Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210903
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a30     obituario/world news
               Diabierna 3 September 2021

                                                                  Qatar says it’s not clear when Kabul airport

                                                                                                 will reopen

                                                              (AP) — Qatar’s top diplomat
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   said  Thursday  that  experts
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   are racing to reopen Kabul’s
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                     airport  but  warned  it  was
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                        not clear when flights would
              Salmo: 23                                       resume, with many still des-
                                                              perate  to  flee  Afghanistan’s
              Cu  hopi  dolor  y  tristesa  nos  ta  anuncia   new  Taliban  leaders  amid
              fayecimento di:                                 concerns  over  what  their
                                                              rule will hold.

                                                              In the wake of their rapid take-
                                                              over,  the  Taliban  have  sought
                                                              to  calm  those  fears,  including
                                                              pledging to let women and girls
                                                              attend school and allow people
                                                              to  travel  freely.  But  many  are
                                                              skeptical,  and  Britain’s  foreign
                                                              minister  stressed  the  impor-
                                                              tance of engaging with the new
                                                              rulers to test their promises.  cial airlines will be willing to of-  national  terrorist  groups  from
                                                                                              fer service.                   using the war-scarred country as
                                                              In  a  reflection  of  those  anxiet-                          a base.
                                                              ies, dozens of women protested  “We remain hopeful we will be
                                                              outside the governor’s office in  able to operate it as soon as pos-  “In all of these areas,” Raab said,
                                                              the western province of Herat to  sible,” Al Thani told reporters in  “we  will  judge  them  by  what
                                                              demand their rights be protect-  Doha. “We are still in the evalu-  they  do,  not  just  by  what  they
                                                              ed.  They  shouted  slogans  and  ation process. ... We are working  say.”
                    Norbert Washington Crowther               urged  the  country’s  new  lead-  very hard and engaging with the
                       *22-12-1957 – †16-08-2021              ers  to  include  women  in  their  Taliban to identify what are the  In  Herat,  the  protesters  had  a
                                                              Cabinet  —  a  remarkable  dem-  gaps and the risks for having the  similar message for the Taliban.
              Acto  di  entiero  lo  tuma  lugar  diasabra  4  di   onstration of the transformation  airport back up and running.”
              September 2021 na Pray Funeral Home di 2 pa     in women’s lives in the past 20                                “The  Taliban  leadership  is  an-
              4  pm  despues  saliendo  pa  Santana  centraal  na   years.                    Turkish Foreign Minister Mev-  nouncing  women  rights,  but
              Sabana Basora.                                                                  lut  Cavusoglu  suggested  that  they should show it in action,”
                                                              When  they  last  held  power  in  military flights — which could  said Friba Kabrzani, who helped
                                                              the  late  1990s,  the  Taliban  im-  be used to evacuate more peo-  organize a rally at the provincial
                                                              posed a repressive rule, meting  ple — could potentially resume  governor’s office.
                                                              out draconian punishments and  first.
                                                              largely  excluding  women  from                                “We  want  the  world  to  hear
                                                              public  life.  On  Thursday,  Tal-  Qatar, a tiny Gulf Arab sheikh-  us  and  we  want  our  rights  to
                                                              iban  fighters  prevented  the  fe-  dom that has played an outsized  be  saved,”  Kabrzani  said,  not-
                                                              male demonstrators from seeing  role in American efforts to evac-  ing  that  some  families  forbade
                                                              the governor as they demanded,  uate tens of thousands of people  women  from  joining  the  dem-
                                                              but  they  did  not  break  up  the  from  Afghanistan,  said  it  re-  onstration  out  of  fear  for  their
                                                              rally.                          mains in talks with other world  safety.
                                                                                              powers  to  enable  the  capital’s
              Laga tur locual cu ta spera mi ta bunita        Amid  uncertainty  about  Af-   airport  to  resume  commercial  Another  participant,  Maryam
              Laga  tur  locual  cu  mi  encontra  na  caminda  ta   ghanistan’s future, tens of thou-  flights.             Ebram,  warned  that  “anything
              bunita                                          sands raced to flee the country                                can  be  expected  from  the  Tal-
              Laga tur locual cu ta rondonami ta bunita       in a frantic U.S.-run airlift that                             iban,”  but  that  Afghan  women
              Y laga esakinan termina den tur bunitesa
                                                              ended ahead of the final Ameri-  Appearing  alongside  Al  Thani,  would  continue  to  protest  for
                                                              can withdrawal earlier this week.  U.K.  Foreign  Secretary  Domi-  their rights nonetheless.
              Nos ta anuncia fayecimento inesperadamente:
                                                              A  suicide  bomber  targeted  the  nic  Raab  touched  on  concerns
                                                              evacuation efforts at one point,  over  how  diplomatic  and  aid  “Our  rights  were  not  gifted  to
                                                              killing 169 Afghans and 13 U.S.  efforts  will  proceed  as  foreign  us and we will not let them fade
                                                              service members.                powers  confront  a  leadership  easily,” she said.
                                                                                              whose members remain on ter-
                                                              Kabul’s airport, a major way out  rorist  watch  lists  around  the
                                                              of the country, is now in Taliban  world.
                                                              hands but is closed, and Qatari
                                                              Foreign  Minister  Mohammad  Although the United Kingdom
                                                              bin  Abdulrahman  Al  Thani  won’t  formally  recognize  the
                                                              warned  Thursday  that  there’s  Taliban “anytime in the foresee-
                                                              still  “no  clear  indication”  of  able future,” Raab said, “there is

                                                              when it will reopen.            an important scope for engage-
                                                                                              ment  and  dialogue  to  test  the
                        Orlando Ricardo Kock
                 Cariñosamente yama: “Lando” of “Papa”        A  team  of  Qatari  and  Turkish  intentions  and  indeed  the  as-
                                                              technicians  flew  to  Kabul  on  surances that have already been
                       *20-05-1962 - †27-08-2021
                                                              Wednesday  to  help  restart  op-  made by the Taliban.”
                                                              erations at the facility, which the
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
                                                              U.N. says is crucial to providing  Those  assurances  range  from
                                                              the  country  with  humanitarian  creating  a  more  inclusive  gov-
              Dor di situacionnan di COVID nos no ta ricibi   assistance. It remains to be seen,  ernment to protecting the rights
              bishita di condolencia na cas.                  however, whether any commer-    of  women  to  preventing  inter-
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