Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20220108
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A32    sports
                   Diasabra 8 Januari 2022

                                  ‘I can feel it’: Djokovic sends thanks for the support

                                                                      country’s COVID-19 rules  Australia’s  strict  COVID-19  turned down by immigration
                                                                      and  compete  in  the  Aus-  vaccination requirements.    officials  because  the  hotel  is
                                                                      tralian Open.                                             under lockdown.
                                                                                                   He  has  been  confined  to
                                                                      Djokovic received calls from  the  detention  hotel  in  Mel-  “Our  Christmas  is  rich  in
                                                                      his  native  Serbia,  including  bourne  pending  a  court  many  customs,  and  it  is  so
                                                                      from his parents and the pres-  hearing  on  Monday,  a  week  important  that  a  priest  vis-
                                                                      ident, who hoped to boost his  before the start of the tourna-  its  him,”  the  church’s  dean,
                                                                      spirits on the holiday.      ment, where he is seeking to  Milorad Locard, told the Aus-
                                                                                                   win his record-breaking 21st  tralian  Broadcasting  Corp.
                                                                      On  Instagram,  he  posted:  Grand Slam singles title.    “The  whole  thing  around
                                                                      “Thank  you  to  the  people                              this  event  is  appalling.  That
                                                                      around  the  world  for  your  During  the  day,  Djokovic’s  he  has  to  spend  Christmas
                                                                      continuous  support.  I  can  supporters,  waving  banners,  in detention ... it is unthink-
                                                                      feel it and it is greatly appre-  gathered  outside  the  Park  able.”
                                                                      ciated.”                     Hotel,  used  to  house  refu-
                                                                                                   gees and asylum-seekers.     The Australian Border Force
                                                                      The  34-year-old  athlete  and                            said Friday that after further
                                                                      vaccine  skeptic  was  barred  A priest from the Holy Trini-  investigations into two other
                                                                      from  entering  the  country  ty Serbian Orthodox Church  people connected to the Aus-
            (AP) - The top men’s ten-    an immigration detention  late  Wednesday  when  fed-     in  Melbourne  asked  to  visit  tralian Open, one voluntarily
            nis  player  in  the  world,  hotel  in  Australia  on  Fri-  eral border authorities at the  the  nine-time  Australian  left the country and another
            Novak  Djokovic,  spent  day  as  he  sought  to  fend  Melbourne  airport  rejected  Open champion to celebrate  was  taken  into  detention
            Orthodox  Christmas  in  off  deportation  over  the  his  medical  exemption  to  Orthodox Christmas but was  pending deportation.

                                Peacemaker needed for playoff expansion to progress

            (AP)  -  College  football                                an odd stance for the leader                              so inclusive.
            needs a peacemaker.          If they don’t, early expansion  of a league whose past results  Notre Dame would prefer 12
                                         could  be  dead  and  attention  suggest  would  never  have  a  over eight, too. A bigger field  Unsurprisingly, the Big 12′s
            The  administrators  respon-  instead  turn  to  what  comes  problem  getting  its  champ  makes it easier for the Fight-  Bowlsby  supports  the  12-
            sible  for  managing  the  Col-  after  the  current  agreement  into a 12-team field.  ing Irish to remain indepen-  team  plan  he  helped  create.
            lege  Football  Playoff  appear  expires  —-  when  the  same                          dent,  which  might  explain  Despite  facing  uncertainty
            to  be  at  an  impasse  when  it  sticking points will still exist,  The  Group  of  Five  confer-  why the ACC is holding out  with the future status of his
            comes to expansion. Nobody  but the opportunity to make  ences, and especially Ameri-  hope  for  eight  as  a  way  to  changing conference, Bowls-
            is against growing the current  an  additional  half-billion  in  can   Athletic   Conference  nudge  Notre  Dame  football  by  seems  more  dedicated
            field  of  four,  but  they  now  revenue before 2026 will not.  Commissioner Mike Aresco,  into the league.        than any of the major players
            seem to be entrenched in op-                              are against that 5+1+6 mod-                               to looking at the big picture.
            posing  positions  regarding  Bowlsby was part of the four-  el,  and  prefer  the  original  Kliavkoff  and  the  Pac-12
            how and when.                person  subcommittee  that  proposal’s  guaranteed  spots  would  like  to  protect  the  But  there  doesn’t  appear  to
                                         started working on CFP ex-   for  the  CFP’s  six  highest-  Rose Bowl, the conference’s  be  enough  trust  among  the
            The  CFP’s  management  pansion in 2019. If not for the  ranked champions, regardless  lucrative  longtime  partner.  group for a voice from within
            committee,  comprised  of  10  pandemic,  expansion  would  of conference.             But the newest commission-   to broker a compromise.
            conference   commissioners  probably have been approved                                er appears ready to jump on
            and Notre Dame’s athletic di-  in 2020.                   ACC  Commissioner  Jim  board with any version of ex-     What is needed in these nego-
            rector, have 10 hours blocked                             Phillips  remains  concerned  pansion  after  his  conference  tiations  is  someone  without
            off for meetings Saturday and  As  time  passed  and  confer-  about bypassing eight and ex-  missed  out  on  the  CFP  for  territory to protect. A person
            Sunday  in  Indianapolis  to  ences   changed   commis-   panding to 12, which creates  the sixth time in eight years.  who  has  been  empowered
            discuss a new format for de-  sioners, the dynamics of the  issues with the academic cal-                           not  to  make  unilateral  deci-
            ciding a champion.           group changed, too.          endar and length of season.  Kliavkoff  has  also  suggested  sions but to build consensus
                                                                                                   the Power Five could cut the  among  competitors  —  be-
            The 12-team playoff proposal  New leaders in the Big Ten,  Southeastern   Conference  other five conferences out of  cause  that’s  what  these  con-
            on the table looked like a lock  Atlantic  Coast  Conference  Commissioner  Greg  Sankey  the  playoff  decision-making  ferences are.
            to be approved by now when  and Pac-12 were leery of the  has made clear it’s 12 or four  process when the current 12-
            it was unveiled in June. That  strategy of going public with  for the SEC.             year agreement runs out after  That  kind  of  collaborative
            would  have  cleared  the  way  the  expansion  plan  before                           the  2025  season.  Currently,  leadership  has  always  been
            for  it  to  be  implemented  in  details could be worked out.  “I  feel  prepared  to  show  up  consensus among all 11 CFP  hard to come by in major col-
            2024.                        Then the SEC’s plans to add  and contribute to a decision,  signatories  is  required  to  lege football, and once again
                                         Texas and Oklahoma became  yet  I’m  not  certain  if  every-  change  the  format  but  the  it stands in the way of prog-
            Instead,  provincialism  and  public in July and skepticism  body’s  going  to  be  in  that  next deal doesn’t have to be  ress.
            distrust  have  short-circuited  grew.                    frame of mind,” Sankey told
            the  work.  Nobody  in  the                               SiriusXM’s  SEC  Radio  this
            room  appears  capable  of  “Candidly,  given  everything  week.
            bridging  the  divides  so  col-  that’s  been  said  publicly,
            lectively  the  group  can  do  looks like we are stuck at four  If the SEC had its way, there
            what is best for college foot-  for  a  while,”  Pac-12  Com-  would  be  no  automatic  bids
            ball. It should also be noted  missioner  George  Kliavkoff  for  league  champs  and  all
            that nobody has actually been  said Wednesday in a radio in-  12  spots  would  be  at-large.
            empowered to do just that.   terview with 750 The Game  A  predictable  position  for  a
                                         in Portland, Oregon.         conference  that  for  the  sec-
            “I will be very pleasantly sur-                           ond  time  in  five  years  has
            prised  if  we  make  it  to  the  Big   Ten   Commissioner  two  of  its  teams  playing  the
            finish line,” Big 12 Commis-  Kevin  Warren  said  he  wants  national  championship  with
            sioner Bob Bowlsby told AP  only  Power  Five  conference  Alabama and Georgia settling
            about  this  weekend’s  meet-  champions  to  receive  auto-  things  Monday  night  in  In-
            ings.                        matic bids to the playoff. It’s  dianapolis.
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