Page 73 - Newspaper Oct 29 2021_Neat
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A28    u.s. news
                Diabierna 29 OctOber 2021

                            U.S. returns antiquities to India in stolen art investigation

                                                                                    nied the allegations.               Wiener  sold  looted  items  to  major
                                                                                                                        museums in Australia and Singapore,
                                                                                    The case “serves as a potent remind-  they said.
                                                                                    er  that  individuals  who  maraud  sa-
                                                                                    cred temples in pursuit of individual  In June, the district attorney’s office
                                                                                    profit are committing crimes not only  returned more than two dozen arti-
                                                                                    against  a  country’s  heritage  but  also  facts worth $3.8 million to Cambodia
                                                                                    its  present  and  future,”  District  At-  as part of the investigation. Another
                                                                                    torney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a state-  33 objects were sent back to Afghani-
                                                                                    ment.                               stan in April.

                                                                                    Authorities say Kapoor — jailed in In-  Court papers filed in New York says
                                                                                    dia and facing charges there pending  Kapoor went to extraordinary lengths
                                                                                    a U.S. extradition request — used his  to acquire the artifacts, many of them
                                                                                    Arts of the Past gallery in New York  statues of Hindu deities, and then fal-
                                                                                    to traffic looted treasures from India  sified  their  provenance  with  forged
                                                                                    and  various  countries  in  Southeast  documents.  They  say  Kapoor  trav-
                                                                                    Asia.  The  investigation  has  resulted  eled the world seeking out antiquities
                                                                                    in the recovery of 2,500 artifacts val-  that  had  been  looted  from  temples,
            (AP) — U.S. authorities returned  million, authorities said.            ued at $143 million and convictions  homes and archaeological sites. Some
            about 250 antiquities to India on                                       of six Kapoor co-conspirators, Vance  of the artifacts were recovered from
            Thursday  in  a  long-running  in-  The ceremony stems from a sprawl-   said.                               Kapoor’s storage units in New York.
            vestigation of a stolen art scheme.  ing  probe by the Manhattan district
                                                attorney’s  office  and  U.S.  Immigra-  The Shiva Nataraja bronze was sold  Kapoor  had  the  items  cleansed  and
            The  items,  worth  an  estimated  $15  tion and Customs Enforcement. The  by  the  mother  of  Nancy  Wiener,  a  repaired to remove any damage from
            million,  were  handed  over  during  a  investigation has focused on tens of  gallery  operator  who  pleaded  guilty  illegal  excavation,  and  then  illegally
            ceremony at the Indian Consulate in  thousands  of  antiquities  allegedly  in the case this month to charges of  exported  them  to  the  United  States
            New York City. The centerpiece is a  smuggled  into  the  United  States  by  conspiracy  and  possession  of  sto-  from  their  countries  of  origin,  ac-
            bronze  Shiva  Nataraja  valued  at  $4  dealer Subhash Kapoor, who has de-  len property, authorities said. Nancy  cording to U.S. prosecutors.

                               Neo-Nazi group member sentenced to 9 years in prison

            (AP) — A neo-Nazi group  among  friends,”  the  judge  Mathews  fled  Canada  af-      his homeland and just wants  In  January  2020,  authori-
            member was sentenced on  said.                            ter  the  Winnipeg  Free  Press  to return to Canada, quoting  ties  in  Georgia  and  Wiscon-
            Thursday to nine years in                                 published an article by an un-  the  song  “Home”  by  Cana-  sin  arrested  four  other  men
            prison in a case that high-  Mathews,  29,  said  he  isn’t  a  dercover  reporter  who  met  dian singer Michael Bublé.  linked  to  The  Base.  More
            lighted  a  broader  federal  “mean  person”  and  regrets  him under the guise of join-                            than  a  dozen  people  linked
            crackdown  on  far-right  befriending “the wrong peo-     ing  The  Base.  After  cross-  Prosecutors  recommended  to  Atomwaffen  or  an  off-
            extremists.                  ple.”                        ing the border into the U.S.,  25-year  prison  sentences  for  shoot called Feuerkrieg Divi-
                                                                      Mathews  lived  at  a  Georgia  both  men.  The  court’s  pro-  sion have been charged with
            FBI  agents  arrested  former  “I  got  involved  with  people  property where group mem-  bation  office  calculated  a  crimes in federal court since
            Canadian  Armed  Forces  re-  who  were  extreme, very  ex-  bers held military-style train-  sentencing  guidelines  range  the  group’s  formation  in
            servist Patrik Jordan Mathews  treme,  and  hateful  to  the  ing camps.               of 33 to 41 months imprison-  2016.
            and two other members of a  point of action,” he told the                              ment in both cases. Lemley’s
            group  called  The  Base  four  judge.                    “He  was  intent  on  violence.  lawyer  is  seeking  a  sentence  Mathews and Lemley pleaded
            days before a pro-gun rally in                            He  was  intent  on  murder,”  within   those   guidelines,  guilty to charges including il-
            Virginia in January 2020. Sur-  Mathews  and  Lemley,  a  said  Assistant  U.S.  Attorney  while Mathews’ attorney was  legally transporting a firearm
            veillance equipment installed  35-year-old  U.S.  Army  vet-  Thomas Windom.           seeking a prison sentence of  and obstruction of justice, for
            in their Delaware apartment  eran  who  also  is  scheduled                            33 months.                   destroying  cellphones  when
            captured Mathews and fellow  to be sentenced on Thursday,  Defense  attorneys  said  the                            FBI agents raided their apart-
            Base  member  Brian  Mark  pleaded guilty in June to gun  men  never  developed  any  The Base and another white  ment. They have remained in
            Lemley  Jr.  discussing  an  at-  charges  in  Maryland.  They  specific  plans  for  violence.  supremacist  group  called  custody since their arrests.
            tack at the rally at Virginia’s  weren’t charged with any vi-  And they argued that an un-  Atomwaffen  Division  have
            Capitol in Richmond.         olent crimes, but prosecutors  dercover FBI agent who vis-  been  leading  proponents  of  The third co-defendant, Wil-
                                         called them domestic terror-  ited the Delaware apartment  “accelerationism,”  a  fringe  liam  Garfield  Bilbrough  IV,
            The  judge  who  sentenced  ists.                         tried  to  pressure  the  two  philosophy that advocates us-  was  sentenced  to  five  years
            Mathews to prison concluded                               “damaged  military  veterans”  ing  mass  violence  to  hasten  in prison after pleading guilty
            that he and Lemley intended  The closed-circuit television  into  developing  a  plan  for  society’s collapse. A string of  in  December  to  helping
            to engage in terrorist activity.  camera  and  microphone  in  violence at the Virginia rally.  arrests  dealt  crippling  blows  Mathews  illegally  enter  the
            U.S. District Judge Theodore  their apartment also captured                            to both groups.              U.S. from Canada in 2019.
            Chuang’s decision to apply a  Mathews  and  Lemley  talk  During the recorded conver-
            “terrorism  enhancement”  to  about  breaking  racist  mass  sations, Mathews and Lemley
            their  sentences  significantly  killer  Dylann  Roof  out  of  only made “generally fleeting
            increased  their  recommend-  prison where he is on death  references  to  imaginary  sce-
            ed prison terms under federal  row,  assassinating  a  Virginia  narios  without  any  serious
            guidelines.                  lawmaker,  destroying  rail  exploration  about  particular
                                         lines and power lines, derail-  targets  or  planning  opera-
            Chuang  said  recorded  con-  ing trains and poisoning wa-  tions,”  Mathews’  attorneys
            versations between Mathews  ter supplies, prosecutors said.  wrote in a court filing.
            and  Lemley  captured  the
            “virulence” and “passion” in  “We’ll  give  them  bad  guys.  “I really and truly believe Pat
            their willingness to kill peo-  We will give them white su-  would  never  hurt  anyone,”
            ple and bring down the U.S.  premacist  terrorists,  if  that’s  said  Glen  Mathews,  Patrik’s
            government.                  what  they  want,”  Mathews  father.
                                         said  on  a  video  that  he  re-
            “The  court  rejects  the  no-  corded in November 2019.  Patrik  Mathews  told  the
            tion that this was merely talk                            judge that he regrets leaving
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