Page 75 - Newspaper Oct 29 2021_Neat
P. 75

A30    world news
                Diabierna 29 OctOber 2021

                           Sudan military leader fires 6 diplomats who criticized coup

                                                                      pace of that process.        In  another  development,  This raised to nine the num-
                                                                                                   Burhan fired Adlan Ibrahim,  ber of protesters killed since
                                                                      Ali bin Yahia, Sudan’s envoy  head  of  the  country’s  Civil  Monday.
                                                                      in  Geneva,  was  defiant  after  Aviation  Authority,  accord-
                                                                      his dismissal.               ing  to  the  official.  Adlan’s  Hundreds of people marched
                                                                                                   dismissal  came  after  the  re-  on Thursday in a funeral pro-
                                                                      “I will spare no efforts to re-  sumption of flights in and out  cession in Khartoum for one
                                                                      verse  the  situation,  explain  of  Khartoum’s  international  of the protesters.
                                                                      facts  and  resist  the  blackout  airport resumed Wednesday.
                                                                      imposed by coup officials on                              Al least 170 people have been
                                                                      what is happened my beloved  It was not immediately clear  wounded since the military’s
                                                                      country,”  he  said  in  video  if  Ibrahim’s  dismissal  was  takeover, according to a state-
                                                                      comments posted online.      linked to the reopening of the  ment issued by the Office for
                                                                                                   airport or whether the deci-  the Coordination of Human-
                                                                      Nureldin Satti, the Sudanese  sion  was  made  before  then.  itarian  Affairs,  or  OCHA.
                                                                      envoy to the U.S., said Tues-  The  airport  remained  open  Most of the cases, including
                                                                      day he was working with Su-  Thursday morning.            moderate and severe ones, are
            (AP)  —  Sudan’s  strong-    The  military  allowed  Ham-  danese diplomats in Brussels,                            lying in Khartoum hospitals,
            man fired at least six am-   dok to return home Tuesday  Paris, Geneva and New York  The country’s Civil Aviation  which are battling a shortage
            bassadors,  including  the  after  international  pressure  to “resist the military coup in  Authority initially said flights  in surgical and other medical
            envoys to the U.S., the Eu-  for his release.             support of the heroic struggle  would  be  suspended  until  supplies as the movement in
            ropean Union and France,                                  of  the  Sudanese  people”  to  Saturday, the day of a planned  the capital remains restricted
            after they condemned the  Burhan  said  the  military  achieve the aims of the upris-  mass protest against the coup,  by roadblocks, OCHA said.
            military’s  takeover  of  the  forces  were  compelled  to  ing against al-Bashir.     but then reopened the airport
            country, a military official  take  over  because  of  quar-                           Wednesday. The military has  Also  on  Thursday,  the
            said Thursday.               rels between political parties  Activists  have  been  circu-  also  reopened  some  bridges  Friends  of  Sudan  Group,
                                         that he claimed could lead to  lating  videos  on  social  me-  that  were  closed  earlier  by  which  consists  of  several
            The diplomats pledged their  civil war. However, the coup  dia  showing  mostly  empty  protesters.                 EU states as well as the U.S.
            support for the now-deposed  also comes just weeks before  streets  in  the  capital,  with                         and the U.N., issued a state-
            government of Prime Minis-   Burhan  would  have  had  to  most  stores  except  for  gro-  Protesters,  meanwhile,  took  ment  condemning  the  coup
            ter Abddalla Hamdok.         hand  over  the  leadership  of  ceries and bakeries closed on  to  the  streets  of  Khartoum  and  called  for  the  immedi-
                                         the  Sovereign  Council,  the  Thursday.  Earlier,  protesters  and  its  twin  city  of  Om-  ate  release  of  Sudanese  of-
            Also  fired  by  Gen  Abdel-  ultimate  decision-maker  in  called for a national strike to  durman  late  Wednesday  in  ficials  who  were  unlawfully
            Fattah Buran late Wednesday  Sudan, to a civilian, in a step  pressure the military to relin-  continued   demonstrations  detained.
            were the Sudanese ambassa-   that  would  reduce  the  mili-  quish power.             against the coup amid heavy
            dors to Qatar, China and the  tary’s  hold  on  the  country.                          security  across  the  capital.  “The  actions  of  the  secu-
            U.N. mission in Geneva, ac-  The council has military and  Earlier  this  week,  a  group  By Thursday morning, secu-  rity  forces  deeply  jeopardize
            cording  to  the  official,  who  civilian members. Hamdok’s  of  over  30  Sudanese  diplo-  rity forces had cleared several  Sudan’s  hard-won  political,
            spoke  on  condition  of  ano-  government ran Sudan’s dai-  mats  in  and  outside  Sudan  makeshift  stone  barricades  economic  and  legal  gains
            nymity  because  he  was  not  ly affairs.                condemned  the  military’s  that protesters had set up in  made over the past two years
            authorized to brief media.                                takeover in a joint statement,  a  few  residential  neighbor-  and put Sudan’s security, sta-
                                         The  coup  threatens  to  halt  saying  that  the  ambassadors  hoods.                 bility  and  reintegration  into
            The state-run Sudan TV also  Sudan’s  fitful  transition  to  in Belgium, Switzerland and                           the international community
            reported the dismissals.     democracy, which began after  France  had  pledged  their  No  casualties  were  report-  at  risk,”  read  the  statement
                                         the 2019 ouster of long-time  continued  allegiance  to  the  ed,  but  a  young  man  died  issued by the alliance formed
            The  ambassadors  were  fired  ruler  Omar  al-Bashir  and  Hamdok government.         in  a  Khartoum  hospital  late  after Bashir’s ouster in 2019.
            two  days  after  Burhan  dis-  his Islamist government in a                           Wednesday  of  wounds  sus-
            solved  the  transitional  gov-  popular uprising.        The Ministry of Culture and  tained  in  Monday’s  protests  The  statement  urged  the
            ernment  and  detained  the                               Information,  still  loyal  to  and  another  two  who  were  country’s armed forces to re-
            prime  minister,  many  gov-  The  takeover  came  after  Hamdok, said in a Facebook  shot  in  the  head  earlier  this  store all transitional arrange-
            ernment officials and political  weeks of  mounting  tensions  post  that  the  ambassador  to  week  died  on  Thursday,  ac-  ments  that  were  based  on
            leaders in a coup condemned  between military and civilian  South  Africa  is  also  part  of  cording  to  activist  Nazim  military-civilian partnership.
            by  the  U.S.  and  the  West.  leaders  over  the  course  and  this group.           Siraj.

                         Colonial art: Cambridge hands over looted bronze to Nigeria

            (AP)  —  A  Cambridge  University  college  working group that concluded the statue belongs  artworks from international collections.” The mu-
            handed  over  a  bronze  cockerel  looted  from  to the Oba of Benin, head of the historic Eweka  seum is also in a decades-long tug-of-war with the
            Africa in the 19th century to Nigerian author-  dynasty of the Benin Empire. The empire centered  Greek government over a restitution of the Elgin,
            ities  on  Wednesday,  as  part  of  a  modest  but  on Benin City in modern-day Nigeria.       or Parthenon, Marbles.
            growing effort in some European countries to
            return African art taken by colonial powers.    His  Royal  Majesty,  Oba  of  Benin,  Omo  N’Oba  Such  returns  are  controversial  in  Europe,  where
                                                            N’Edo  Uku  Akpolokpolo,  Ewuare  II,  welcomed  many museums hold works acquired during colo-
            Jesus College is the first U.K. institution to give  the handover decision. “We truly hope that others  nial times.
            back one of the artifacts known as the Benin Bronz-  will expedite the return of our artworks, which in
            es. Speaking ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony, col-  many cases are of religious importance to us,” he
            lege master Sonita Alleyne called it a “momentous  said in a statement.
                                                            Hundreds of seized Benin Bronzes ended up in the
            British colonial forces took the Okukor statue in  British Museum in London, and hundreds more
            1897 from the Court of Benin in what is now Ni-  were sold to other collections such as the Ethno-
            geria  —  among  thousands  of  artworks  seized  by  logical Museum in Berlin. Germany this year said
            occupying troops -- and it was given to the college  it would return the items in its possession.
            in 1905.
                                                            The  British  Museum  said  Monday  it  is  work-
            The college removed the bronze from public view  ing on a collaboration with Nigeria, linked to the
            in  2016  after  students  protested,  saying  it  repre-  construction of a new museum in the West Afri-
            sented  a  colonial  narrative.  The  college  set  up  a  can  country,  which  will  allow  to  “reunite  Benin
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