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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 8 Januari 2022

                        Judge dismisses sole criminal charge against Andrew Cuomo

            (AP) — A judge on Friday  The dismissal of the charge,
            dismissed  the  only  crimi-  which  accused  Cuomo  of
            nal  charge  filed  against  groping  an  aide  in  the  ex-
            former  New  York  Gov.  ecutive mansion in 2020, re-
            Andrew  Cuomo  in  con-      moves what had been seen as
            nection  with  the  sexual  the most serious legal threat
            harassment      allegations  to  the  former  governor.  He
            that  drove  him  from  of-  said he never touched anyone
            fice.                        inappropriately.

            The move had been expected  He  could  still  face  lawsuits
            after  Albany  County  pros-  over  his  conduct  if  his  ac-
            ecutors  said  they  couldn’t  cusers  choose  to  take  him
            prove the case and wanted to  to  court.  Some,  including
            drop it, and Cuomo’s lawyers  Commisso,  have  indicated
            asked the court to agree.    they plan to do so.

            Cuomo,  a  Democrat  who  The  local  sheriff  filed  the
            denied  the  allegation,  didn’t  misdemeanor  complaint  in
            speak  during  Friday’s  short  October,  two  months  after
            virtual  hearing.  Wearing  a  Cuomo resigned from office.  tially defective” and moved to  the accuser credible.   who  aren’t  equipped  with
            black  mask,  he  was  briefly  Albany  County  District  At-  delay  Cuomo’s  arraignment,                         as  much  information  or  the
            visible  on  the  videoconfer-  torney  David  Soares  told  originally set for November.  Commisso  was  among  the  obligations  that  I  have.  Ev-
            ence as his lawyer Rita Glavin  Trexler  this  week  that  al-                         critics.                     eryone is entitled to an opin-
            moved  her  camera  to  show  though the aide was credible,  In a letter to Trexler on Tues-                        ion, but there’s only one per-
            him in the room.             and some evidence supported  day,  Soares  said  “statutory  “My  disappointing  experi-  son  with  a  burden  of  proof,
                                         her  account,  he  believed  he  elements  of  New  York  law  ence of re-victimization with  and  that’s  me,”  he  told  the
            “As the governor has said, this  couldn’t win a conviction in  make  this  case  impossible  the failure to prosecute a se-  WAMC/Northeast   Public
            simply did not happen,” she  court.                       to  prove.”  He  added  that  rial sexual abuser, no matter  Radio network.
            said in a video statement after                           government  inquiries  into  what degree the crime com-
            the hearing.                 The aide, Brittany Commis-   Cuomo’s conduct had creat-   mitted, yet again sadly high-  Two prosecutors in the New
                                         so, said Cuomo slid his hand  ed “technical and procedural  lights  the  reason  victims  are  York  City  suburbs  sepa-
            “Today,  reason  and  the  rule  up  her  blouse  and  grabbed  hurdles”  regarding  prosecu-  afraid to come forward, espe-  rately announced last month
            of law prevailed. Not politics,  her  breast  when  they  were  tors’  obligations  to  disclose  cially against people in pow-  that  Cuomo  would  not  face
            rhetoric  or  mob  mentality,”  alone in an office at the man-  evidence to the defense.  er,” Commisso said in a state-  charges  for  allegations  in-
            Glavin added.                sion.                                                     ment to the Times Union of  volving  other  women  who
                                                                      Glavin  on  Friday  called  the  Albany.                  said they had been subjected
            Assistant  district  attorney  Her  testimony  was  among  complaint “a blatant political                           to unwanted kisses or touch-
            Jennifer  McCanney told the  the most damning in a report  act,” branded Apple a “rogue  The Associated Press doesn’t  es.
            court  that  prosecutors  had  released in August by Demo-  sheriff”  and  assailed  Com-  identify people who say they
            “reviewed all of the available  cratic state Attorney General  misso’s credibility.    have  been  sexually  assaulted  James,  meanwhile,  is  still
            evidence  and  concluded  we  Letitia James that concluded                             unless they decide to tell their  looking into whether Cuomo
            cannot  successfully  secure  a  Cuomo sexually harassed 11  “As  the  governor  has  said,  stories publicly, as Commisso  improperly used state work-
            conviction in this case.”    women.                       this simply did not happen,”  has done in interviews.     ers  and  resources  for  his
                                                                      Glavin said.                                              coronavirus pandemic mem-
            Judge Holly Trexler said she  Cuomo resigned that month.                               Soares,  in  a  radio  interview  oir.  He’s  also  tussling  with
            was  “acutely  aware”  of  dis-  He has called the report un-  Apple has shrugged off previ-  Friday,  noted  that  the  attor-  state  ethics  commissioners
            trict  attorneys’  “unfettered  fair.                     ous attacks by Cuomo’s rep-  ney  general’s  inquiry  didn’t  who won him to turn over $5
            discretion” to decide whether                             resentatives as unfounded.   have the same legal require-  million in book proceeds.
            to prosecute a case.         Soares has said he was caught                             ments as a criminal case, and
                                         by  surprise  when  Sheriff  Some  legal  experts  said  he  said  prosecutors  can’t  be  The U.S. Department of Jus-
            “A court may not and should  Craig Apple, a fellow Demo-  Soares’  decision  illustrated  swayed  by  public  sentiment  tice in August opened a civil
            not interfere with discretion  crat, filed the forcible touch-  the  difficulties  of  prosecut-  or “passions.”    inquiry  into  sexual  harass-
            of  a  district  attorney,”  she  ing  complaint  without  con-  ing sex crime allegations. But                     ment  allegations  concerning
            said.                        sulting  the  prosecutor’s  of-  others  said  he  should  have  “It’s not for me to engage in  Cuomo.  The  status  of  that
                                         fice. Soares called it “poten-  proceeded  if  he  considered  any kind of debate with those  investigation is unclear.

                            Winter storm snarls travel, gives some schools the day off

            (AP)  —  A  winter  storm  that  had  already  blan-      keted  parts  of  the  South  largest  public  school  system  for some educators.
                                                                      in  snow  moved  into  the  open.
                                                                      Northeast     on    Friday,                               Michael  Gow,  a  middle
                                                                      snarling  air  travel,  crush-  “Children  need  to  be  in  school  social  studies  teacher
                                                                      ing  morning  commutes  school.  We  don’t  have  any  in  Medfield,  Massachusetts,
                                                                      and  giving  hundreds  of  more days to waste” after the  called Friday a “snowvid day”
                                                                      school districts struggling  many  closures  and  remote-  and  acknowledged  it  gave
                                                                      to  keep  kids  in  the  class-  learning days of the pandem-  parents  and  teachers  a  re-
                                                                      room  during  a  wave  of  ic,  said  Mayor  Eric  Adams,  prieve from the daily dilem-
                                                                      new  coronavirus  cases  an  a Democrat dealing with his  ma  of  whether  to  continue
                                                                      excuse to shut down for a  first  major  storm  after  tak-  with in-person instruction as
                                                                      one-day respite.             ing  office  Saturday.  He  also  the pandemic rages.
                                                                                                   noted that many children rely
                                                                      Schools  in  Boston  closed,  on  in-school  meals  and  that  “This is a well deserved break
                                                                      and  Providence,  Rhode  Is-  some  working  parents  can’t  for  all  of  the  teachers,  staff,
                                                                      land, public schools switched  stay home.                 and  students  dealing  with
                                                                      to distance learning, but New                             the surge of omicron,” Gow
                                                                      York  City  kept  the  nation’s  But there was a sense of relief  tweeted.
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