.
            most affected by the drought.                                                          in  China  since  record-keep-
                                                                                                   ing began in 1961.           Sichuan  usually  is  seen  as
            A national level IV emergency                                                                                       a  clean  power  success  story
            response for floods, the low-                                                          Power  in  Sichuan  for  com-  in China, getting  80% of  its
            est in a four-tier system, is in                                                       mercial  and  industrial  use  electricity from hydropower.

                          Danes, Germans back Baltic wind hub to offset Russian gas

            COPENHAGEN,           Den-   of  1.5  gigawatts  and  1  giga-  that  wind  from  the  Baltic
            mark  (AP)  —  Denmark  watt.                             Sea can produce "more than
            will  increase  its  planned                              twice the installed capacity of
            offshore wind capacity in  German  Economy  and  Cli-     all  German  coal-fired  pow-
            the  Baltic  Sea  to  3  giga-  mate  Minister  Robert  Ha-  er  stations."  The  countries
            watts  and  hook  it  up  to  beck  called  it  "a  flagship  around  the  Baltic  Sea  "need
            the  German  grid,  a  step  project" and added that "with  to set the sails, work together
            toward  weaning  Europe  such projects among Europe-      and set course towards mak-
            off its reliance on Russian  an  partners,  we  achieve  two  ing our region more sustain-
            gas.  When  established  in  key  goals  at  the  same  time:  able, more resilient and more
            2030,  it  should  be  able  to  European  energy  security  secure,"  Annalena  Baerbock
            supply electricity to up 4.5  and  climate  neutrality."  The  said.
            million European homes.      deal was announced Monday
                                         in Copenhagen.               German  Chancellor  Olaf
            A  470-kilometer  (292-mile)                              Scholz has said Germany re-  Russian  gas  within  the  next  Those  expected  to  attend
            undersea  cable  will  run  via  Denmark's  energy  minister,  mains  committed  to  ending  two years.             include  the  president  of  the
            the Danish Baltic Sea island  Dan  Jørgensen,  added  that  its greenhouse gas emissions                            European  Union's  execu-
            of  Bornholm  to  northern  "international  cooperation  is  by  2045,  the  earliest  of  any  Monday's   announcement  tive  commission,  Lithuania's
            Germany, enabling the power  more  urgent  than  ever  be-  major  industrialized  nation.  comes  a  day  before  a  meet-  president,  the  prime  minis-
            to be sent directly to the Ger-  fore" to further reduce green-  To  meet  the  goal,  his  gov-  ing in Copenhagen to discuss  ters  of  Poland,  Latvia,  Esto-
            man electricity grid and on to  house  gas  emissions  and  to  ernment has said it will close  ways "to make the Baltic Sea  nia,  Finland  and  Denmark,
            the rest of Europe.          make  Europe  independent  coal-fired  power  plants  that  region free of Russian energy  and several energy ministers.
                                         from Russian gas and oil."   were  reactivated  due  to  the  and at the same time pave the  ___ This story has been cor-
            At  present,  Denmark  and                                war in Ukraine, end imports  way  for  a  significant  green  rected to show that the Ger-
            Germany have respective off-  On Friday, Germany's foreign  of  Russian  oil  and  coal  this  transition,"  according  to  the  man minister was not visiting
            shore wind energy capacities  minister said estimates show  year  and  aim  to  stop  using  Danish government.     Copenhagen.
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